

With Hermione at the castle, the weeks seemed to have flown by. It was already the week that everybody was graduating, and Hermione could hardly believe it. She was so proud of Draco. He felt confident in all of his exams and even said that he did better than expected in Transfiguration. Hermione had helped him study when the babies were asleep, and it really helped them get back into a routine. 

Hermione missed being able to study and throw herself into work. Not that parenting wasn't working; she just loved to read and learn new things, and right now, she wasn't getting that much reading time. Her children required 100 percent of her attention, and she loved them for it, but she couldn't wait to pull out a book and read it to them. To see the wonder in their eyes, the longing to know what was going to happen next. 

"Can you believe it is the end of term already? Can you believe it is the end of our time here? Can you believe that you have kids, and I am about to have one?" Ginny hadn't stopped asking questions like these since Hermione, and she had sat down at the edge of the black lake.

"No, Gin. I really can't." Hermione looked around, thinking about all her memories that she had made in this wonderful place. Everything was so...magical, she thought. She didn't know another way to put it. She had embraced every minute of it and had found her closest friends. She had made her way through a war and had survived. She had made her way through a law that she disagreed with entirely but somehow had found love. She couldn't believe it. 

She had found love with Draco Malfoy, someone that had tormented her years earlier. She had children with him and was glad he was there to parent with her. She found it funny that she had no idea if any of this life when she was born, but her children would never know anything but this. They would live in a completely different world than she did. One day though, they would sit here, just as she had, and she hoped that they would all see the beauty in it. The wonder and magic in it all. 

"Are you sad to be leaving Gin?" Hermione had tried to keep this exact question from entering her mind because she was beyond sad. She loved it here. It was her home; somewhere she felt safe and warm. She didn't want to leave. 

"Of course I am, but at the same time, I am happy to be starting my life. You know, not in the way any of us imagined, but I am still happy. COuldn't say that I would be if they had paired me up with anyone but Harry, though. I really think they chose wisely in that regard. We would have gone down fighting. 

"Yes, Ginny, I was there when all of that was going on, remember. I completely froze. I hardly remember anything after that. I recall sitting there, not moving."

"I recall trying to keep Harry in his seat. He was outraged. He's okay with it now; he knows you are happy. Everyone does." 

Ginny and Hermione talked for a while longer about all the good times they had shared and everything they would miss about the caste. Hermione smiled at everything Ginny mentioned about Harry, and in truth, Hermione was going to miss seeing her best friends every day. Knowing that they would be there without fail when she woke up and before she went to bed. She knew, though, that they were only an owl away and that she would always have them in her life. Gin, Harry, and Ron were not going anywhere that she was happy about. 

"I think we should head in. Dinner will be starting soon, and I don't want to miss one last feast here. I am afraid I am never going to be able to cook like my mother," Ginny let out a giggle from her statement. Hermione knew that she would be great at everything she tried, even if Ginny didn't know it yet. Not that Harry was going to care one way or another. Hermine felt as if Ginny did deep down even though she joked about it. Ginny was capable of anything, and everything and everyone knew it. 

"I think so too," Hermione helped her friend up off the grass. She really did look like she was going to have this baby any day now. Hermione thought of all her friends at this moment. They were all going to be mother's very soon, even Hannah. When Hermione found out that they had finally gotten pregnant, she cried. She was so happy. She had wanted that baby so much, had already loved it so much, and was heartbroken when it was lost. But this was her second chance, and Hermione knew there wasn't going to be another child loved as much as theirs. They were going to cherish every moment with their baby. Hannah deserved it. She had gone through so many treatments to get pregnant, and Hermione thought the pain would break her if it didn't happen soon. 

The two girls walked back up to the castle and made their way to their apartments. They were going to need to change into their robes one last time before the final feast of the term. After she had changed, she changed her babies into little robes found in one of the stores. The ties were bare, and they didn't have the crest on them yet, but Hermione knew that when she blinked her eyes, she would be watching them get on the train. Learn which house they were sorted into and constantly remind them to study. It made her smile. She wanted to cherish every moment before that got here, yet she wanted to share with them this love of Hogwarts. 

"Hello dear, ready for dinner?" Draco smiled when he got sight of his three little ones. They seemed so small in their little robes. He was happy he had let Hermione talk him into going with them. They would be in no danger, she told him. They would be safe, even with everyone and everything going on. She didn't know why he had made such a big deal about it. 

"Wonderful, let me just slip my robes on quickly." Draco looked in the mirror once more. His life had changed this past year, and he was better for it. He was ready for fatherhood now. He was happy now. 

They walked hand in hand, pushing the two prams with the other as they went down the halls. Suddenly Hermione stopped in her tracks. 

