
22. Strength~Unlucky in Love~

Anne Zeppeli was once an everyday woman. She was a Defense Lawyer in Burnham City and was a very well-known Lawyer. She was popular for the numerous cases she won over her first two years...

She lived with her mother and older brother, whom she both loved dearly.

However... She wanted more.

She wanted to learn what happened with the man she fell in love with, who disappeared 2 years ago.

One night, she fought for a strange man in her case. Unlike most of the people she fought for, she noticed that this man was completely aloof in the entire court-hearing. This was strange for her, and she later realized that she messed up. This person must've been a professional criminal. She looked into him and saw that this proven innocent criminal has a connection with the mysterious Mafia that came up around 1996, known as the New World Order. So, she decided to join the Mafia in secret.

She spent time questioning them in secret as she smuggled drugs to those she helped plead innocent and even those who she failed.

After some time, however, The New World Order's leader, Salvi, figured out that some of his men were being killed. So, he decided to punish her.

She was allowed to leave, but with a small consequence.

She went home to see her mother and brother dead on the ground, with holes punched in their chests. This was a message from Salvi, that she must never try to learn the truth, or else, she will suffer.

The woman became depressed, and soon, she quit being a Lawyer. This is because she was threatened to never return as a Lawyer. She became a loner, and became alone once more, working side jobs on the hour.

However, she heard that someone she lost long ago came back. This person was the one she loved dearly, and she once again has a chance to be happy once more. She put on her license and went to him.

His name...


"You want to leave this world, huh?" asked Anne, as Miguel rested his head on her lap. He looked up at the stars and ignored her, while she looked down into his eyes.

The two are on the roof of a hotel. Everyone downstairs is still chanting Miguel's name, laughing at him.

"I'm a dreamer, Anne," said Miguel. "I want to leave this world. Sometimes, I don't feel like myself."

"You hate prom, huh, Miggy?"

"Yeah. You?"

"So much..."

The two laugh softly.

"I wish..." said Miguel, with eyes twinkling. "...I could stop time... and this could be something I could enjoy...Forever..."

"I'll always be here for you when you need me," she smiled sweetly.

"You're the closest thing I have to a sister, Anne," he replied softly.


"Here's what I got from the interview. His name is Miguel JoJo. Background, still unknown. We're looking up in the system who he is and checking up on his fingerprints. He claims to have come from Lamigan Island and graduated Law there. He was also a Marine on the island with a kill count of 1,024, which he claimed to be, '2 raised to 10' which he claims to be 'awesome'. He claims to have symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, may have a possible Emotional Disorder, and may have Dissociative Identity Disorder. He claims to formerly have Anxiety and Stress Disorders. He also has a severe fear of ants and heights. He is 195 cm. He has a slender but muscular build. He claims to have been a citizen in Burnham City but disappeared five years ago. His favorite food is apparently Pakbet, vegetables sauteed in shrimp sauce. He also likes to drink hot milk before bed and enjoys the pain burning his upper lip. He likes tea over coffee. He is a vegetarian who eats mostly vegetables but allows himself to eat any meat except red meat. He likes watching YouTube Playthroughs but hates playing video games, except probably for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Animal Crossing, the only games he played. His favorite dessert is pickles and mayonnaise. He always exercises, but will not disclose how he does it to me. He is incredibly aloof. His catchphrases are 'Hay Naku' and 'Walang Kwenta'."

"Those answers aren't based on questions in the form."

"I have only asked him one question that was in the form."

"What was the question?"

"'Who are you?'"

"MIGGY!!!" she smiled, running to Miguel in the interrogation room and hugging him tightly.

"Anne!" he shouted as Anne dug her face in his chest. "Can you not hug me like this? We're in an interrogation room, and people are watching..."

"I just missed you 'sho' much... Oh God, I thought you were dead!" she began to cry.

"Oy," said Miguel. "Let go of me! Geez!"

"Nope!" she smiled.

"You're my best friend, JoJo!" she giggled.

"You, too," smiled Miguel.

