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The days went by as Hinami and Ria trained on their respective new techniques as well as perfected their already existing abilities like spiritual energy manipulation and everything related to it.

Shun had given them a detailed book, containing their respective elemental affinity and ways to manipulate them based on Avatar world bending style.

For Ria, he gave her a book centered on breathing exercises that will draw in air and earth's elemental natural energy and strengthen her connection to both elements. This way, she could manipulate air perfectly and also manipulate earth.

Unlike the Avatar world, there won't be any conflict when she uses both elements' breathing exercises.

It will up to her if she could advance these two, after all, with further advancement on these two elements, Ria could possibly control air to the tiniest detail and also control the mass of any earth-related object.

This exercise only focused on drawing in the specific energy into the body and in the process, making one feel closer to the element and is not related to the breathing exercise targeted at swordsmanship.

The only downside is that patience is required as mastering these two simultaneously will be time-consuming.

Shun advised she paid attention to one, master it, and then focus on the other.

Another downside is that, by following this exercise, she won't have the leeway to master any other elemental technique. But it's a small price to pay, after all, with only one element mastered, someone can be a force to be reckoned with.

Shun also gave Hinami breathing exercises to follow as per her elemental affinity, lightning, and earth, he also went created a technique to help her focus her explosions, similar to the combustion bending in Avatar.

With this technique mastered, she could also create explosions from her chakra alone, similar to certain Quincy in the Bleach manga.[A/N: No Spoilers]

With these two sorted out, Shun finally paid attention to the villagers.

First of all, he gave each of them a chakra paper to check on their elemental affinity, and with that sorted out, he created a basic breathing exercise on each of the five elements and gave it to them

They may not be as detailed as the ones in Ria's and Hinami's possessions, but with those mastered, the intelligent ones could go further and create variations or even further them.

This could be dangerous in the future as it could lead to a whole different timeline and all that but Shun couldn't be bothered about these small details as of now.

One way or another, the warring states era will come and go, leading to the formation of Shinobi villages, so things will reset themselves if fate allows it, Shun thought.

Following that, Shun demonstrated the various forms of bendings in the Avatar styles, He didn't use the Hand signs as he wanted to see how far these forms could go.

And finally, it was three full years since Shun left home to wander about, and is finally preparing to go back home.

Currently, he was seated at home on a round table with empty plates on it, showing that they just finished eating, with Ria and Hinami beside him. He called Ria to tell her ahead of time of his plan to leave.

After a moment of silence Shun said, "How has your training been going? Ria-chan"

Ria could feel that the atmosphere wasn't right somehow, and thanks to her advanced spiritual awareness, she didn't overlook it, although she still answered casually, "It's been going great, the villagers are saying it hard and all but I don't see any problem with it"

Shun smiled slightly as he knew the reason for that but choose to remain silent. As he was about to say something else, Hinami interjected and said, "Isn't it because you are already used to meditation as well as noticing the flow of energy?"

Ria looked at her and shrugged and said, "How would I know, aren't we all used to meditation?"

"Yes they are, but you know you are more advanced than them" Hinami retorted.

Ria pouted cutely and stuck out her tongue without saying anything.

"Well, it's good that you're learning well, but don't let it get to your head, the villagers are your family, don't forget what I always say, Family First," Shun said from the side.

This time, it was Hinami's turn to stick out her tongue at Ria while Ria nodded her head.

"Anyways, don't forget what I taught you and what you have seen in the virtual world in your mindscape, with enough understanding, these elements will do anything as you will it," Shun said trying to put an end to that topic and then continued.

"You know that we have been here for quite some time now, right?" Shun asked no one in particular but Ria suddenly felt that the bad feeling she had was intensifying but kept silent.

Noticing the silence, Shun continued, "I plan on going back home, by tomorrow or the day after, depending on the situation"

"WHAT!?" Ria exclaimed as she abruptly stood up and slammed her hands on the table. Although she was expecting something bad she wasn't expecting it to be this bad.

Hinami was shocked at Ria's outburst while Shun merely closed his eyes as he already expected this outcome.

Although her reaction was over the top, he didn't be her for it

"You know I have a home, right?" Shun asked, in a comforting tone.

"Yes, but... but" at this stage, Ria's eyes were already red as tears kept falling from them.

Although she had entered the Virtual World Shun had created, separation, in reality, was a lot more heartbreaking.

Hinami stood up from her chair and went to Ria and proceeded to hug her tightly as she comforted her while looking at Shun with a glare.

Shun gave a wry smile as he didn't know any better way to approach this situation.

After Ria had calmed down, Shun said, "You know I have a father and a family to get back to right?"

Ria nodded and said "I know, but what if I never see you again? Can I go with you?"

Shun sighed and said, "Of course, not Ria, you have a family here and a mother who takes care of you properly, you can't just leave them to follow me. And of course, you can always find me, if not, the token I left for you should still be working, and If worse comes to worst, you can follow the connection between the two tokens and find me wherever I am on this continent"

"How do I do that? And what if you don't answer me if I speak talk into the token" Ria said in between sobs.

Shen stood up and approached Ria, squatting down to reach her eye level, he said, "I will always answer you, this time, I will always hold onto the token on my person, and as for locating me, you are already accomplished in utilizing spiritual energy, just put in your spiritual energy and the rest will take care of itself, that is if you are old enough and your mother gives her permission, alright?"

"Have faith in me," He added.

"I will also make sure to talk to you too Ria-chan," Hinami said from the side to assure her.

Ria looked up at Hinami and Shun, and seeing their reassuring eyes, she finally nodded. "Hmm, don't forget me, you hear, when you see me next time ill be even more powerful than I am now, believe it," Ria said while clenching her fist and raising it to Shun.

