
351. Earth-T-84 ~Wounds and Scars~


Y'know that noise in Transformers G1 you hear when the robots are morphin'? Yep. That's what you hear. EH OH AH AH AH!!! OPTIMUS PRIDE or somethin'...Hey! That meme originated from the Philippines! What do you kn-?

"Transformers! ROLL OUT!!!"

Several cars, a red Freightliner Cabover, a yellow Volkswagen, a white and blue Freightliner Fuel Truck, a white Ambulance, a black Motorcycle, a white Police Car, a red Nissan Vanette, and a blue Lancia Stratos all charge toward several flying robots that are much larger than they are.

The cars have this symbol in different parts of their "bodies".


 Three robots, orange, blue, and gray, all transform into three large jets that throw bombs at the cars.

The flying robots and the jets have this symbol on their chests.


The cars transform into different-colored robots. The red Freightliner turns into Optimus Prime, who is slightly shorter than most of the enemy robots. The yellow Volkswagen turns into a small robot called Bumblebee. The white and blue Freightliner transforms into a robot about the size of Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus. The black motorcycle transforms into the female Autobot Arcee. The Police Car turns into Prowl. The Ambulance transforms into Ratchet. The red Nissan Vanette transforms into Ironhide. The Lancia Stratos transforms into Wheeljack.

What do they look like? Well... just look 'em up. That's not really essential to the story... I think... Damn, I'm lazy.

The three jets blast missiles at them as the car robots, known as the Autobots, transform their hands into blasters, except for Optimus Prime, who takes out a ray gun from his holster and blasts the robots away.

"Optimus!" yelled Ultra Magnus, who hides behind a rock. "The Decepticons have found the Energon supplies in the area!"

Arcee sighs. "Well..." she snipes out several Decepticons with her blaster while hiding behind a rock. "I told you that we should've watched over the site, but none of you would listen."

Ratchet is currently fixing Wheeljack's wounds.

"Optimus! The Energon found in the site is currently emanating 500 meters below the ground!" yelled Ultra Magnus.

"Prowl!" yelled Ratchet. "Cover us!"

Prowl nods and shoots at the Decepticons.

Wheeljack coughs Energon. "Shit, Optimus..."

"Stand your ground! And protect the human village!" yelled Prime.

"Back in my day, Megatron wasn't such a big deal. Gladiator... Did you know Optimus was his Advisor?"

Bumblebee, the small robot, nods, hums, and coos. 

"Uh-huh..." said Ironhide. "Right!? Kids these days don't understand tyranny when they see it."

Bumblebee sees a portal opening in the distance as a tiny bus falls on it.

Bumblebee's eyes widen. He coos and grabs Optimus' leg.

"Stand down, Bee!" yelled Optimus.

A large gray tank appears and points his blaster at Optimus, who is forced to take cover.

Bumblebee transforms into a Volkswagen and drives toward the CoolDudeBus.

Starscream observes this and cackles as he chases after the bus. "Lord Megatron... I can sense Foreign Quantum Strings on that bus over there..."

"Search it, Starscream!"

A young Irene sees Shizuka playing alone in the other room.

"Hey, Daddy? Can I play with Shizuka?" asked Irene.

"Sorry, JoJo... But now you have to be studying for your test later."

"But Papa!" yelled Irene.

"No, Irene," said Jotaro.

Years later...

"But Papa!" yelled Irene. "I love him!"

"But he's not an honor student, Irene. And he's a delinquent," said Jotaro. "Trust me... Kids like 'em don't deserve people like you."

Irene sighs.

Years later...

Irene smiles as she becomes valedictorian at 15 in her University as the crowd applauds. Jotaro applauds his daughter silently, but Irene is forcing a smile.

That afternoon... she sees kids playing outside, and she sighs out of self-disappointment.


DIO faces Jotaro in the interrogation room.

Jotaro is rather unamused. He has a Stand-Destabilizer around his neck and is chained to a chair while DIO sits freely across the table.

"Hello, Jotaro..." sneered DIO.

"What do you want with my family, DIO?" asked Jotaro.

Jotaro is electrocuted as he grunts.

"I'm the one asking questions here..." said DIO. "I have to ask, where is it?"

"I would not want to respond that," said Jotaro.

