
Chapter : 46 I AM HERE!!!

(3rd POV)

[Central Plaza]

Everyone held their breath, the sight was shocking for both heroes and villains.

Aizawa's body was spread on the ground, his chest and stomach facing it. On top of him was a huge monster with a bird head.

The monster sat on Aizawa's back, his right hand was crushed by the moster like a tooth pick. Aizawa tried to get a glimpse of the monster on top of him, hoping to cancel the enemy's quirk.

But his attempt was futile, a huge hand with claws grab his head and pushed it down. The ground formed a small crater and Aizawa was treading the line between consciousness and blacking out.

Only his sheer will kept him from blacking out. How could he? It was his responsibility to protect all these students.

'He strong, as strong as All Might' he noted as he felt the villain's body. Every muscle of his gigantic frame was leaking out an aura of raw physical strength, just like All Might.

Anyone who got close to him could feel it. The raw strength that seemed to shake the surrounding with each of his movement.

"Hah, I wish I brought a camera. I wish to keep this sight forever." Shigaraki let out dark chuckles. Then, a swirling black portal appeared by his side, "We have a problem."

"What is it this time, Kurogiri?" He glance back at the mist villain.

"The boy defeated Hellspawn." It was a reply that made Shigaraki shook.

A silent beat streched out for few seconds.

"useless..USELESS!!!" He scratched his neck uncontrollably until it draws blood.

He calmed down after a while, his breathing still haggard, he said "We can't waste anymore time, we need to leave before the Pros arrive."

"But let me delete him first, hehe" His voice was cruel. He walked towards Aizawa, who desperately tried to look up but he was prevented by the gigantic hand that pushed down at his head harder and harder. At one point he thought his head was going to be burst.

"Good bye~" A playful tone that made his body tremble in despair.



"Detroit SMASH!!!" A green blur shot at Shigaraki who had no time to react, and a loud bang resounded the place. Dust and smoke swallowed the surroundings.


(3rd POV)

"What are we gonna do?" The voice was barely heard, but the tone screamed 'fear'.

Midoriya had no answer to that question, he was hypnotized by the horrific sight before him.

Asui submerged herself in the water with only her eyes and above on the surface. Mineta was but a shivering mess of tears and snot.

Midoriya's eyes were blank, taking in the sight. His heartbeat pick up speed and beat rapidly but his face was pale.

His mind was racing with different thought and he debated between helping Aizawa and risking all their lives or hiding like this.

The villain slowly walk towards Aizawa with no good intention and that made Midoriya panic even more.

A war was happening inside him, logic vs moral, his head vs his heart, his mind vs his emotion.

Should he save him or not?

Then, he did not know how but he heard the faintest whisper "Good bye~" He moved.

Even before he realised it, his body had already moved yet again. He gave the strongest punch he could without holding back.

"Detroit SMASH!!" But before his fist landed on his target, a black mass moved infront of him.


A second and then two, the smoke cleared and Midoriya's eyes trembled with shock. His hand was totally unscratched and the villain did not move even an inch after using 100% of One for All.

"Quite a move you pulled there." Shigaraki spoke behind Nomu, his tone cold and calm but he was a little shaken inside.

'I have no time to think about this!!' Midoriya dissappeared from his spot and appeared 20 meters away with Aizawa in his arms.

He carefully laid him on the ground "Midoriya.." he spoke weakly, "Its fine sensei."

He stood up and turned towards the villains, his eyes gave the villains a hard stare, "...don't.." Aizawa tried to stop him but he was too weak to even form words.

Shigaraki looked at Midoriya and coldy muttered "Nomu.". No further order was required as Nomu rush towards Midoriya who did the same.

They met in the middle, Midoriya could not fully follow the movement of the enemy but he predict the attack and side step away from a punch.

Using that window of opportunity, he delivered a full powered punch at Nomu. A lound bang resounded but it did nothing to his opponent and he also noticed that his arm was still fine.

"Shock Absorption!!?" He quickly deduced, it was not a rare quirk but he had never seen something to this degree, a shock absorbtion quirk that can stop One for All.

