
V5 Chapter 30 Depths behind blue eyes 2/2

" Having enough of such a painful love, the lovesick light elf travel to Ralux. Up the mountain to the tomb of the forgotten god. To the tomb of the fake god of love, the god of tricks, the tomb of Rhane, and threw himself off that mountain. The end. Sleep tight."

Philomel wished as she patted his belly. Little One's eye immediately shot open and stared at Philomel in shock. Wondering how many times must he acknowledge her for her to keep talking.

" Na, I was just kidding. Don't need to look at me like that."

Philomel giggle at the baby's reaction as she continued to pat his chest lulling him back to sleep.

" He did throw himself off the mountain but his story didn't end there. He was greeted by the twin gods of causality. Well, not exactly gods, they were minor gods, not powerful enough, to earn a seat at the council of the gods, but not weak enough, to continue being demigods, and living a normal life on Earth. The twin gods didn't save him, rather they stopped time and asked what that light elf was doing not following his path of fate. The light elf explained how he was struck by Rhane's arrow and the elf swore he saw both gods' facepalm simultaneously.

The god of cause turned to the god of effect, both of them were quite unsure what to do with the light elf for they were still getting the hang of working under the goddess of fate. It took some time but they both soon decided to alter his fate. A fate where he could be with his loved one, in return for something they will claim when he has it. The light elf asked if it was the life of his beloved, and both gods shook their heads. The light elf immediately agreed, wanting so desperately to be with the one he loves.

In a blink of an eye, the light elf woke up at the bottom of the mountain. His whole body ached as he slowly struggle to his feet as he did. He noticed his light brown hands and rushed to the nearest puddle of water just to realize that he. He had become a dark elf, with the same piercing blue eyes the god of cause had as a reminder of their deal. The new dark elf thanked the minor gods and headed to be with the one he loves. It took him quite some time of wandering that god-forsaken desert until he found Adrian. Then Adrian led him to the catacombs where he was reunited with his loved one. And they lived happily ever after. The end. "

Philomel chimed and Little One smiled at her before his sleepy eye closed as he drift off to sleep.

" Pretty good story eh? I heard it from Adrian but I still don't believe that seriously happened. That guy he found in the desert must have been so thirsty that he hallucinated the whole thing. Too bad Adrian didn't catch the name of that elf or I could have searched for him myself. Not to say that I didn't do my own searching, but Daddy said it was probably a dark elf from the Ralux tribe. Wanting to hide the fact that he was kicked out of his tribe and came here to start a new beginning. Which is why he made up the tale to be accepted without any questions about why he was kicked out.

The strangest part though, no one else has heard the story and I mean no one. I probably asked every living soul in those catacombs. Maybe Adrian made up that story to stop me from constantly bugging him about what it's like to travel up and down the desert with a water spirit. But still, I really wished the story was true, gives you hope that you can escape the fate you have."

Philomel fell silent as she watches the sleeping baby. Her heart yearn to escape her current fate, she truly didn't want to kill the Messiah. She truly didn't want to kill a baby. She entertained the option of waiting until he grew up to be a young adult but that was far too long for her. She was already terribly homesick and she really wants to skin that snake, Asclepius alive and torment him for making her go on this quest.

She lets out a sigh, knowing that without her inner demon that was nothing more than a dream. There was no way she could overpower him to the point where she could skin him alive. She would probably have to settle for stabbing him while he sleeps or poisoning him. She seriously doubt that poison would work on him since he was a poisonous snake.

Philomel's mind soon drifted back to her past where she asked every blued eye man in the tribe about the story, including her father. She even tried to get Adrian to point him out for her but it's been so long that he couldn't remember the man's face.

"Hmm, now that I think about it, this baby also has blue eyes just like the story but then again blue eyes are extremely common for elves, blue and green eyes. The only thing uncommon about this baby is his raven hair. Only dark elves have raven hair due to the demon inside of them.

Maybe his mother fell in love with a dark elf as well and he inherited his dark hair from his father. "

Philomel wondered as she stared at the baby before shrugging.

" For all I know the goddess might have created him just to protect her own child from being kidnapped."

Philomel softly muttered to herself as she stood up and stretched her arms over her head. She felt quite stiff sitting in the same position for so long. She then dusted the back of her dress and pulls off her long gloves as she walks over to the pail of water. Pouring some water into the face basin, she proceeds to wash her face and arms, getting rid of all the clay that covered her sun-kissed skin. Feeling refreshed when was finally off as she dries herself off with the towel. Her eyes then drifts to Amon, who was still asleep.

