
Past Converstation

Abel's sexy lips were instantly bitten when she heard a question about his high school days; she knew this was just small talk, but why did he have to ask about high school?

Seeing Abel, who was in pain and a little blood was coming out of his lips, Alex swiftly wiped his hands without Abel's consent. His heart immediately skipped a beat when two pairs of eyes met without distance.

"Thank you, sir," said Abel with a sweet smile.

The awkwardness grew between them until, finally, the food came again, breaking their residence.

Abel then told his high school days by not mentioning the name of the place where she went to school, but every story told by Abel occasionally made Alex frown.

Abel describes the school batik she wears to the back garden and canteen where it is a unique point by students and the uniqueness of the teachers there.

"Every Thursday at school, I wear blue batik mixed and matched with a white skirt. Hmm, my favorite place since high school is the library," explained Abel excitedly.

Alex nodded his head, but in his mind, he tried to feel the story he had just heard; everything felt familiar; occasionally, he took a breath to reduce the confusion in his mind.

Abel's devious brain immediately had the idea to ask his boss about his boss' high school days; she wanted to hear from the perspective of the person who had humiliated him.

"How about you?" asked Abel casually.

A pair of jet-black eyes immediately rolled; Alex was compiling a story about his high school days, trying to remember the events he had done.

One incident that sticks in his mind the most is the incident in the library. He immediately snapped his fingers.

"Hmmm, my high school days may not be that exciting, but there is one thing that sticks in my mind," Alex explained without any pressure.

Abel is waiting; what is the thing that sticks in his mind?

"A woman at that time was in the library trying to pick up a book. Hmmm, I forgot what book but the book was on the highest shelf, I helped him, and after that, I was given a pen with a Mickey Mouse cartoon picture, "said Alex.

Abel froze; his eyes didn't blink hearing his boss' story. He was curious whether the person Alex was talking about in the library was him or not because he didn't remember anything about the pen with the cartoon drawing.

"Then?" Abel asked again while hoping anxiously about the continuation of his boss's story.

"Yes, the two of us are close as friends. There is still one big mistake that, until now, I regret…" when Alex tried to retell the sound of his unit door opening, Airlangga saw a pile of files and a laptop in his right hand.

"Wow, what a coincidence. You brought all the files and analyses I asked for?" asked Alex when he just saw his sister come in. He ordered his assistant to take some files to the office, but the message had not been read either.

There was regret with Airlangga's presence, who suddenly interrupted the two; Abel's heart was a little angry with the man who had just arrived as if breaking the most critical chat with his boss.

"There's bad news!" Airlangga said with a panicked look on his face.

Alex immediately stood up straight and looked at Airlangga's eyes curiously.

"What's happening?!"

"Hackers are trying to hack all our company data, including employees and some important data!"

The competition in the coal business is terrible; Alex and his brother have been threatened with death several times because several companies are annoyed with the increasing profits of the company, and the public's view of this company is also perfect.

Alex had gone through threat after threat because he was the main target of the threat. Once upon a time, Alex was flying to Korea on a business trip when suddenly, at the airport, his suitcase was broken, and his laptop containing company strategy data was hacked.

"I have to go now!" Alex immediately went in the direction of his room to change clothes and immediately to the office.

On the other hand, Abel is confused about what to do because he has never been in touch with a coal company in his career.

"Gabriella, you come with me!" Alex ordered firmly.

* * *

"I've been warning about this incident from the start. I have emphasized to the IT department manager to continue strengthening Cyber ​​Security, but what are the results? Are we waiting for data to be hacked by a competing company and then regretting all this incompetent performance?!" Alex snapped at all his employees in the IT division and pressed each word hard.

The room, which was filled with central air conditioning, which should have been incredible, had now turned into hot air because of Alex's smoldering anger; Abel, who had been behind his back for a long time, couldn't help but be silent. -this man.

After all his anger towards his employees was over, Alex went straight into his study, whose body was still weak from lack of rest. While following, Abel occasionally heard Alex's long breath.

While walking, Abel racked his brain on how to lower his boss's anger; suddenly, he remembered one thing. Black coffee, he stroked his chest and mumbled, "black coffee is on my list of things to know."

"I'll let you go out for a moment, sir," said Abel.

He immediately stepped into the mini bar in the corner of the office, where he poured coffee powder and water into the coffee maker and pressed the button. While waiting for the coffee to be ready, the words echoed in his head what he would say if Airlangga and this incident didn't exist.

Will he talk about rejecting a girl who confesses her love in front of the school? Or is there something else?

The sound of the alarm signal that the coffee was finished broke his thoughts; a cup of black coffee without creamer was already in his hand, hoping it would reduce his boss's anger.

"Here, sir, black coffee without creamer. Sorry if it doesn't taste as good as before because this is my first time making coffee for you," said Abel, speaking politely and with a beautiful smile.

Which heart is not happy when the person who captivates his heart quickly finds out what can bring his mood back.

"Thank you, Gabriella. If you want to go home, please, I will still be here for some things," said Alex.

"But, sir?"
