
Chapter 50

‘Good evening.’ Draco said. ‘Good evening.’ Hermione looked up from her book, which she was reading in her seat in front of a warm fire. ‘How did you sleep?’ Hermione said. ‘Fine, I guess.’ Draco said. ‘Been having trouble with sleeping since-‘ Draco started, but then stopped abruptly. Hermione raised her eyebrows. ‘Since when?’ ‘Nothing, never mind.’ ‘Since when Malfoy?’ ‘Since you weren’t beside me to press close to me.’ he sighed. ‘Oh…..’ she said. ‘Yep.’ Draco said, making the “p” pop. ‘I’m sorry for everything Draco.’ she said. ‘Don’t be, it’s not your fault.’ he said. ‘It is, if I hadn’t hit my head, then I wouldn’t have lost my memories.’ she said. ‘Don’t think that way!’ Draco said as he walked over to her, going through his knees in front of her and taking one of her hands in both of his. ‘It wasn’t your fault Mione. You didn’t do anything. Pansy blew you backwards, it’s all her fault. She’s lucky she’s out of my reach.’ Draco said. Hermione looked in his eyes for the first time he had kneeled down in front of her. ‘Please don’t feel guilty.’ Draco said. Hermione bit her lip. ‘I’m feeling nauseous.’ she said. ‘Nauseous, do you need to puke? Here let me help you up.’ he said. ‘No, no don’t worry.’ Hermione said squeezing his hand slightly. ‘If you need anything, promise me you tell me right away.’ Draco said. ‘Yeah, yeah.’ Hermione waved it away. ‘Even if it’s tugging your hair behind your ear, or you need the book that’s laying just next to you.’ Draco said. ‘Don’t worry.’ she said. Draco nodded. ‘I mean it though.’ he said. ‘I know.’ she said giving him a small smile. He nodded again and got up. Hermione looked at him as he walked to the couch. Hermione turned her gaze back to her book and read further. A hour or so later she was still nauseous, she closed her book and stood up from her seat. ‘Are you okay?’ Draco asked. ‘Hmm.’ ‘You look really pale.’ he said. ‘Just not feeling well, I’m going to lay in bed.’ she said. ‘Do you need something?’ Draco asked. ‘No thanks.’ she said waving it away. Hermione grabbed the seat as she almost fell over. Everything started to turn around her and she felt like she was going to faint any minute. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. ‘Here.’ he said her arm around his neck and placing his arm around her waist. He pressed her close to him and started to make their way to her room. ‘Just lean on me.’ he said. ‘St-stop.’ she said as she wiped the cold sweat off her forehead. ‘This isn’t working.’ Draco said. He bowed down and lifted her up. He walked over to her room and opened the door, walking in and lying her down  on her bed. He pulled the duvet up and looked down at her concern written all over his face. He grabbed the two blankets that were laying on the chair in front of Hermione’s desk and placed it on top of her, tugging her in, making her a burrito. ‘What happened?’ he asked. ‘Just didn’t feel well and it became worse with every minute.’ Hermione said. She was really pale. Draco placed his hand on her forehead and he felt Hermione was burning. ‘You’ve got the fever.’ Draco said. ‘I can’t have that, I’ve got to do things for school.’ she said trying to get up. ‘No you don’t.’ he said pushing her gently back down. ‘You have to stop thinking about everything and focus on getting better.’ he said. ‘But-‘ she said. ‘Hermione, please, you’re burning, you almost fainted out of nothing and you’re sweating like crazy.’ Draco said. ‘I know, very sexy.’ she said. ‘I don’t care about that Mione, I care about you and I want you to get better.’ he said. A shiver ran down Hermoine’s body. ‘I’m so cold.’ she said. Draco looked around him, but she had already all the blankets on top of her duvet. ‘I’ll be right back.’ he said. ‘Hmm.’ Hermione said not opening her eyes, which Draco hadn’t even noticed closing. Draco walked over to his room and grabbed his blankets that were laying in his closet. He walked back to Hermione and placed them on top of the other blankets. ‘Thank you.’ she said. ‘No problem.’ he said with a small smile. He walked over to the bathroom and filled the glass that was standing beside the sink with water. He placed the glass with water next to Hermione on her night dresser. ‘I’m going to get Madam Pomfrey.’ he said. ‘No please,’ she said opening her eyes halfway. ‘please stay here.’ ‘Hermione you need someone who can make you better.’ Draco said. ‘I don’t want to go back to the hospital wing.’ Hermione pleaded. ‘Please Draco, stay here.’ she said. ‘Hermione-‘ he started. ‘Please.’ Draco looked at her, he would go to Madam Pomfrey as soon as she was sleeping. ‘Okay.’ he said. ‘Can you- can you come lay next to me?’ she asked between breaths. Draco nodded and stepped closer to the bed, he kicked his shoes out and stepped in the bed, lying down next to Hermione. He placed his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She was like his personal fireplace, she was literally burning. And even though she was sick, it felt like nothing had happened, like she hadn’t lost her memories and she still loved him.

