
The beautiful shine of the Lord.

When closing our eyes, the absence of light brings darkness. When trying to sleep, we always sleep in darkness. It's scary, but while sleeping, as imperfect beings, we must fight the darkness.

But this time, as she closed her eyes...

Why was the white shining so beautifully, that it seemed to belittle the greatness of the sun?


On the second night of arriving here, everything was sad. Anguish and sadness overwhelmed this night in its entirety...

After giving her all, Emma fell...

The loss of the newly formed soldiers was also not minor at all...

Only 10 out of 16 "soldiers" lived...And it was hoped that only 8 might see the sun again tomorrow.

If no monster found them today, they would survive... No one was in any condition to fight anymore.

Lucia felt terrible, being very close to her mother. Seeing the deaths of these soldiers and her own mother, she was relieved that Susan would not be brought down this time.

Still, nothing could comfort any member of the family, they had lost a very important person.

The lousy Pyrrhic victory felt terribly wrong.

For the civilians, 6 companions who had had 3 hard months with them, supporting each other, had already died...

2 more could die in a little while longer.

They hadn't even finished their damn training... No one was supposed to die before they finished their training.

But assumptions could only be hope based on facts that were only beginning to occur.

There was no one they could complain to, nothing they could do to get back to their precious normalcy.

The family... were even worse off. Corroborated again and again, that there was no longer a pulse in Emma's body, nothing could comfort them.

Excessive exhaustion caused some people to nod off, losing consciousness from time to time and waking up...

No one spoke. No one could speak.



Even the least sentimental, Viktor cried with my awakening...

I soon understood what happened.

I couldn't help but smile at how much my family was crying for me.

And I thanked my lord, Jesus, for this new opportunity...


Moments before; in the brightness of the light.

There was another figure there, who really seemed to be able to be above the whole sky, and surpass everything one could imagine...

No words were needed, no descriptions, just him, the one of the most beautiful love story I could ever read.

The story of love and sacrifice for humanity…

Jesus Christ. The son of God, he was in front of me, with a big smile...His image...Somehow he was as I had always imagined him.

He smiled and a long surreal talk began...

'Was I dead? Was I dreaming? Was this the last dream of someone who lives wishing for peace? the being who represents the greatest goodness in my heart, faith and love, appeared in front of me.'Emma thought.

And he spoke to me, as if I were worthy of being his equal...

"Your love and kindness are admirable... "Jesus spoke, with a beautiful and peaceful smile.

'But...Many times I was wrong...I'm not the ideal mother, I'm not close to it...Do I really deserve more than a bit of love?'

"We all did it once...Contrary to what our greatest believers think, even my father did it once. "Jesus replied, and a nostalgic expression appeared on his face.

"My lord...Please...My family, please, let us save...Please, even if some of them make mistakes, they are good people... "Emma knelt down.

"You, who are the greatest proof of love towards an imperfect creation, perhaps unworthy of something as beautiful as paradise..."

"You, who sacrificed yourself to give humanity another chance..."

"Please at least allow them to live a life without condemnation..."

Jesus smiled kindly in response...

"I am here to answer your faith...And tell you the truth about our loved religion..."

"It is possible that for a long time, the teachings may have been corrupted, perhaps, those who corrupted it, did not even have bad intentions...At one time, it was necessary that faith."

"Beliefs, such as that my father is the one and only all powerful being...It is something that I cannot say is true...At least not completely..."

"But the principles of the goodness of religion, I always corroborated that they remain the same..."


The conversation continued, for a very long and indeterminate period...

Jesus explained how Yhvh, Jesus' father created this galaxy, and sealed it from the outside, with the help of Technology (nicknamed Techno)...

Together they decided to create this world, calm, undisturbed by the corrupt chaos outside...

It wasn't that chaos was something horrible, no, it was just that...

Chaos was the most magnificent thing that existed... Destiny could not exist without it...

But when the ultimate representative of chaos died, everything changed.

Fate (Yhvh) lost much of its power. Chaos was no longer an energy that benefited the expansion and protection of the universe.

In places with malignant chaos, it was difficult to create a place with complete peace…

That is why they created this galaxy, where the planet earth existed.

The power of paradise, power of the Adonai Yhvh, something that could only materialize with the complete purity of chaos.Only by extracting a part of the power of pure chaos, Fate could act at his maximum potency...

A great barrier was created with such power, or rather, with the little that remained of this power, covering the earth and, turning the lord of destiny, Yhvh in the "almighty" of the planets around the sun ...

Sun which he had created with his power…

In this galaxy, he was the lord ...

Technology, used this place for research, to improve his already existing power...

Fate, now known as Yhvh, or more recognized by the mortals of this galaxy, as father, or "almighty", was the one who took care of everything here.

Technology and he got along very well... Both were able to enhance their power together.

Soon, they cooperated on more projects, being faithful allies.

But in the war, the pacific Yhvh could not continue his role...

The lord of the seven heavens, Yhvh fell, losing his power. The barrier that covered the earth, and the galaxy where paradise was developing, was invaded, by the power of "the corrupt one" and his alliance...

Emma's memories of this conversation are blurred...

At some point in the conversation, Emma remembers asking him why there are 7 heavens to which Jesus replied:

" There were 6 worlds inhabited by mortals in this galaxy, and one that we immortals occupied."

"Now there is only your planet Earth and Paradise left...Or traces of Paradise, a place for us immortals."