He quickly jumped back and he took note to his damage legs. That officially proved that the enemy had shock absorbtion or something similar which is why his arms that hit him took no damage while his legs did.



Kurogiri warp near the fallen Aizawa and tried to take him away but a chilling wind stoped him, follwed by a freezing energy that fully swallowed his body in ice.

"Not on my watch." Todoroki said to the villain who had been frozen like a statue. He briefly took a look at the exchange between Nomu and Midoriya but shook his head and pick up Aizawa.

He rushed towards the raised entrance where he saw his fellow students. Some villains were still around so he froze those as well while he made his way towards his fellow students.



Midoriya and Nomu were about to rush towards each other again after the first exchange but they stop because of the large explosion from the distance.


It was ear numbing even from their position.

It was followed by a strong, boiling wind that forced them to close their eyes.

The wind swept them with strong force even from here, they could not imagine the type of battle fought there.

'Bakugo." Midoriya, was worried for his friend. But he had no more time as he felt the air disrupt and a huge fist neared his face.

He quickly ducked under it, green sparks crackled around his whole body and he grab the arm and hurl the Nomu away.

The Nomu filp in the air and grab the earth, it left a trail of destruction but he stopped quickly and blast towards Midoriya again.

*BOOM!!" Another explosion resounded again, this time it was stronger but they paid no heed and exchange blows.

Midoriya's fist and Nomu's clashed in dispute, Midoriya felt his bone cracked and he was thrown away. The difference in strength was bigger than expectehim

Nomu caught his head and slam it into the ground.


Midoriya's head sink in and a huge crater formed on the ground. Nomu pulled him out and brought him up, his body limply hung in his hand.

He went to Shigaraki and throws him to the ground and slam his huge palm into his chest, forming cobwebs on the ground. His claws dig into Midoriya's chest, drawing blood.

"Argh!!" Midoriya let out a wail as tears threaten to fall. But his eyes were determined and brave.

"You exceed my expectations, I did not know someone with a strong quirk like you are in the class except for Todoroki and Bakugo." Shigaraki mused out.

"How does it feel?" He grinned from ear to ear as he saw the pained look in Midoriya's face.

Midoriya tried to put on a brave smile, but his face scrunched into a forced one, "He hit like a bitch." He manage to squeeze out even with the enormous weight on his chest.

Shigaraki was not amused but before he said anything the main gate of the facility blast open and a powerful presence stepped in.



It was the Symbol of Peace himself. The personification of Heroism, All Might.

*step* *step* everthing goes silent and each footstep resounded.

"All Might!!" ×5 The students let out a relived smile. Hope returned to their faces and their voice was free of burdens.

Midoriya also felt relief wash over him.

Shigaraki frowned deeply but he also did not panic as he saw no other heroes with All Might.

"Hehehe..Hahaha" He heard a chuckle which turned into small laughter and he looked at the source, Midoriya.

"Hahaha..He is not smiling." He said with eyes that pissed off Shigaraki to no ends.

Shigaraki looked back at All Might and noticed that the hero had no smile on his face.

It sends a shiver down his spine, it was the first time he saw the No.1 hero without his signature smile.



"FEAR NOT..." His eyes scanned at the surrounding. Injuired students, his fellow colleagues who both seemed to be at death's door.

Rage filled his entire being, and he declared with a roar, "I AM HERE!!"


(3rd POV)

All Might moved and reach Nomu in the blink of an eye. He grabbed him by his neck and throws him off Midoriya.

*Whoosh* *Boom*

He picked up Midoriya and swiftly returned to the raised platform near the entrance where the students and the teachers were present.

"All Might.." Midoriya called out, his voice trembling, "You've done enough young Midoriya." All Might reassured him.

He looked around, noticing both his colleagues in rough shape and the missing students, around six if he had to guess.

"Where are the other students?" He asked, "The warping villain separated us" Midoriya spoke and he pointed towards the Collapsed Zone "Bakugo fought a strong Villain over there."

All Might nodded and turned towards the villains. He had to deal with these two first and search for the other students.

