
142. Grateful Dead Part I ~Battle of the Momma's Bo...

Yang gasps for air as he is healed by Lei.

"Honestly... That dummy forgot to heal his friend," said Lei, bowing her head. She sighs. "I honestly can't blame him. His mom's a touchy subject."

The two Stand-Users blast their fists and their Stand's fists in the air.

The five face the army of aliens who prepare their blasters.

"Welp... Here it goes..." said Lei.


Zed blasts his armored fists at several Gromflomites and aliens.


Zed blasted several magical spells that turned many aliens into butterflies, frogs, fish, or worms.

Meanwhile, Celine shot bullet shells into the alien's faces, blasting their heads open with her airplanes. Green and blue blood were splattered all over the streets.



Yang merely walked into the army with his Stand floating near him as the purple fumes melted their flesh into puss and blood. Yang whistled, "Mr. Sandman" as all the aliens who charged at him melted and died.

Van sniped several aliens from the rooftop.

Meanwhile, Ryle drew about this in his sketchbook.

Lei, meanwhile, used her blue humanoid Stand, Oceanman: Spin Doctor, to blast water-filled spinning bubbles and slices the alien's heads.


Lord blocked the Steel Balls blasted toward him by Do'Bumsha.

"For years I've become a slave by Lord Spazura... forced to do his bidding and every command he had!" yelled Do'Bumsha. "'Ooh! Do'Bumsha! Kill this man and make his dog eat him! Hawhawhaw! Ooh! Do'Bumsha! Warm my bath! Ooh! Do'Bumsha! Ooh! Slaughter all these children and drag their bodies around on your cartwheel!'"

"I am questioning both this man and your relationship with this man," said Lord Marvel.


Crazy Diamond blasts a punch toward Do'Bumsha's face, but Do'Bumsha blocks it.

"My mother would never kill yours!" yelled Lord, blasting heat vision into Do'Bumsha's eyes. "She was a good woman."


"My mother took care of me while my stepfather acted like a complete monster my entire life... When he left us... my mother did everything in her power to keep me protected... to keep ME SAFE!!!"


Do'Bumsha blasts heat vision into Lord's face.

However, Lord spins behind him and covers Do'Bumsha's eyes.

"But then she was taken out by something awful like cancer..."

Lord blasts his fists at Do'Bumsha.

"I never asked this!" he sobbed. "I promised her to be the best that I could be! But here I was in a dead-end job because I flunked everything in school! But even when I thought I wasn't good enough... She was still there believing in me!And then you're telling me she was a murderer!|How'd your mother die?"

"The planet blew up!" yelled Do'Bumsha.

"Then you're a liar!" yelled Lord, as he blasted his fists into Do'Bumsha's face.

"She's still the reason why my mother's... DEAD!!!"

Do'Bumsha manages to crush Lord's arm with a Steel Ball.


Do'Bumsha grabs his face.

"You know how much I've lost just because of Lord Spazura! If only I was lucky like you! Here you are! A Heroic Celebrity on your grimy pathetic planet! What makes you so special!?"

"I'm gonna break you..." said Lord, as he bashed Do'Bumsha's face. "...like a cracker..." he smoldered.

Do'Bumsha immediately breaks into laughter. "Aha... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!! You are no different from a rabbit."

"You're an alien... How do you know what that is?" asked Lord.

"I've been on your planet for four months! What did you expect, half-breed!?" asked Do'Bumsha.

Lord gasps. "That's racist!"

"We're the same race, dipshit!" yelled Do'Bumsha, as he slammed his fist into Lord's face.

Do'Bumsha then began to rot Lord's face with his hands.

"You think I wanted this!?" asked Do'Bumsha.

"No!" yelled Lord. "Probably because YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL ME!!!"

"God, I hate you," said Do'Bumsha.

"Y'know what!? I don't think I like you either!" yelled Lord.

"You were just talking about breaking me because I called your mother a murderer-..."

"My mom-..."

"I've come to exact my FUCKING revenge..."

"-would never kill-..."

"And I will HAVE IT!!!"

"STOP IT!!!"




The two scream out loud hysterically and attack each other.

Van and Ryle witnessed the whole thing because they were flying just a few meters to their right.

"That was the fifth time that happened," said Ryle. "It's like a cycle of enemies to becoming friends to becoming enemies again."

"Good thing Do'Bumsha is just as stupid as Lord is," said Van. "You think Lord's mom really killed Do'Bumsha's?"

Ryle raises his shoulders. "I... I do not care."


"Fine! I kinda wanna know the twist!"

An alien appears and tries to kill Van from behind.


Ryle turns his skin into pages and writes something on his pages: "I will shoot myself."

The alien immediately shoots himself.

"Thanks," said Van.

"You're welcome," said Ryle.
