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Ara could not hide her surprised expression as Anne ran inside towards the guests. It was Hamon and princess Eadlin in the room. But her eyes were on Hamon, who sat on the couch with his long legs crossed and had his usual aura of pride around him. It was a unique charisma only given off by the crown Prince's aura.

He glanced up at her from where he was seated, then flashed her a charming smile, with his two dimples visible on both cheeks.

"Brother-in-law, you came as you've promised!" Anne exclaimed.

"Mhm, I've been here for quite some time waiting for you two, I almost thought you won't show up." He hummed, "By the way, meet my half-sister who's been dying to meet her sister-in-law to be." He introduced as he ruffled Eadlin's smooth black hair, "Brother Hamon! Stop that." She glared at him as she smacked his hand from her hair, and quickly smoothed it up, before saying,