*Swoosh* He disappeared, a small vortex of wind formed in his previous position but it did not leave any damage. This shows his absolute control over his strength, to move at such speed but to not damage anything.

He stood before the two villains, he was vigilant about the huge monster with bird head. He could feel that the Villain was strong and dangerous.

"Surrender now villains, and I shall not harm you." He said, he regained his signature smile after knowing the conditions of his friends and students.

"Hahahaha" Chuckles that held no amusement nor good will sounded out, "Saving people by hurting people, stopping violence by stronger violence, how hypocritical." Shigaraki's eyes were that of a psychopath.

"You know All Might, you are fast. Too fast for me to keep up.." An unsettling smile found its way into his wrinkled face.

"But you are not as fast as expected. Could it be true...That you are getting weaker?" His smile showed his yellow and crooked teeth, ugly and creepy.

All Might looked unfazed but he was not as calm inside. But he put on an act of confidence for the ones under his protection, for his enemies and for himself.

He slowly moved one of his leg back, crouching back slightly he pushed forward.

"Lets find it out then!! Am I getting weaker or not."

"Nomu, Full Power!!!" Nomu rushed forward, leaving destruction in his wake.

All Might brought both hands to his chest in a cross and swiped it with absurd strength in the form of an X, "CAROLINA SMASH!!"

Compressed wind moved forth in the form of two arcs. The attack cut through the atmosphere and rush towards the enemy with vigor.

The attack hit the Nomu right at his chest. He stopped in his track but no damage could be seen in his body.

The ground behind him on the other hand, was far from it. The ground was destroyed, the arc formed a clear path of destruction.


"...." All Might was somewhat stunned for a while before he dodged a powerful hook.

The punch leave a small cut in his face even though it never connected. The air that was disrupted by the punch was enough to make him bleed.

"How about this!!!" All Might got into a boxing stance and delivered a straight punch right at the opening side of Nomu.

The Nomu was taller than him so he hit him at the liver. *BOOM!!!*

This time, the earth beneath him was crushed because of the weight.

Nomu's body shook and waves of power rippled across it but it was still unscratched.

"!!" The Nomu swing his arm and land a backhand at All Might who barely had time to put up his guard.


The whole area exploded and All Might skid away for around 5 meters. The ground was ravaged by his legs which never left the ground, it showed a trail of destruction made by his feet.

The dust was blown away and it showed All Might with a cut in his cheek. His arm was still in the position to block and it trembled and bruises could be seen.

"Let me introduce you to the bio-engineered Nomu. Specifically created to kill the Symbol of Peace!!" Shigaraki exclaimed, his voice made everyone sick because of the madess it held.

Shigaraki was grinning with mad glee while the students have worried look. A grim expression was stretched across All Might's bleeding face.

The situation did not look good for them. All Might wondered if he could even beat the villain infront of him. He was already at his time limit and he could barely use 50% of his full power and he was getting weaker and weaker everyday.

The situation looked bleak....

But then, a foreboding feeling hangs in the air.

*Woosh* The air wailed, preaching the coming of something.

*Phewww.* The sound of space itself making way could be heard.

The atmosphere began boiling. The earth trembled slightly.

A golden, orange ball of pure fire and heat crashed into the Nomu. The ground melted into lava and splatter everywhere.

The wind raged and the temperature spiked into uncomfortable level.

*BOOOOOM!!!* The Nomu blasted away, the force sends him flying away to who knows where.

Everyone looked at the center of the destruction but it was covered in smoke. Luckily the smoke was instantly swept away by the following shockwaves.

Bakugo became visible, his eyes glowed ominous red in bloodlust and his face was a weird mixture of Arrogance, Excitement and Rage.

Following behind All Might's footstep, he announced his presence in a rather cinematic manner.

"TREMBLE IN FEAR..." All Might's declaration addressed the people but his declaration was for the villains.

"I AM HERE!!!!"


Author : Yay, only two more chapters to finish this arc. And epic fight next chapter.

Ariagato for reading...

💕 U