"You hopped in one Universe and figured out Simoun's current identity," said DIO. "Who is he among the Cosmic Crusaders, I wonder?"

Jotaro sighs. "At the end of all this, I'll crush your fucking head. Then I'll kill Kira again. Then I'll take out Salvi, Diavolo, and that fucker Pucci again."

DIO chuckles. "I could kill you any time."

"Why won't Pucci just take out my Memory DISC?" asked Jotaro.

"We did... It had memories taken out from it..." said DIO. "So, we realized it had been taken out through a Memory Gun. It's stored there... Where is it...?" growled DIO, leaning toward Jotaro's face.

Suddenly, Jotaro headbutts DIO as a little spark of Hamon radiates from Jotaro, causing DIO's nose to bleed.

"You filthy mutt!" growled DIO.

"You really are something..." said Jotaro. "What I learned is that you're a shit father. You humiliated your son... Giorno... And don't bullshit me. I know that you're a different DIO, but you somehow gained Heaven Ascension DIO's memories."

"Yes..." said DIO. "We have our own Memory Gun... Pucci scanned it from Heaven Ascension DIO's body and injected the memories into my head. So that I would realize the essence of what Heaven was."

"You did that to compensate for your Heaven's Withdrawal? What a fuckin' loser."

DIO strangles Jotaro's neck and begins sucking his blood by injecting his claws into his neck. "Wrry..."

Jotaro zaps DIO's finger with some form of Hamon.


"Y'know," said Jotaro. "A few Grimms in Earth-Grimm taught me how to wield Hamon. They found that I had potential.So touch me, and you die."

DIO takes out a knife.

Jotaro sighs. "Honestly..." he bows his head. "You honestly are the worst father I've ever met."

"Look who's talking!" yelled DIO. "I've seen the way you treated Kujo Shizuka..."

"I love my daughters, DIO..." said Jotaro.

"Do you?" snickered DIO. "Or are they just your tools for the continuation of the Joestar Bloodline?"

"Fuck off..."

DIO waves the knife around Jotaro's face. "Maybe you say that I'm a terrible father, but you raised one into becoming you and you raised another to turn into Jump Force's next leader."

"At least I bothered to care about my children. I've met your other children. Rikiel, Ungalo, Donatello... You didn't even bother to see them. To you, we're just tools for your grandeur. You never loved anyone. Not even your own mother..."

"Don't speak of MY MOTHER THAT WAY!!!"

"I doubt you even cared about her. You just let her die while your father continued beating her."

DIO clenches his jaw and his fists. "My mother lost her hands... because my father chopped them off... Then my father beat her to death...In her dying breath... She taught me that humanity means nothing... Humanity should be rejected... that she and I were above people like my father...So I poisoned that filthy murderer and your ancestor... Cut off both your ancestor's head and your Grandfather's... And killed EVERYONE who my father worked with to make my mother's death possible...Humanity... is scum... I will stand above this flock of pigeons... AND I WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!"

Jotaro sighs. "Yare yare daze... When will you learn that there's more to life than wanting to destroy the Joestars?"

"My mother died because father wanted some donations from your family... Jotaro... Your... family..."

"How is that our fault?"

DIO, surprisingly enough, quoted the Bible. "Then Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead, a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd. 'I am innocent of this man's blood,' he said. 'You bear the responsibility.' All the people answered, 'His blood be on us and on our children!' So Pilate released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed Him over to be crucified." He read that from the Bible, Matthew, 27:24-26. "I and my mother's blood is on George, Jonathan, and his children. For years, the Europeans punished the Jews... even toward the Second World War and today... So it is only rightful that they are punished."

"No..." said Jotaro. "That idea is fucking disgusting... No one's children should be and deserves to be punished for anyone's blood..."

"But it happened," said DIO. "It happened. I did not decide that. God did. Fate did. Whatever God decides, fate deems it ruly."

"So... you're just going to blame us for eternity?"

"Yes! Even Lucifer had his good deeds... That doesn't make him redeemable, now, does it?"

"And yet you used Jonathan's Stand to kill my own mother."

"Yeah... But I did it because I fucking felt like it. An Eye for an Eye, Kujo."

"Fine..." said Jotaro. "Then I'll surely crush your head at the end of all this..."

DIO sneers.