"Where are we going to sit with them? We have to sit at our house tables tonight, and we are not in the same house. We have three babies."

"Well, We each have a pram, why don't we take the one we have. If we have to, we can switch during dessert. We can get up and switch, it will be an interruption, but you know that no one will say anything. It might be fun, actually."

"Well, I guess we can do that," Hermione continued walking, and they kissed before parting for their own house table. Hermione found it weird to be with just the two boys at the moment. They were inseparable, though. Hated being apart.

"Ahh, they look adorable 'Mione; the little robes are either cuter than you described. Thank you for getting me one for my little one," Ginny was cooing over the babies until McGonagall stepped up and started talking about the end of the year. Hermione was listening intently. She didn't want to miss anything. 

"Finally, I want to thank the 7th and 8th-year students once more for helping to restore the population to where it should be. We have more to go, but you have given so much to our community already. We are forever indebted to you. We wish you love with your partner, your children, and your life. I am looking forward to the day when your children walk back through these doors and experience everything you have done for them." Hermione could have sworn that she saw a tear fall from the witch's eye. 

Supper was served, and Hermione talked with her fellow Gryffindors about their plans after tomorrow. Many were moving in together and starting new jobs. Harry was going to start training to be an Auror, and Ron was joining him. Ginny was going to be a Chaser with the Holyhead Harpies, and Neville had taken the open position as Herbology Professor. Hannah was going to run the Inn in Hogsmeade, and Romila decided that she wanted to work at the Daily Profit. Dean and Seamus were undecided still but were telling Hermione how they were going on a  month-long trip exploring America. Hermione was glad that everyone had found something they were excited to do and to pursue. 

"So what are you going to do, Hermione?" Dean asked after a while. 

"Well..." Hermione didn't want to make it a big deal, but she assumed that Ginny would if she didn't at least tell them, so she took a breath and continued, "I am going to take a position under the Minister starting in September." 

"Wow, 'Mione, that is great." Seamus smiled at her before picking up more food and putting it on his plate. 

"Yah 'Mione, I am glad that you are going to follow all of those dreams you always talked about," Neville smiled at her. 

"Thank you, guys." Hermione stood up as she said it. She had seen Draco getting up and coming over with Ara. She hoped that he was having as easy a time with her as she had had with the boys. They had slept the entire time, even with the noise in the Great Hall. 

"Where are you going?" Ginny looked sad. McGonagall hadn't announced the winner of the house cup yet, and Ginny was sure they would get it this year. 

"Nowhere, Gin, I am just switching babies with Draco," Hermione let out a giggle at how ridiculous that sounded. 

"Never thought you would say that?" Dean smiled at Hermione. 

"Pretty much," Hermione met Draco in the middle of the two tables, and they switched prams. 

"Ara has pretty much whined the whole time. I couldn't even get her to stop when I rocked her. I don't know what else to do," Draco looked beside himself. He had always been the one to comfort Ara and not being able to have much been eating away at him. 

"Well, the boys have behaved wonderfully. Hopefully, they will continue on that streak." Hermione kissed Draco gently and took Ara into her arms, using her free hand to push the pram back to the table. 

She had a smile that could light up the room, and the two of them had been right. Everyone had looked at them. The minister was right about one thing. They belonged together; they challenged one another and helped heal one another. 

"She looks so natural with a baby in her arms, doesn't she?" Gin smiled at her friend. It made Ron think about whenever his mother held a childlike something deep within her took over, and she knew exactly what to do and what would help. Any child, any age, and situation.

"Yes," Everyone around her chorused. 

"I don't think that I have ever made Ara stop crying over Draco. Normally she stops instantly for him." Hermione voiced as she sat down.

"Perhaps it was the table she was sitting at, more content being a Gryffindor." Ron had a smug look on his face, and Hermione fake frowned at him, trying to hide her laughter. 

The rest of dinner went by quickly, and before everyone knew it, they were back in their apartments trying to take in the last night they would share here. 

In the morning, Draco and Hermione got ready in their robes, and Narcissa came early to take the babies; she watched them today while they were graduating. It was surreal to both of them. But everyone was content, happy, and ready to start their lives.

"I love you, Hermione, I know I have promised this before, but I will care for you and our family with all of my beings. I will love you every day and do everything in my power to protect us from evil. I will spend my life showing you that I will keep these promises." Draco had taken Hermione's hands outside the Great Hall. Hermione had tears in her eyes. She knew he meant it. He meant it every time he declared his love. 

"I love you too, Draco, and after we step back out of here, we are going to be able to start our lives together."

It was amazing for both of them; they were smiling the entire time until it was finally time to ride back across the lake. The same little boats that had brought them here 8 years ago. They were leaving as different people. Better people. A family. And that was the best thing that this school had ever brought them. 
