
Chapter 162


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3 days later!

Juri with great joy, looked at her house on top of a hill, she ignored the mess that made the surroundings ugly, as she didn't finish all the work.

Lily obediently followed him, looking around, being very thoughtful, as her master informed her that this is her home and her two women are waiting for her.

She was curious to meet her master's women, initially thinking they are slaves like her.

Then they started flying and reached the door, which was opened and Juri with a wide smile shouted.

"My dears! I'm back!"

What greeted him was pure silence.

Juri had her arms open, frowning, Lily looked confused as she feels like there are 2 people living in the house.

"Oh you bitches! Not even to come and receive me!" - Juri shouted irritated and running around, finding Ikiria watching TV.

"Serious? My little Ikiria, not even to get up and welcome me, do you want to make me cry?" - Said Juri pouting.

"Flying Skateboard!" - Said Ikiria extending his hands, opening and closing them.

Juri started to feel like crying.

"Ah, what is all this fuss about?" - Luria's irritated voice sounded, she approached and stopped, seeing Juri pouting and Lily extremely confused.

"Oh, you came back!" - Luria said yawning and then focusing her attention on Lily.

Lily shuddered, now that she had let go of her confusion and doubts a bit, she started to feel that the 2 people are powerful, very powerful!

This shocked her, as they seem to be close to the same Juri Level… but then she thought: It's Master's women, it must be normal!

It also made her wonder: When will I get so strong?

"I see I actually brought her home, well, you take care of her!" - Said Luria snorting.

"Oh, fuck you! I work like a bitch while you two have fun, then I come home and get this treatment? How unfair!" - Juri started to shed crocodile tears.

Lily, who noticed Juri's fake tears, thought they were real, as she doesn't know the trio.

This made her panic and get a little angry with Luria and Ikiria.

Luria raised an eyebrow at the anger in Lily's eyes, it took her by surprise, so she decided to play some more.

"What was the freak? Some problem?" - Asked Luria with disdain.

"Yea! Don't treat the master like that!" Lily snarled, clenching her fists.

She knows she's weak in the face of these 3 women, but she still musters up that courage, even though she doesn't know where it came from.

Luria advanced, closing the distance in moments and already in front of Lily, who was surprised and scared, retreating, but was caught and soon taken to the wall.

Her body lifted by Luria's arm, who looked into her eyes.

Luria saw the fear in Lily's eyes, but Lily gritted her teeth and glared back at him.

"Oh, so you got some balls, looks like that bitch taught you well!" - Said Luria smiling maliciously.

Lily started to gather her Negative Energy, she was ready to attack, even if it cost her her life!



"Bitch!" - Luria roared as he released Lily and grabbed her buttocks.

"Stop bullying the little one, only I can!" - Juri said rubbing her left palm that metaphorically is coming out of smoke.

Luria glared at her, snarling, before moving forward and then kissing her.

Lily ready for combat was confused, not understanding why all the aggression disappeared and they started kissing?!

But then Lily thought of something, she even blurted it out. - "Why is she blue?"

Juri and Luria's wet kiss stopped the instant Lily said that, both looking at her, Ikiria also looked and her lips trembled slightly.


Juri started to laugh, while Luria scratched his head.

"Seriously, you only now stopped to think about it?" - Asked Juri laughing.

"Eh, sorry, I shouldn't have asked!" - Lily said, lowering her head.

"Don't worry, confusion is common, my appearance will be explained in the future!" - Luria said calmly.

"Glad you know!" - Juri said smiling, only to receive a punch in the head.

"Stop torturing the poor thing, even if I don't like Paranormal Creatures, I can agree that she, at least, is different!" - Luria said calmly, still with a certain indisposition, but she is not as closed minded as in the past.

Lily looked confused, until Luria walked over and hugged her, which made her even more confused.

"Welcome to the family, I'm Luria Whinter, the expressionless cutie over there is Ikiria, and the bitch who's been torturing and enslaving you is Juri Han!" - Luria said calmly.

Lily was still confused as so much had happened in such a short amount of time.

"I have seen and learned of your actions over the last month, as well as I know your difficulties, so I'm accepting you for now, but know, do anything I consider treasonous or harmful to us, I will personally turn you into an ice sculpture. !" - Luria said fiercely and the air around became colder.

Lily shuddered, sensing enormous danger.

"Tell me to stop torturing her, but you are the one who is putting terror in her heart, release my slave, I still need to think about your training!" - Juri said, patting Luria's back twice.

Luria released Lily, then turned and started kissing Juri again.

Ikiria at that moment also came, Luria stopped kissing Juri, for her to start being kissed by Ikiria.

And a while later, with a wide smile, Juri said. - "Haaa~ I missed that!"

Ikiria nodded, her cheeks slightly pink.

"I missed you too, but you won't believe what happened!" Luria smiled.

"Oh, what?" - Asked Juri curious.

"I put my huge dick in little Ikiria!" - Luria did not hide it.

Smiling Juri started coughing, nodding and looking at him in confusion, then at Ikiria and at her.