Jotaro softly smiles.

Note: Holy's Stand and Jotaro's Stand (at least in this Universe) are directly connected to Jonathan's Stand, Phantom of the Opera. This is because Jonathan somehow became conscious when both Jonathan's and DIO's Stand was awakened. While DIO used this connection to injure Holy Kujo, Jonathan's idea was to give Holy the Time-Stop. But because DIO already had control over her, he gave the Time Stand to Jotaro instead.


Narcos, Mercuria, and F.F. hug Gabrielle.

"Thanks for picking the notebook up, guys," smiled Gabrielle. "Keep it in the Reapercave."

"You got it," smiled Narcos. "We'll be picking up the objects and scanning for the next dimension. Rick will tell you the location."

Narcos sees Irene, who blushes while checking him out.

"Hey! Hey, Narcos!" smiled F.F.

Narcos turns to F.F. and sees that she's wearing glasses.

"I look cute, no?" smiled F.F.

"Yeah!" smiled Narcos.

F.F.'s smile disappears and she turns red.

"What?" asked Narcos.

"Oh... Just surprised!" F.F. chuckles.

Gabrielle looks at Narcos with slight annoyance.

"You okay?" asked Narcos.

"Peachy," said Gabrielle.

"That's strike one," said Miguel. "I only hit people in the third strike. Don't worry."

"For what!?" asked Narcos.

"You may be a genius strategist in battle, but you are so unbelievably dense," Miguel smiled.

"How can you say something so cold with that positive and cheery face!? You're terrifying!" yelled Narcos in his head.

Irene approaches Narcos. She continues checking him out.

"Narciso Anasui?" asked Irene.

"Narcos Anastasia, actually... And you're Gabrielle?" smiled Narcos.

"Kujo Irene Jocelyn," smiled Irene.

Narcos looks at her. "You're mixed-Japanese! You're pretty hot!"

Miguel warps out a stick and strikes Narcos in the head.

"OW!!!" yelled Narcos. "Dude! You miscounted!"

"No. I just really wanted to hit you. I counted that as two more strikes," said Miguel.

"*Sigh...* Well... Rick will be calling you around after an hour," said Mercuria. "We'll talk to you once you get the next clue."

"Thanks, Merci!" smiled Gabrielle.

"I love you!" smiled Narcos.

"Uh-huh..." said Gabrielle.

"Did you paint your nails a new color?" smiled Narcos.

Gabrielle turns red. "Y-...Yeah... How'd you notice?"

"It used to be green, now it's jade," smiled Narcos. 

"Huh..." said Yurielle. "I couldn't notice." 

"Why?" asked Josuke.

"Because I'm blind!" laughed Yurielle.

"That's fucked up, Yuri. Also, It's okay," said Josuke. "Neither did we."

"Yep," said Shizuka. "And I have super sight!"

"Uh-huh..." said Irene.

Gabrielle turns away, blushing. "I... guess I love you, too... And thanks..."

"You're welcome! Whoa... you look really cute right now!" smiled Narcos.

Miguel hits Narcos with a stick again.

"Is this fun for you!?" asked Narcos.

"More bittersweet."


"So... yeah! I could stop time, basically!" yelled Miguel. "Yep! Yep! I could do that!"

"That sure is something..." said Rick, onscreen. "*Burp!*"

"Rick!" yelled Morty. "Did you drink from the carton again?"

"It's not my fault! I was drunk!"

"Wait..." said Miguel. "Some giant machines are fighting over there, right?"

"Yeah...?" asked Gabrielle.

"That one machine is following us," said both Miguel and Yurielle. 

"Yeah... I think it's an F-15 Eagle Fighter Jet," said Yurielle.

Everyone (except Josuke, because he's driving) turns to her with a confused look.

"What?" asked Yurielle. "I have hobbies."

"No... But... It's just that... Do you hear vehicles!?" asked Irene.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"No! We didn't mean to offend you!" said Shizuka. "It's just that... How does that even work!? "

"Enhanced Echolocation. Similar to the Submarine's sonar device called the Sonar 2076. Missiles, Twelve O'Clock!"

Josuke yells, "PRINCE!!!"

Suddenly, the missiles explode 50 meters away from them.

