
V5 Chapter 132 Impatient Mistakes


Darzirak bellowed in Amon's mind as the sound of the crackling flames rang in Amon's ears. The orange-flicking flame that glowed red was all Amon could see as he held the purple book in hand. His eyes no longer even noticed the book that he was glaring at so hard moments ago, all he could see were the flames. The flames calling for sacrifice. Darzirak leaped down from Amon's shoulder, his paw pushing Amon's hands that held the book with both hands closer toward the fire.

A mistake Darzirak will come to regret. For when the demon did that Amon glanced down at the impatient demon and noticed how huge Darzirak was. It instantly triggered Amon's mind.

"If Darzirak is this big it means I'm doing something terribly wrong."

Amon realized which broke him from his trance. Darzirak may be powerful but he will never force a Drømmeri with his magic. For Darzirak wanted a Drømmeri to do such things by their own will, to come to him, to choose him on their own will. No matter how twisted that will is, for that was the cherry on top. The perfect topping that Darzirak was willing to wait centuries for. The perfect Drømmeri that was willing to give themselves fully to Darzirak. Someone willing to throw away all they are for him. Unfortunately for Darzirak, Amon wasn't that person, not yet anyway.

" Darzirak, what the helmet! Stop trying to turn me, envious!"

Amon scolded as he gently taps the book on Darzirak's head. Instantly Darzirak shrunk back down to his poodle size and all the demon could do was gasp in shock and disappointment at his body size. His 'O' shaped mouth soon turned into an '∩' as he glared at Amon.

" I'm your best friend. Can't you at least humor me on the things I wanna do, once or twice? "

Darzirak whined as he flattened against the ground.

" I do humor you! What about that time I let you dream? Or that time when you ran off with the innkeeper's son?"

Amon reminded as he sat back down at the dining table and placed the book in front of him.

" Both times are rewards that I work hard to earn. All you ever do is make me pay rent or a business transaction. We never get to have any fun. How can you call me, your best friend then?"

Darzirak huffed as his sharp long ears flattened on his head. Amon opened his mouth about to tell Darzirak off that he never considered Darzirak as a friend but more of that creepy uncle that no one wants to talk to and have to suffer, enduring that uncle during family functions. But then Amon stopped himself, realizing that was a little more than cruel as he recalled back what he saw while Darzirak was dreaming. All Darzirak wants is his best friend back and Amon was a descendant of that good friend.

" Darzirak... I am not the person you were once good friends with."

Amon started but before he could finish Darzirak interrupted him.

" I know!... I know... You don't need to remind me."

Darzirak sounded extremely defeated. Amon fell silent for a moment.

" If Darzirak knows that then why does he stick around? Why does he do all he can to keep Drømmeri's family safe?... Is it... Because this is all that is left of his friend?"

Amon felt a thorn in his heart when he came to that realization. Darzirak was putting up with this one-sided friendship, doing all he can to make it work even though it was unfair to him. All because Amon is the only thing left of a good friend that has left this world. Amon is the only proof that his best friend wasn't a dream. That at some point in time, he did exist and they were friends. It wasn't a non-existent person that Darzirak dreamt out of loneliness and craved that dream as a memory in his heart. Amon was the only thing keeping Darzirak human and Darzirak never wanted to lose that. For losing that meant losing everything good that he as left.

" Then how about if it isn't evil, we'll do whatever you like, something."

Amon offered. Instantly Darzirak's mood lightened as he leap back up to his feet.

" Really?!"

Darzirak chimed with a wagging tail, Amon reply with a smile and a nod.

" Hooray!!"

Darzirak cheered as he ran around in a circle.

" What's with all the racket?"

Philomel questioned in a sleepy tone as she emerged from behind the curtain that divided the bedroom from the dining area. She was already dressed in her scavenger gear as she cradled Little One in one arm.

" Oh, Darzirak is here. No wonder."

Philomel said with a yawn.

" Oi! What's that supposed to mean?!"

Darzirak demanded but Philomel ignored him.

" Let's get a move on, or we wouldn't reach the next village before nightfall."

Philomel informed with a yawn. Amon quickly swung his satchel over his shoulder, tossed Philomel a peach, and grabbed another for himself.

" Ready as we'll ever be."

Amon informed as he grab the book on the table, shoving it into his satchel instead of giving it back to Philomel. The moment Darzirak saw that, he instantly smiled as he felt himself growing bigger.

" Come on Darzirak! Or we will leave you behind! "

Philomel called out as she exited the cabin.

" Don't worry. I'm always right behind you. Always..."

Darzirak whispered the last word to himself in a creepy way as he laughed before sinking into the ground and becoming Amon's shadow. Something that neither of them noticed.

The track was long and decently paced, it was past noon when Philomel finally noticed that she didn't have her book with her when she opened her satchel to pass Amon a clean nappy.

" My book! It's gone!"

Philomel exclaimed as she dug through her satchel some more before deciding to empty her satchel onto the floor in search of her book. Amon after changing Little One's nappy knew that now would be a good time to reveal that he has the book and put a halt to Philomel's frantic searching but something held him back and that something had nothing to do with Darzirak.

" I must have left it back at that cabin!"

Philomel concluded when she couldn't find the book.

" You two go on ahead. I'll catch up with you as fast as I can."

Philomel informed as she stood up.

" Wait!"

Amon ordered as he grabbed Philomel's hand and forced her to turn to him.

" Why would you go so far for that book? It's just a book we can always buy back the same story when we come across it. "

Amon questioned as he held Philomel's gaze.

" Why? Because... it's more than just a book."

" Why is it more than just a book? Is it because of Lenny?! Do you like him?"

Amon raised his tone at Philomel as his grip tighten around her wrist.

" Stop! You're hurting me!"

Philomel hits Amon's chest with her free hand trying to get him to let go but instead, Amon's other arm wraps around her waist pulling her close. Philomel squirmed against him as she tried to slip out of his grip. Amon suddenly kisses her left cheek just as Lenny had done before.

" You dog!"

Philomel screamed as she slapped Amon. Even so, Amon had no intention to let go of her, but when he turned back to her, he finally noticed Philomel's electrified sky-blue eyes were filled with tears. The moment he saw that, was the moment he let go of her arm. His hand instantly flew to her cheek wanting to cup her cheek and wipe away her tears with his thumb but Philomel slap his hand away from her and shoved him away from her. Before Amon had time to react, Philomel bolted off into the trees.

" Why? Why do you like him more than me? I have been with you from the start, I have been by your side. I risk my life so many times for you. What has Lenny done to deserve your favor? Is the only way to prove my love for you... Is the only way to die for you? Must it truly be the only way?"

Amon questioned as he crumbles to his knees, sobbing. His words stopped Philomel for a moment but as soon as that moment was over, she left.

