
V5 Chapter 63 Bulette (MTC)

(Insert soundtrack - Radiata Stories: OST - Struggle II)

Philomel flips the blade within her hand holding it with its tip pointing outward as her eyes watched her surroundings. Amon stood slightly behind her, short sword in one hand and spear in the other.

" Where's the digging doggy thingy?"

Amon questioned as his eyes darted around.

Amon uses demon senses

Rolls 3 (failed)

Amon focus on the dirt below him but couldn't feel anything.

Bulette uses a twirling slash.

Rolls 15

The Bulette appears right under Amon's feet, leaping out in a spinning attack as its sharp mole hands slash at Amon's legs.

Damage roll 5

Amon was caught off guard but the creature didn't have enough space to swing its paws. It manages to attack Amon's legs, tearing right through his pants and drawing blood from a few flesh scratches but it was just a minor injury.

" Ugh!"

Blood burst out trickling down Amon's right leg but it was nothing more than artificial. The creature tunnels back down as soon as its attack has hit but because it has been injured prior to this, its moments are now much slower. Tasting Amon's blood from its claws it soon realized that Amon was some form of an elf.

Wrath rolls 17

The Bulette's slow movements and constant pain caused the creature much anger as the need to murder Philomel and Amon consumed it.

Darzirak uses Shadow teleport

rolls 7 ( fail)

Environment turn rolls 10

Nothing else gains interest in this battle

Philomel uses kick

Rolls 9 + speed 5

(Mele attack does it hit an injury? Roll 2

Does it hit the soft part? Rolls 17 )

Philomel seeing the bum of Bulette immediately kicks hard at the creature, her foot hits its soft belly creating a cushion for Philomel's feet as she sends it flying upwards. Amon seeing an opportunity tries for a combo attack.

Amon uses jabbing furry

Rolls 18

Amon drops his short sword, gripping his heavy spear in two hands as he charges at the flying Bulette. He launches his attack, stabbing randomly but as many times as he can at the Bulette.

Jab count roll 13

Amon stabs the creature a total of 7 times before it falls back to the ground.

critical roll 3

damage roll 18

Amon stabs the creature's soft side a total of 3 times and 4 times on its hard skin. The Bulette gains minor wounds but is now suffering from blood loss.

Bulette uses survivor escape rolls 10

The creature hits the ground and immediately tries to run as it tunnels back underground. Unfortunately because of its many wounds, it is much slower.

Darzirak uses intimidate rolls 8 + demonic bloodthirst 5

Darzirak successfully scares a shadow into showing him a shortcut. Darzirak is now 35 moves away from the team.

Environment turn rolls 6

Nothing else gains interest in this battle

Philomel uses dagger throw rolls 12

critical roll 6

damage 16

Philomel flips the dagger in her hand and throws it at Bulette. Her attack hits its hard skin but since she threw with much strength it manages to penetrate its husk. The creature bellow in pain as it tunnel back underground, the dagger half stuck within the creature's husk stuck out and hits the ground like a lever. Preventing the creature from tunneling downward while injuring each time it struggles to try. Amon slid across the ground, eager to kick the dagger deeper within the creature.

Amon rolls 19

The impact hit rolls 8

Amon slides across with ease and kicks the handle of the dagger. The little hit drive the dagger slightly deeper into the creature causing it to jolt in pain but Amon only managed to tap the hilt before his foot accidentally stepped on the hilt. As the Bulette jolt in pain, it manages to unwedged the dagger from within its body thanks to Amon's mistake. An orange slimy liquid bursts out from the creature's wound before it tunnels back underground. The strange liquid lets out a terrible smell causing Amon to winch in disgust as he held his nose.

" How can the blood of something be this smelly?!"

Amon howled as he scrabble back to his feet and rushed back to Philomel's side.

" It's like a defense mechanism. You know like when a skunk sprays weird watery poo on you and you stink like that for days. Same thing here."

Philomel explains as she walks up to the pool of foul blood and picks up her dagger. Stabbing the ground a couple of times trying to get most of the blood off the blade.

" Not, nice to know!"

Amon exclaimed and was about to complain when he was interrupted by a high-pitched squeal.

Bulette uses calls for help.

Rolls 7

" What the hell is it doing now?!"

Amon yelled as he held his ears.

" It's calling for help! What should we do?! Its family could be here any minute!"

" Run! Run already!!"

Amon ordered as he grabs Philomel's hand and drags her along, sprinting down the pathway as fast as he could. Philomel keeps up with him as she turns to look back, holding the touch towards the area they had just left. In the distance, she could see the darting shadows of other Bulette but she couldn't be sure how many there were exactly. All she could tell was some of its family came, answering the cries for help.

The tunnel wind and turned, splitting out into many pathways, Amon without thinking dashed down a random tunnel that split again and again. By the end of it all, they managed to lose all Bulette that could be chasing after them but ultimately they had zero idea where they were and no idea how to get back to where they once were.

Amon only slowed down when he ran out of breath and soon was hunched over his knees, panting for breath. Only then did he notice that he was still holding Philomel's hand, a hand that had a tight grip around a very smelly dagger with the slight orange shimmer of Bulette's blood.

" Erk!"

He squeaked as he lets go of her hand and moves a good distance away from the dagger.

" Well, we definitely lost them."

Philomel informed holding the torch towards the path where they came from. There were no signs of life or sound of creatures, only the soft pant of breaths that wheezed out of Amon was the only creature to be heard.