"It seems that the organisms have some sort of mutations that give them certain enhancements. I've detected the manipulation of quantum string particles taking away the negative probabilities of that van. It's as if they're what the humans call, 'Lucky.'"

"Extinguish them," said Megatron, sounding like his original Frank Welker voice actor. "Our rule is to exterminate all life and to absorb the Geothermal Energy of this planet to convert it into Energon."

"You don't need to remind me..." hissed Starscream. "Lord... Megatron..."

Starscream begins to fly past them.

"I think it decided to ignore us," said Yurielle.

"No..." said Miguel.

*transformation noises*

Boy! Is that a lazy depiction of the super-cool sounds these robot toys make, or what!?

Starscream lands before the CoolDudeBus. He speaks in his classic Christopher Collins voice. "Stand down, Homo Sapiens! I, your new Overlord, am asking you to stand down. I mean you no harm, but please allow us to kill you, dissect your body, and study your mutations!"

"Who's this cheesy mofo supposed to be, anyway?" asked Miguel.

They all walk out of the bus as Miguel shrinks and hides the bus as a toy in his pocket.

"Wait..." said Miguel. "You look like that one robot from a cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid."

"SILENCE!!!" he squealed. "I'll cut all of you open... You! Homeless one! Are you the leader!?"

"Nope! She is!" he points to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Yes! Hello! No, you may not dissect us! Stay out of our way, or we'll be forced to kill you! Okay!? <3!"

Starscream chuckles. "Sure!" he laughed. "I'd like to see you, a female... try-!!!"


Gabrielle, with Ballbreaker activated, uses Stone Free's fist to blast a punch into Starscream. She went all out.

"I tried..." smirked Gabrielle.

However, Starscream spits some gears and only went a few steps back.

Gabrielle's confident expression goes to an "Oh, fuck!" expression.

Starscream punches Gabrielle so hard that she is tossed into a large mountain, which explodes. "Pathetic!" yelled Starscream. 

(theme begins)

"Hey!" yelled Irene. "I can shut you down for that..." she said as electric strings surround her body.

"Interesting... I can sense surges of electrons flowing through your body... And... There is some sort of invisible gravitational force on your body in the shape of a larger human... Like the beings in your world that you call 'Ghosts!'" said Starscream. "It'd be better to just blast you to PIECES!!!" he points his blaster at Irene and the others. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"




A powerful shockwave occurs and Starscream is taken aback. He stays his ground and punches Gabrielle again. She dodges and flies to the left. She spins around him as he shoots his blaster at Gabrielle over and over.

Suddenly, Starscream falls over as Gabrielle pulls her strings. She had tied the strings around his legs.

Gabrielle then flies and punches Starscream in the face, causing him to shut down and transform back into a Fighter Jet.

(theme ends)

"Huh..." said Miguel. "He was a jet, apparently...HOLY SHIT!!! WAS THAT STARSCREAM!?"

Something transforms behind them: Bumblebee.

They all prepare their Stands as Bumblebee somehow detects their energies.

Bumblebee hums and nods, raising his hands.

"Wait!" yelled Miguel. "This guy's a good guy! I think he's one of the heroes of the show: Bumblebee, right?"

The radio plays in Bumblebee's chest.

"'Yes!'" the radio then offers applause.

"How do you know?" asked Yurielle.

"You can trust me. I watched all four seasons of Generation One. I also watched the original 1987 movie..." said Miguel.

"What if he's an alternate evil version of the robot?" asked Gabrielle.

"Nah..." said Josuke. "He has the Autobot symbol."

"All I know is the Bay movies. I thought the series Dad used to watch sucked," said Gabrielle.

"Boo!" yelled Miguel.

"Ugh!" yelled Josuke. "Look at this dude... What a loser..."

"Hey! That's kind of my daughter!" yelled Miguel.

"Same," said Josuke. "Or... well... she's kind of my sister, too. Which is weird."

"Yeah... You're off the hook, then..." said Miguel.

"Hey!" yelled Gabrielle.

"I also can't help but feel offended, too," said Irene.

"Good," said Shizuka.

"What the hell's 'Yellow?'" asked Yurielle.

Everyone turns to her.

"I'm joking!" yelled Yurielle. "I know what 'yellow' looks like!"

Suddenly, a large tank about twice Bumblebee's size stood before them.