Shun and Hinami chuckled seeing her like that.

Shun felt the atmosphere was now pleasant and finally felt a sense of relief wash over him.m as he thought, 'Ria is too attached to me. It's not like it's a bad thing but it will be bad If this continues. I am basically immortal, and this technique I gave her together with her improved spiritual energy will at most, give her a longer lifespan as compared to others but that's all. Well, at least she's still young, barely 13, I think, she still has a lot of years ahead of her'

After that, they had some small talk, and later on, Ria left as it was already nighttime.

"That ended well, don't you think?" Shun said with a chuckle.

Hinami glared at him and said, "You don't know how to handle a girl's heart"

What? Heart? What brought this on? Shun thought, confused.

"You idiot, don't tell me you don't know Ria likes you?" Hinami said.

Shun stood there stunned for some time before he finally reacted and said, "What do you mean like? I know she's a bit attached but she will grow out of it. She is still young for that kind of thing"

"What kind of thing," Hinami asked.

"Like and love kind of things, I am pretty sure she doesn't even know about the stuff that what she is feeling entails" Shun answered.

"What does that have to do with anything? And what do you mean by the bees?" Hinami asked, confused.

Shun said, "Bees is the thing that happens when a man and a woman do the thing married people do, do you want me to elaborate?"

Hinami blushed as she heard that, but still looked at Shun fiercely and said, "Still, what does that have to do with anything?, She likes you and that's that. At first, I thought you had no idea, but now I know you know, so that means you have to take care of that girl"

Hinami said in a matter-of-fact tone, which left Shun speechless.

Shun sat down and looked deeply at Hinami which caused her to shrink slightly for a second before she looked back with renewed confidence.

"So, you don't mind me being with other women?" Shun asked solemnly.

"Being with other women, huh" Hinami mumbled to herself before looking up at Shun and saying, "Do you love me?"


"Would you treat me badly?"


"Do you think you would love any other woman more than me?"


"Ok... Wait what?" Hinami's eyes widened as she asked.

Shun looked at her seriously and said, "Of course, I would love our daughter, which father wouldn't?"

Hinami blushed slightly and said, "I am being serious here Shun"

"Ok, ok, sorry," Shun apologized.

"So, would you love any other woman more than me?" Hinami asked

"No" Shun replied.

"I don't like that answer but I will take it, for now, I wouldn't know what the future has in store for us," Hinami said which caused Shun to squint slightly at her.

Although Shun doesn't know what she meant by that, he didn't try to pry and kept silent.

"What? You know you trained our spiritual energy and gave us your Virtual world as you call it where we have experienced a lot of things, do you think I, for one won't notice that your body is brimming with excess vitality that doesn't seem will be dying out soon?" Hinami said in one breath.

Shun's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Hinami in incredulity. It's not like he was hiding it or anything, but for her to notice it is another thing altogether.

Shun smiled slightly and said, "An astute observation Nami-chan, I didn't mean to hide it but for you to find out, I'm really amazed" saying this, he stood up and approached her, giving her a deep hug that lasted for a full minute in silence.

"What else did you find out?" Shun asked, expecting more of his experiments to be seen through.

"Hmm, well, the breathing exercises you gave us have something to do with it, but for some reason, I feel that these exercises you gave us are a very watered version of the original" Hinami said after a few seconds of thinking.

"Haha, that's my Nami, brilliant, truly brilliant Nami, True to what you said, these exercises are watered down version of the original, but still has more potential and branches than the original" Shun said excitedly.

"Is that why I felt that the ones you gave us are basic compared to what they could achieve? Hinami asked with her eyes widened In surprise.

" Exactly, unlike the original, I created, the ones I gave you and the villagers will create a foundation and from there, it's left for them to improvise. I don't expect this generation to make full use of this technique, but who can say for the later generation?" Shun said while spreading his hands.

"You know you sound like those old villains in that Virtual world who create one grand scheme for their entertainment," Hinami said.

Shun flinched at that accusation cause it was slightly true but said with a plain face, "Whatever do you mean by grand scheme, Nami-chan?"

"You know, you always call me with 'chan' whenever you want to lie or tease me?" Hinami said while looking at Shun with squinted eyes.

"Cough, Anyways, with this breathing exercise, you can go farther as you are using breathing techniques suited to your elemental affinity, though you can still learn th all and go an extra mile to form the original," Shun said trying to change the topic which world as Hinami looked to be pondering on what he said.

After a while, she took a deep breath and then said, "All these are good and all but we have stayed from what we were talking about, in the future, will you love someone more than me?"

"Never, why do you think I went and created a technique that is similar to the one I used to become immortal, I did it for you, I wanted to first make you immortal, then if you notice it, I will them talk to you about it, although it may sound selfish, I didn't want to lose you," Shun said solemnly with a touch of affection.

"Though If I meet someone that can take a place in my heart in the future, I will love them as well, I won't be hypocritical and say I will love you all equally, though I will try, it will depend on you as the big sister of the family" Shu continued.

Hinami blushed and nodded with a satisfied smile on her face. She then looked at Shun and said, "Good, at least you know, I'm going to bed" and saying that she fled to her room.


A/N: So I decided to use this chapter to open up the idea of a possible harem.

Also for the next few chapters, it will be about experiments on things that can be a little bit similar to cultivation novels. Nothing that will make y'all lose interest. Trust me.

After that would be, meeting Kaguya, then leaving earth, meeting Otsutsūkis, and then meeting some renowned clans' ancestors and teaching them, them warring states era, etcetera.

Stay tuned, and support with your power stones.✌✌
