
V5 Chapter 103 Recap (3/3)

* Ring ring*

" Our fish course, salmon fillet."

Mrs. Barrett announced as she came out of the kitchen with a smile.

" Oh, I see that you have switched seats, Sir Amon."

Mrs. Barrett noticed as she placed removed the empty plates.

" Yes, Milady Philomel, looked extremely lonely and cold on this end. I couldn't help but want to warm her up."

Amon teased as he turned to look at Philomel, his arm which was still on her shoulder, and pulled her closer to him. Philomel couldn't help but stare down at Little One in her lap as she blushed. Amon's free hand begged to touch her chin and lift up her face to face him. Desperately wanted to see her shy blushing face but he knew that he might not be able to hold back after that. If he kissed her then it would be all over.

" Aren't you two just adorable? Here, let me move your cutlery over to this side. There now you two can feed each other. Well, I'll leave you two love birds to it then."

Mrs. Barrett chimed before skipping her way back to the kitchen holding a tray over her shoulder. As soon as she was out of sight, Amon winched at a painful jab in his side.

" Ow!"

He cringed as he places his free hand around the new pain.

" What the hell was that?"

Philomel squeaked angrily but her voice faltered halfway as she glared at Amon with a pout. Her blue eyes glowed behind a loose strand of hair, her cheeks puffed up as she bit her lush pink lower, her pink nightgown was a low cut and at that angle. Amon could see the line between her breast, his heart skipped a beat at how adorable it was. Without thinking Amon's hand moves from his stomach to Philomel's hair, moving the loose strand over her shoulder as he did his face moves closer until he was just a few inches away from her lips. He watched Philomel's narrowed eyes slowly widen as she press her lips into a thin line.

" Ai! "

Little One suddenly squeals as a small hand slaps on Amon's cheek, pushing him away and reclaiming his personal space.

" Aigi boo raing daie !!"

Little babbled as he waves his little hands around reminding Amon that he doesn't like to be squished. Something Darzirak failed to mention after learning about it when he absorbed Little One into his body for the first time back in the Village Beaggar's hole. Little One disliked that so much that he resorted to pulling Darzirak off him where he found out Darzirak's body is a very flexible and fun thing to pull at.

Amon seeing that Little One was fussy quickly swallowed his feelings and kissed Little One's cheek instead. Philomel seeing that immediately turned a deeper shade of red, embarrassed at the misunderstanding.

"Of course, he was leaning in closer to kiss the baby! Whatever made you think he was going to kiss you?!"

Philomel mentally yelled at her flustered self as she hid her face behind her hands.

" Well guess that proves it, Little One has a preference and among it all, he doesn't like to be squished."

Amon chimed as he picks up Little One from Philomel's lap and place Little One on his own lap. Bouncing his leg a little to calm the fussy Little One down.

" So... The baby likes to be bounced, ride on shoulders, play horse, fly, and be super clingy at times. Did I miss anything else out?"

Philomel cleared her throat and asked as she slowly composed herself.

" Hmm... When he's angry he likes having his head pat. When he's scared, chest rub, and when he's sad, back rub with pats in between."

Amon listed out as he picked up the lemon and squeezed it over his fish.

" When we were introducing him to new things that other day. Did he like anything in particular?"

" Uhh... he was more interested in eating it or banging it on the ground. So not sure."

" He's a weird chubby baby isn't he?"

Philomel teased as she poked Little One's cheek and almost immediately Little One reaches to grab her finger but Philomel quickly pull away before he had the chance. Little One pouts as he babbled some more and reaches for Philomel's finger.

" Sorry, but you didn't catch me this time chubby."

Philomel teasingly said.

" Now that I think about it, did Little One make any friends in the daycare?"

" That little deer seemed like his friend."

" Shayna? She is a caring elder sister but I don't think you can count siblings as friends."

" But they aren't real siblings."

" Does that matter? Emma adopted him so... that shouldn't matter right?"