It points its smoothbore gun at them.

"Stand down..." he said in a deep voice. "We want the humans..."


Salvi stares at himself in the mirror. He washes his face and grunts.

He remembers...

Salvi's stepfather beats his mother over and over again.

"STOP IT!!!" sobbed a young Salvi. "STOP IT!!!"

Salvi sobs as he watches.

He then sees a bolo knife behind his stepfather, and he takes it. The stepfather notices the shadow. He then turns around as the mother tackles the stepfather to avoid her son getting killed, and...

Salvi accidentally decapitated his own mother.

His stepfather cackles as a young Simoun cries in the background.



DIO knocks on the bathroom door. "I sensed that you're upset..."

"Just... remembering..." said Salvi.

DIO sighs. "I caused my mother's death as well, Bernardo... If I hadn't stood up to Dario, he wouldn't have beat my mother to death in front of my eyes..."

"It's horrible..." said Salvi. "It feels like it's always our fault that Mother dies..."

"She died for us, Bernardo," said DIO. "That's why we are gods."


The group is trapped inside a black police car as three jets, a tank, a large purple robot, and another large purple robot who leads a massive army of several robots of different sizes.

"Lord Megatron..." said Soundwave, he said in a strangely-pitched vocoded voice. "I have resuscitated Starscream."

"Very well..." said Megatron.


"Captured, more or less," said Yurielle.


"They... have names...?" asked Gabrielle.

"Duh! Whoa! Those guys! The beetles: Shrapnel and Bombshell! And the grasshopper Kickback! They were so cool! Being mercenaries sent to Earth and all! Oh, God! When they were introduced in that swamp!"

"There are insects...?" asked Gabrielle.

"Remember when the Dinobots beat up Optimus!?" smiled Miguel.

"Dino Autobots?" asked Gabrielle.

"Just quit it, Gabrielle," sighed Shizuka. "The first step to acceptance is that you gotta stop trying. Self-Acceptance, that is. Not being accepted in particular."

"Silence," said Soundwave. "All of you stay quiet. Lord Megatron will be studying your bodies."

"Why, exactly?" asked Irene. "Y'know, dissecting bodies is kinda fucked up on our planet."

"Silence, human," said Shockwave, speaking in Corey Burton's voice.

"You humans are very strange. Some of you have a strange gene that has a fifth genome in the pattern other than the A-Gene, C-Gene, T-Gene, and the G-Gene," said Megatron. "Confirm this or I'll kill you."

"Yes. They're the W-Genes," said Gabrielle. "I have a gene that allows me to be a Wesen-Black-Eyes. I, Josuke, and Yurielle have this mutation. Miguel, Irene, and Shizuka don't."

"Yes..." said Megatron. "Now... Your strange spiritual energies... They're also genetic mutations... But they're not in the form of chemicals in your DNA. Rather, there is a Niburuan Virus latched upon your five DNAs. It's permanently stuck there and it's giving you... abilities..."

"They're called Standoids. It doesn't change our species. It's more like a genetic disease passed down from our ancestors. It makes us incredibly violent and aggressive. Stands, or Yuhamon, are what you call our abilities. It's a form of Hamon that, instead of being made of solar energy, is made of spiritual energy. The Stand is actually our soul leaving our body to fight our battles."

(Notes:Top-Left=HumansTop-Right=MetahumansBottom Left=Mediums, Wesen, and Rock HumansBottom Right=Stand-Users)

Achtung Baby blasts several punches at the cage's bars over and over, which is being carried by Skywarp.

Shizuka sighs, sitting back on the ground, tired. She puts her sunglasses back on her head and sighs. "Yare yare dawa... Yep... we've been captured."

Irene looks closely at the bars and sees that they're alive of some sort. Tiny electrical currents pass through the bars' "veins".

Bumblebee hums as he pets Yurielle's head.

Yurielle laughs. "This robot is adorable!" she giggled. 

"Yeah... uh-huh..." said Josuke. "WHOA!!! IT'S THE STUNTICONS!!!"

"Guys?" asked Shizuka. "How are we going to leave this place? Guys? Why the hell is no one paying attention!?"

"It's fine," said Irene. "I can hear you."

Shizuka scoffs.

