
Chapter 20: Island Exam Part 5

Miura Yumiko POV:

"Hey Ibuki. I have a question?"

Currently I was sitting down on a tree branch relaxing, above Ibuki. She just came back from the camp after Ayanokouji made a fire and took that as a chance to run with Horikita's card.

It's the last day by the way.

Anyway~ She told me about planting Kauizawa's underwear in Ike's bag, creating a mess in our class unity. Not like there is one. But I simply shrugged it off. I knew she was going to turn the class against each other, just didn't know how.

"What?" She grumbled out, obviously fed up with my presence.

"If they didn't find the underwear then where did it go?"

"... I don't know? Probably Hirata-kun didn't tell anyone, but found it. That guys too nice for his cause."

"Hmmm~ That's true but you said Ike didn't look afraid, didn't you?"

"... Would you shut up... I don't know and I don't care?" She's lying obviously. She did that thing with her eyes.

"Ok." I said ending the conversation as I could see Horikita in the distance.

Once she got here, Ibuki and her started a conversation. "Took you long enough." I decided to ignore there conversation and analyse their fight.

As I looked at them, I saw a few moves of Ibuki's. She's pretty good for a normal person. Seems like she practiced Capoeira huh. A Brazilian fighting style mixed with dance, acrobatics and whatnot. An art practiced by slaves in the 16th century, who made it to look like they were dancing but actually disguised the fact that they were practicing how to fight.

As I saw Horikita knock Ibuki off balance and land a punch, I was impressed. Even with a fever, she could still fight a little. I wonder who's stronger between the two if they actually had a proper fight.

"I was sure you were involved in it. The arson... The reason I talked to you in such a roundabout way was to confirm that." Ibuki said, holding her stomach.

"You mean..." Horikita said, probably thinking of Ayanokouji.

"Yawn~" I accidentally let out a yawn causing them both to look up at me. Horikita's eyes widened at my appearance. "Hm?" I tilted my head. I looked around playfully before pointing at myself.

"M-miura-san." Horikita said.


"W-what are you doing here?"

"Ibuki, finish her off please." She scoffs at my words and lands a killing blow on Horikita.

But I could see she was slightly awake, her eyelids barely open. The adrenaline must've ran out. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to her as it would ruin the timing for when Ryuen and Katsuragi come here.

"Finally. Took you long enough." A voice broke our gazes off Horikita and we looked towards the source. What do you know? It's Ryuen and Katsuragi.

Katsuragi glanced at Horikita as he spoke to the both of us. "Are you sure you two didn't take it too far."

"Don't worry, she just has a fever." I responded.

He raised an eyebrow at my words. "Since when?" He asked.

"Before the exam started."

"She's really pathetic isn't she. But I can't lie about that beautiful face of hers." Ryuen said as he mocked her and poked her with a stick, her not having the energy to retaliate.

"Alright!~" I clapped my hands. "Let's complete the transaction." I said as I brought out 2 contracts in 4 papers. One for me and one for them.

It simply states; "Class A/C will transact Miura Yumiko of Class D 300,000 private points for the identity of Class B's leader, with proof of video. She will also not involve herself with preventing Ibuki finding out Class D's leader."

As Ryuen read it, he raises an eyebrow at the mention of a video. "Video?" I smirked and brought out my phone.

"And how much did that cost to bring." Katsuragi asked.


"That's a lot for a class D student. I'm surprised you could afford it." As he looked at me suspiciously.

"It is, isn't it." I smirked.

As they signed the contract, one for me and one for them, I showed them the video. It was a video of Chihiro Shiranami tapping her card on the spot and her name in clear view.

Ryuen smirked as he knew the deal was done and walked away, with Ibuki following him. I rolled up the paper and put it in my pocket and looked at Katsuragi. He brought out his hand to shake with mines. I reciprocated and spoke,

"Pleasure doing business."

"Pleasure." He nodded and walked off.

I sighed and looked at the now fully unconscious Horikita and kneeled down to her face.

Brushing a strand of her hair, I spoke, "You have so much potential, yet you refuse to use it because of your own isolation from everyone." I looked up as I heard footsteps and the person who was watching my transaction with the others came out.

"So you planned to get points for yourself out of this as well." Ayanokouji said.

"Yep." I said while standing up. "I'm on 6 million private points now. 14 million to go."

"To transfer to Class A." He raised an eyebrow at the amount I have and asked.

"Maybe yes, maybe no."

"I see."

"So you going to change leaders."

"As you put it, yep." I giggled at his response.

"Well I had a lot of fun, I can promise you that." I said as I walked past him and started leaving the scene.

"You mean with Kaneda." At his words I immediately stilled and turned my head to look back at him. He did the same as well.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I'm talking about. You basically tortured him."

"You could say he pissed me off a little. I haven't felt pain like that in a while."

"I see."

After a few seconds of looking at each other, I started walking away. But on pure instinct I ducked and turned around aiming a left jab upwards.

Ayanoouji caught it by my wrist and we both glared at each other with our own darknesses, embracing each other. While I might not be showing my all, he isn't as well. I can easily tell what he's showing me isn't all of it hidden behind his eyes...

Flicking my wrist I got out of his grip and took a few steps back. He remained still with no stance, so I decided to do the same.

Approaching him at unmeasurable speed, he widened his eyes. I went for a feint, aiming my palm for his face, when my actual attack was my right leg going for his left shin. He obviously saw through it and twisted his way to easily dodge. In my unguarded spot he went for a punch, but I grabbed onto his arm and while hanging off it, I pulled myself up, kneeing his chin with my left leg.

Using this opening, I sat up on his shoulder and was about to strike, but it seemed my hit barely affected him as he grabbed the back of my collar and pulled me down, then punching my solar plexus with extreme force, knocking the air out of me. He let go and I started coughing a little as I backed up a little.

I quickly did a 360 spin and kicked the dirt and leaves up into the air at Ayanokouji, momentarily blinding him of my movements.

Switching fighting styles, I dashed towards him with a different stance and once the dirt fell back to the ground, our positions where in a stalemate.

I was holding his neck with my right hand, but Ayanokouji was holding my left fist in a tight lock, that is right next to his face.

While Ayanokouji was using his right hand to hold my left hand in place, he had his left hand an inch away from my face. I glanced at it as I didn't even see it coming. Not even a blur.

He kept his normal apathetic face while I kept a blank one. We both slowly stop glaring at each other and I started smirking a little.

We let go of each other and moved back.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"To test you." He simply answered.


"I was curious of your physical abilities." Lies. They're all lies.

"Your testing me... to use me." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Like you said, I'm like you on the inside. Cruel... Manipulating... Did you think that I can't be like that with you?" I grit my teeth a little at his words.

I knew he would be thinking of me like that and I was fine with it, but ever since I came to ANHS, I forgot about it. Placing my hand over my chest and squeezing it, I thought about how my chest hurts when I think about it.

In the end... I still love him.

"You're right." I scoff, "You think about everyone as what? Pawns? Weapons?... Tools? It doesn't matter you can use me, but I promise I'll make myself the first person who you think of as a human." I declared with full confidence and determination. I know he could see it in my face and eyes. "Because your the first person I care about and don't want to use. Which is something I don't want to lose."

My words make his eyes widen in complete surprise. Even though there is minimal change in his expression, it'd be clear to people that he's surprised.

Without saying anything else, I turned around and left him there standing.