Draco woke up and the first thing he saw was Hermione still sleeping. He smiled and then looked at the clock in the room. ‘Shoot!’ he whispered, fast getting out of the bed. It was already morning and Draco had wanted to go to Madam Pomfrey after Hermione had fallen asleep, he didn’t know he would fall asleep himself before he could go. Draco walked out of the room and hurried off to the hospital wing. ‘Madam Pomfrey.’ he breathed when he arrived. ‘Yes mister Malfoy.’ Madam Pomfrey said. ‘Hermione- burning- nauseous- sick-‘ he said between breaths. ‘Okay….’ she said. ‘Can yo-you come with me?’ he asked. ‘Of course.’ she said walking after him. When they arrived in the common room, Madam Pomfrey walked over to Hermione’s room and went in. Draco stayed outside, after 10 minutes, which seemed like a hour, Madam Pomfrey came out of the room and walked over to Draco. ‘She has a fever, nothing big. I gave her a potion that will take the nausea away. She’ll be feeling better soon, no worries.’ she said with a small smile. ‘Thank you.’ Draco said. ‘But I’d rather have someone around, in case she needs something.’ Madam Pomfrey said. ‘And she doesn’t want to come to the hospital wing.’ she added. ‘I know, I’ll stay here.’ Draco said. ‘You’ve got to go to your classes.’ she said. ‘I’ll figure something out, thank you Madam Pomfrey.’ Draco said. Madam Pomfrey nodded and walked out of the room.  Draco walked over to Hermione’s room and knocked on the door before walking further. ‘Are you feeling better than last night?’ he asked. ‘Not really.’ she said softly. ‘Do you want something to eat?’ he asked. Hermione shook her head. ‘Madam Pomfrey said you’ll feel better soon.’ Draco said. ‘Okay.’ she said. ‘You know, now that we’re both staying in, you could help me plan the masquerade ball.’ Draco said. ‘Masquerade ball? Which ball?’ Hermione asked opening her eyes and looking over the duvet at Draco. ‘Still want to try to get your memory back?’ Draco asked. ‘Of course.’ she said. ‘Well, we had a masquerade ball before you lost your memory. I thought if we do it over, you’ll maybe remember some things.’ Draco said. ‘And who gave you that idea?’ ‘Maybe it was Ginny, or maybe it was myself, who knows.’ Draco said. Hermione gave him a faint smile. ‘So a masquerade ball it is.’ Hermione said softly. Draco nodded. ‘But don’t worry about anything, I’m going to arrange everything with the prefects of every house, just like you did the last time.’ Draco said. ‘Didn’t you help the previous ball?’ she asked. ‘No, I was in the hospital wing.’ ‘What had happened?’ Hermione said. ‘Nothing, just get some rest now, if you need something I’m close.’ Draco said. Hermione gave him a small smile before she closed her eyes again.