Irene rolls her eyes. "Anyway... I just wanted to say that there are some electrons from our Universe here."

"Lord Megatron," said Soundwave. "They have the same Quantum Strings as the human's glasses at the base."

"Glasses?" asked Shizuka in her head.

Shizuka realizes something. "Miguel? Can't you open a portal outta here?"

"Shush!" yelled Miguel. "I want to stay longer!"

Shizuka facepalms. "How about this..."

Later... They reach the strange chamber as they are awaiting 

Megatron sighs. "I've gotten a call from the Black Diamond..." he told me while they are far away from the group.

A portal opened is revealed as Shizuka, who is invisible, walks by and sneaks alone. She sees the glasses hung like a museum attraction among several human objects. Shizuka turns the portal invisible and walks toward it.

"Yes," said Megatron, drinking a cup of Energon. "Black Diamond is offering us possible volunteers for our research of these beings..."

Shizuka's eyes widen. "'Black Diamond?'"

"Hey..." said Irene. "Shizuka? Where are you?"

Irene had followed after Shizuka.

Shizuka's eyes widen as she immediately turns Irene invisible.

Soundwave observes this.

He slowly turns to the spot where the invisible portal is.

"Frenzy," said Soundwave. "Eject!"

A black and red human-sized cassette ejects out of Soundwave's chest as if Soundwave's chest was a radio.

It then transforms into a 7-foot-tall black and red humanoid robot holding a blaster.

"Scan the area for foreign quantum strings," said Soundwave.

(theme begins)

Suddenly, Frenzy turns invisible.

"Oh no," said Soundwave.

Luckily for Frenzy, he is capable of seeing them because he has a special scanner that allows him to see Quantum Strings.


Shizuka's Stand, Achtung Baby, finally appears. It is a feminine white Stand with heart-shaped sunglasses with a similar body to Stone Free, but she has a pink "crown" similar to Perfect Cell's, but smaller. She also has pink wings on her back.

Shizuka uses Achtung Baby.

"I can't see anything!" yelled Irene. "I can't hear myself either! Huh... Electrical Sense... right..."

Irene senses a punch toward Shizuka, and Stone Free knocks Frenzy down to the ground.


Shizuka takes out Achtung Baby and blasts a kick into Frenzy's face. 

Frenzy kicks Shizuka down over and over again as Irene struggles to try and puppeteer Frenzy.

Irene takes out Stone Free and begins injecting the strings into Frenzy's body.

Frenzy chuckles. "I sense that you are disgusted with each other... Why are you working together...?"

"Probably because we aren't two groups of stupid fucking toy lines who fight each other!" yelled Irene.

Her voice travels through the strings. 

"You creatures are stupid," said Megatron. "Humans... And their sentiment... The Autobots fight for you humans and I don't know why...?"

(theme ends)


"'We...' 'Want...' 'Two...!'  'Find!' 'That!' 'Cube!'" said Bumblebee.

"Cube, huh?" asked Yurielle. "Why?"

"'The-!' 'Decept-!!!!' 'E!' 'Cons-...' 'Have...' 'Something that-!' 'Will DESTROY... THIS... WORLD!!!'"

Yurielle sees the string tied on Gabrielle's string.

"Hey, Gabrielle?" asked Yurielle.

"Yeah?" asked Gabrielle.

"We need to help the people in this world," said Yurielle.

"This Earth is outside Maharlican Territory."

"But that doesn't mean we have to just leave and act passive about their current situation. Bumblebee, here, says that the cube is what the Decepticons have been using to clone more robots that steal Geothermal Energy from this world, effectively killing plants around the world and are therefore killing all life."

"In Maharlica, we have something we call the 'Non-Interference Policy.' It was an ideology we got from Galactic Nations. It basically prevents most wars between worlds and colonization, basically," said Gabrielle.

"We colonize all the time!"

"Only if they want to. We don't just colonize countries randomly! Except for the United States because Doughnut was a fucking prick and Dad was a bit hypocritical."

"We're not trying to colonize anyone! We're just here to help and leave!"

"But that will lead to the Decepticons considering us as our enemies. Apparently, these guys have connections to Black Diamond. So, we'll either beat it or eat it."

Yurielle grabs the string from Gabrielle's finger

"YURIELLE!!!" yelled Gabrielle.

