
Fairy 30.1: Nightfall and Old Zack

Nightfall is a creation meant for killing the unkillable beings, such as Gods, Dragons, Titans, and other such beings, in an era where Gods misuse humans for their own dismal desires, such as entertainment or simply tools to breed Faith.

It is because of those Gods, that treated humanity like toys or breeding tools of Faith. The very first God Slayer Wizard, who not only created the original God Slayer Magic, as a means to libertate themselves from the Gods' leashes around their necks.

But he is also the creator of the Twelve Series of Devil Arms, weapons that were created for the twelve followers, that follow the first God Slayer in battle against the Gods.

Nightfall lived as a God Slaying weapon for countless years. And even when its creator managed to free humanity from the Gods. His creator, and his follower also learnt the hard truth, the hard truth why Gods are needed in this world. (Read last chapter, if forgot.)

That is why, when his creator learnt the truth, that is why, is creator left the Gods, that shown goodwill to humanity alone. Especially the Gods that even followed his creator either by willingness or by force, also begin to guide and treat humans as they meant to do.

Nightfall, and the other Devil Arms' creator was truly a monster among the humans. A being that many transcendent beings fear, be they the Gods, Titans that has some sense of an ego, or the prideful Dragons, that wouldn't admit they are afraid of the first God Slayer, that slayed countless transcendent beings in his lifetime.

And yet, this being that were feared by transcendent beings, worship by the humans as a God, even if he hatred to be called a God himself. But still was seen as one by the human race. Barely any of them knows why the First God Slayer did all of this.

The reason? Of course, it was two reasons, one simply revenge, for what the Gods did to his old family. And the second reason, was to protect his new family, to spare his wives and children from what happened to his own family.

Back in the era known as God Era, it was very common for every Kingdom or Empire, no matter the size, to have the backing of the God they worship. Even his creator had a God in the small kingdom he belongs to, in fact he was the crown prince of that very small country, who worship a minor level God.

It was common knowledge, that the royal family is the one that is most loved and favoured by their God. However, that favouritism was all false.

Because not once, did his creator, nor his birth parents, the king, and the queen. Never expected the God that they worship to, were actually planning to start a civil war for their own entertainment.

Before civil war begun, his creator's parents, the King and the Queen were loved by their people, and known to be goodwilled people, that show benevolence towards their small kingdom's people, that is only third the size of Fiore itself.

However, unknowingly, as the royal family become more and more grateful towards their God. That very God send his priests to spread false rumours about the royal family, and those lies tainted their reputation.

And to make it worse, God even order his templars to burn down farms, and even massacre the surrounding small villages, and spread rumours it was secretly ordered by the royal family and the nobles themselves.

Just like that, a civil war broke out. The King was hanged, the Queen was killed in the war, since she was also a warrior.

But before the end of the civil war. The King and the Queen made sure their son, Nightfall's creator, who still only a child at that time. Flee the kingdom, alongside his personal maid, who soon will be known as the first follower, as well first wife of the First God Slayer.

However, Nightfall doesn't know what happened after that. The only reason why Nightfall or its siblings among the Twelve Series of the Devil Arms, knows that, is because they have their creator's memories passed on to them.

In fact, one of the main keys of their creations, is the fact the First God Slayer has halved his soul, and used the halve soul of his into twelve pieces and those twelve pieces were infused with each of the Devil Arms. It is the reason why Nightfall, or Chaos Ruler have pieces of their creator's memories. And the very reason why they have God Slaying Magic dwelling in each one of them.

It also the reason why the Devil Arms later in life, managed to develop their own egos. However, to the Devil Arms, might have their own egos, or souls. That didn't change the sole fact, they still weapons.

And Nightfall had other masters, besides his original master. Who was one of the Twelve Followers of the first God Slayer. Nightfall had masters who like his original master, who seek justice. And he also had masters, that followed the path of darkness.

And like the other Devil Arms, none of them moaned or complain about the actions of their welders, even if sometimes they do give advice or talk to their masters, like Nightfall does with Zack.

However, Nightfall is not as powerful he used to be. It cannot be helped; he was sealed for a very long time. In fact, Nightfall has no clue why it was sealed. Maybe it because many thought of the Devil Arms as a cursed weapon, and Nightfall cannot be broken due to its powers.

After all, Nightfall was once the third strongest among the Devil Arms. But at the same time, Nightfall was also the one that has the most potential, with its ability to repair itself each time it breaks, and become back stronger each time his body get fixed.

But to think, this sword, that once capable of chopping Dragons like paper, has its strength reduced to be as strong as a steel greatsword! Never mind slaying Gods or other transcendent beings. Its blade cannot even tickle them if he wanted to!

That is how weak Nightfall had become. Nightfall never thought he will be welded again to be honest, since he was sealed, his ego begins to sleep endlessly in the darkness, until that very day. The day its ego has awaken from its long sleep, and the day Nightfall met his new master, Zack Smasher.

On that day, Zack was surrounded by a pack of monsters. Not to mention these monsters has hard as iron bodies. Making Zack's normal attacks useless against them. That is why Zack had to use his Quake Magic (Gura Gura no Mi) powers.

With slashes of supersonic attacks, or known as Sonic Slash, as well shockwaves that were sent towards monster horde. Zack managed to break Nightfall on his seventh Sonic Slash.

Because it was broken, it automatically used his ability to strengthen itself, through repairing itself, caused the ego of Nightfall to awaken from his long slumber.

Nightfall, that once called Chaos Ruler, was happy to be reawakened from its long slumber. But it has no clue how much time had pass. But hearing it was X782, it has become confused.

That is because, there were no such thing as 'X' in the date. In fact, Nightfall knew the date was in the thousands before he was sealed away. However, no matter how much this sword thinks about it, he just cannot come up with the answer how long he actually been asleep for.


Author's Notice

Sorry for being late. I was busy with other things. Anyway, thanks for reading my fanfic. And enjoy the next chapter, that will be posted shortly after this.

(This chapter's monday's chapter, the one after this one, is today's chapter.)