"What the fuck happened?! TELL ME EVERYTHING!" - Juri shouted pulling the two to the sofa.

A while later, Juri was thoughtful, she heard everything and it didn't bother her, it's not like she forbade them to fuck other people.

If they want to find a man to fuck so be it, she just hopes it's someone she knows.

As for this Harem thing? Juri naturally wants to have a huge, majestic Harem, but she knows it's not fair for her to have dozens of women and manage her time with each one.

Sooner or later this would lead to discontent, as she is no Futanari Queen to have wives and concubines.

Not to mention that if she has children in the future, by her thoughts, it's likely that she will start having children when she has at least 5~6 women, maybe more!

Then when they grow up, how would she explain it: So her mom has Wife #3 now, wait until our turn comes!

Pretty confusing, right?

But the bottom line is, Juri doesn't see the Harem as fair, of course, she's kind of the center of it, as she brought them all up under the same roof and fate.

So if they want to have a child, will they have to wait for Juri's goodwill, if they want to venture out or isolate themselves, will they have to have Juri's permission?

This is not fair at all, as they are also people, so the term Harem is very bad, as it has 1 main and the rest live only to serve you with their bodies.

Juri doesn't wish for that, maybe when she arrived and just thought it would be a world where she would fly here and there, she would see many beautiful women, pick them up, fuck them and throw them in her castle.

But after meeting Gabriela, seeing that this was a very real world and not so distorted, Juri started to think a lot more.

And with the increase of her Intelligence and Wisdom, she was thinking more and more, being very different from her past life in terms of mentality.

That's why she doesn't mind her women interacting sexually with other people, if it makes them happy, so be it.

As long as there's still love, it's good!

And if she wants to end the relationship because she found someone better, or because she wasn't liking things the way they were going, Juri will be sad, but sooner or later she'll get over it.

Luria and Ikiria have mindsets very centered on what would be a Medieval Era so to speak, relationships are practically just 1 and that's it.

Mainly for Luria, she was a knight and noble, especially being an Elf, hardly an Elf would have more than 1 companion in his entire life.

Having a 2nd would make her look like a whore.

Men normally don't have such a problem, as they have one key for every door, but women only have 1 door for many keys.

It's obvious how society sees such a thing, even women judge those who have a lot of sex with multiple men, while men see other men who have sex with multiple women, as the greatest, an example to be followed!

That is, in Luria's mentality, it is not right to relate to others with the ability to put a dick inside her, for her, Juri is more than enough, if they have problems, they can solve them with time.

As for Ikiria, let's not forget that she was a prostitute, sex for her was something pleasurable and lucrative in the past.

Her mindset itself is quite confusing and simple, now that she's with Juri, she understands that it's not wise to go throw herself into anyone's arms to relieve herself, she wouldn't want that herself.

As for relating to others, Ikiria hardly thinks of anyone other than Juri and Luria as love interests, the rest are friends and acquaintances.

As for the sex between them, both got used to it during the threesome with Juri, where she made them kiss and touch each other, naturally learning to appreciate each other's bodies.

That is, the culprit of them fucking is Juri!

As for feeling like they're betraying Juri? When they started telling the story to Juri, they felt strange, even a little guilty, it couldn't be helped.

But since Juri didn't mind, even she said that she personally wanted to see it, they felt relieved even if they didn't show it.

In the end the culture and ideologies of their world are firmly rooted in their minds, sex was some kind of test so to speak, it was also something of impulse.

But regardless, it wasn't a problem, as they are not used to living in a culture where ending a relationship or marriage results in great dishonor or severe punishment.

Now are they going to abandon Juri in the future to stay with others? The answer is: Difficult!

Ikiria will hardly think about other people, not to mention that she likes Juri a lot and is still learning her feelings for her, which grow over time, where Ikiria finds himself increasingly unable to live without her.

Luria is an Elf… it goes without saying that she would hardly relate to other people on Earth, if it were in her world, it would be difficult to find a man or woman who simply accepts her, since she has that virginity and experience thing, men they are somewhat disgusted if their wives are not virgins, whereas it is difficult to find a lesbian in such an ancient culture.

So the chances of the two abandoning Juri are extremely low, but not impossible!

(Author: With all that being said, it means that in the future there will be characters who may leave the Protagonist, some may not be interested in jumping from timeline every time and start over from scratch, others may not wish to leave their families and homes, others may having doubts if they love Juri so much to the point of following her through other worlds and timelines on a path with no guaranteed return, others may even simply decide to die for various reasons.

Luria and Ikiria are the main ones, I find it difficult for Ikiria to abandon Juri, as she doesn't think much and it will take a while for her to develop deeper feelings and be able to express them.

As for Luria... well, she has more firm thoughts and because she doesn't understand the main functionalities and goals of the System, naturally there will come a point where she gets tired, while Juri may not be the case, which sooner or later can lead to their separation. .

Well, these are assumptions, it may or may not happen, it depends on how the story will develop!)