Yurielle whispers something in the strings.

Gabrielle, however, stops Yurielle.

"Would your Dad like it if you decided to pass up an opportunity to help innocent people?" asked Yurielle.

Gabrielle looks down. "No... It wouldn't be right... We may be mutants, but we're still as human as these people are."

Bumblebee hums and gives Gabrielle and thumbs-up.

"'Alright!'" yelled a radioman on his radio.


"Uh-huh..." whispered Irene. "Okay..."

"Well?" asked Megatron. "Because of Frenzy's eyes, I see right where you are... A couple of targets for my bullets."

Irene whispers something to Shizuka.

Shizuka sees the cube next to the museum.

Irene and Shizuka sigh, turning to each other. They nod to each other.

Irene's strings touch the glasses and the cube and then turn invisible.

Suddenly, the entire group turns invisible.

"NO!!!" yelled Megatron.

Miguel opens a portal and appears before Megatron and does a little dance. "Haha! Megatron-go, 'GRRRR!!!' STICKS, MOTHERFUCKER!!!"

Miguel opens a portal behind him.

Megatron blasts at him, but he's already gone.

"RAUGH!!!" yelled Megatron.

Megatron sighs. "Yes, Black Diamond... We've lost them... I apologize for wasting your time..."


"Why did you help us?" asked Optimus.

"We just felt like it," smiled Gabrielle.

Optimus looms over the entire group. He leans down to them. "You seem to all have resentment and anger in your eyes. All of you... Whatever you people have against yourselves or against each other... You have to put it aside... Which... I understand could reflect on how I see my own old friend..."

Irene and Shizuka turn to each other for a moment and turn away.

"Who is that Megatron!?" asked Yurielle.


"Megatron was my friend..." said Optimus Prime. "I was his adviser. He aimed for reaching the stars and I did not wish to reach for it. Rather, I watched them spin around my planet on the stone ground. But, when Megatron offered his beliefs to the elders, they were displeased. I then tried to ease them with my own. They, instead, chose me to become the leader of the Cybertronians: A Prime."

"So..." said Yurielle. "You were like a family who just hurt each other in the end and is still fighting?"

Irene and Shizuka turn to each other, feeling slightly bad.

Bumblebee plays an applauding and cheering recording while clapping his hands for Yurielle's answer. "'You goooooot thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat right!'"

"So long, strange visitors... May we meet each other in the farther future," nodded Optimus. "Your father... Miguel JoJo..."

"You know my father?" asked Gabrielle.

"He was a good man," said Optimus. "There is a thin line between being a hero and being a memory... Your father is the first. And I do not say that often."

"Thanks..." smiled Gabrielle.

"May we meet again someday..." said Optimus. "In any war, there are calms between storms. There will be times when we lose our faith. Times when our family, friends, and allies turn against us... but the day will never come that we, the Autobots, forsake this planet and its people."

Miguel wipes a tear. "That's fuckin' beautiful!" he whispered.

Later... the CoolDudeBus rode into another Purple Dimension...

Irene and Shizuka still turned away from each other.

"Hey," said Irene.

"What?" asked Shizuka.

"Nice jacket," said Irene.

Shizuka smirks. "Th-... Thanks. I like your new lipstick."

"You noticed?" smiled Irene.

"How could you not?" laughed Shizuka.

"I'm... sorry... for... everything," sighed Irene. "Yare yare dawa... God, this is cringe..."

"N-No! It's fine!" smiled Shizuka. "'Cringe' was my entire High School and University life! I know what that's like!"

Irene bursts into laughter. "Yeah..."

"I'm sorry, too," said Shizuka. "I shouldn't have blamed you that your life was perfect..."

"'Perfect?' Pfft... You know how hard it is to please Dad!?"

"RIGHT!? Sheesh! That man only cares about Dolphins and you! He barely talks to Mom and me!"

"I wish..." said Irene. "...I was closer to Mom."

"And I, Dad," said Shizuka.

"That so?" smiled Irene.

Suddenly, the CoolDudeBus comes to a halt.

"Hey!" yelled Miguel. "What's wrong out there!?"

Gabrielle's and Josuke's eyes widen.

Gabrielle had stopped driving.

Before the bus...

Is Kujo Jotaro... bleeding in his belly...