Amon pointed out as he dips his pinky into the onion sauce and lets Little One have a taste at it.

" True but since she did run off with Little One to look for us while we were there before Emma adopted him, doesn't that already make them best friends? A friend in need is a friend indeed."

Philomel pointed out and she took another bite of her meal. Little One stuck out his little tongue with a frown at the taste.

" A friend in need is a friend indeed..."

Amon muttered to himself as he recalled Shayna and her friend the little lion (Richard) coming into Mountmend with a bag of candy. They tried to use the candy to bribe Amon into taking Little One. Candy that everyone in the daycare pitched in to give... same with the milk.

" Yes, you couldn't be more right!"

Amon chuckled as a smile grew on his face when he finally realized that everyone in the daycare are Little One's friend. Philomel shot Amon a weird look but choose to stay silent.

" I hate this idea, I hate this idea, I hate this idea!"

A voice screamed throughout the night as a black creature came running into view of the inn window. Philomel hearing all the commotion couldn't help but look, it didn't take long for her gaze to recognize the small dark creature.

" Darzirak? "

Philomel muttered as she watched the demon run and jump into the fountain, changing his shape into another mermaid and starting to spit water out. The roars of many knights came rushing by, spreading out and searching for the hidden Darzirak.

" What's going on there?"

Amon asked as he lean over Philomel and look out the window.

" Looks like Darzirak gotten in trouble with the knights of the mansion again."

Philomel informed as she quickly lean away from the window fearing the Knights would notice her but then recalled that she was never seen and even if she was, they would be looking for a white elf and not a dark elf.

" Should we help him?"

" He's fine. Darzirak is just playing with them. If he truly wanted to run away he could shadow teleport away."

Amon waved Darzirak off as he continued his meal.

" What is Darzirak like anyway? From what I can see, he doesn't seem to be trustworthy."

" He is trustworthy... well for the most part. Support when I'm hurt, willing to back me up only when the situation is dangerous or when I want him to. A major chatterbox that just loves to share about the family he bonded with in the past. He may be a little creepy in some parts like writing letters in blood or bringing me dead things as a gift... In many ways, he's a really good friend... "

Amon softly admitted as he stared at Darzirak pretending to be part of the mermaid fountain and spitting out water.

" Then why do you have such a weak bond with Darzirak?"

" Because I can never count on him when I'm sad or depressed or insecure. He always tries to overtake my body when he senses I'm mentally weak. This is why I can never trust him and always fear him in many ways... But that's a risk I'm willing to take to keep him in my family. He's been a part of my family for centuries and I'll do anything to keep it that way. Well, that and the fact he is the fifth most powerful demon anyone can get. "

Amon gave a small smile and continued to his meal.

" Well I'm exhausted and I definitely can't eat another bite."

Philomel commented hoping to change the subject.

" Then let's get out of here. I'll pick up the milk from Mrs. Barrett."

Amon informs as he wipes his mouth with the napkin and stands up.

" Yeah let's."

Philomel nodded as she stood up as well and they slowly made their way to the kitchen.

" Amon..."

Philomel called out to him as she stops in the middle of the dining area.

" Yeah?"

Amon answered as he turns to her. Philomel suddenly kisses Amon's cheek.

" Thank you for everything. I'm really glad you're okay."

Philomel whispered as she shoves something into Amon's pocket and takes Little One into her arms before leaving his side.

Amon stood there stunned for a moment, his hand slowly moving to touch the cheek that Philomel kissed. Slightly in disbelief that such a thing even happened before becoming extremely happy that it has happened. His hand moves to his pocket and pulled out a gold coin. His smile only widened before letting out a chuckle. He then flips the coin in hand and caught it before catching up to Philomel.

" If you expect me to give back 30 silver of change then don't count on it."

Amon jocked as he joined Philomel's side.

" Then I'll put you to work and make you earn that 30 silver."

Philomel teased back causing Amon to laugh out loud.

" Then I'll be under your care, Mel. I'll be under your care."