"God... Did you get abs?"

"Miss Zeppeli, please."

"Right! S-Sorry!" she smiled and giggled. "R-Right... What are you charging my client with, exactly?"

"Public indecency and resisting arrest," the Detective replied. "And he claims to have graduated law school in the Lamigan Islands."

"That place?" asked the Chief. "How did you, Mr. JoJo-?"

"Not 'HoHo'..." said Miguel. "It's pronounced 'JoJo'... My ancestor Americanized it."

"Right... Mr. JoJo... How did you exactly get on top of her police car in the middle of a clearing?"

"I... jumped," said Miguel.

"You jumped?" asked the Detective. "From where? There was nothing around the clearing to-..."

"From... the... ground?" asked Miguel.

"You jumped off the ground while naked in the clearing?" asked the Chief.

"Yep," said Miguel.

"Why were you naked?" asked the Chief.

"I don't remember..." smiled Miguel.

A man comes in and whispers something to the ears of the Chief and Detective.

"Huh?" asked the Chief. "I'm sorry, you're the Miguel JoJo from the missing person's case for the last five years?"

"Yes," said Miguel.

Later, a lie detector is brought into the room.

Miguel stayed completely aloof as they hooked him up to the device.

"Is your name Miguel JoJo from the missing person's case?" asked the Chief.

"Yes," he replied.

"Where were you these last five years?" asked the Chief.

"I was on the island," he replied.

"Ah... the island of Lamigan? East of the Philippines?" asked the Detective.

"Yes," he replied.

"How did you get here?" asked the Chief.

Here is the issue... Miguel can't really say what actually happened... because they'd think he's crazy and he'd be sent into an asylum...

"A fat man brought me here via a ship that transcends time and space," said Miguel, in a sarcastic tone.

"No need for sarcasm, here, Miguel JoJo," said the Chief. "How did you get here?"

"I don't remember much... It was like a flash of... shining lights... blurring my vision..." Miguel replied.

"Hm..." said the Captain. "You were an American Marine, correct?"

"Yes," said Miguel. "On the island, while I was studying Law for three years, I was also working as a Marine."

"How did you make the time for that, exactly?" asked the Chief.

"I just never slept," smiled Miguel.

"On the island... have you killed anyone?" asked the Captain.

"Yes," said Miguel. "Enemy soldiers."

"Have you killed anyone that's... innocent?" asked the Chief. "The island may be outside of civilization but it's still under the Philippines ' jurisdiction."

Star Platinum finally appeared and grabbed his heart.

Anne elbows Miguel when she sees Star Platinum.

"What's wrong?" asked the Chief.

"Nothing, Chief," she smiled.

Miguel's pupils got a bit bigger as his heartbeat slowed down.

"No," he replied, with a smile.

They checked the lie detector and saw that there was no change in his heartbeat. It was completely monotonous the entire time.

"You're free to go, Miguel JoJo. Welcome back to society..." they replied, as they shook his hand. "Your certificate in Law?"

"It's online. Don't worry, I'll make copies," he smiled, as the cops gave him a confused look.

"What? That island has Marines in it. We aren't just savages!"

"Huh... You didn't need me, after all!" said Anne, as the two walked out of the precinct and into the city of Burnham. She then checks for something in her purse. "Yep! Forgot my keys in the car! Guess I'm walking home!"

"I guess I didn't," said Miguel.

"I think you owe me an apology."

"You came on your own accord!" gritted Miguel's teeth.

Anne then simply laughed at him. "Not that..." she said. "Oops, stepped on dog poo."

"Hay Naku, Anne..." he sighed, bowing his head. "Honestly..."

"That lady that arrested you," said Anne. "Wasn't she the girl you liked back in High School who rejected you a lot?"

"Yeah," said Miguel. "What of it?"

"Well... I am dunno! I just thought that something must've clicked!" she smiled as she steepled her fingers.

"Nah," said Miguel.

"Really? You were so head over heels for that girl and she thought you were just a creep the entire time! Nothing?!" she asked.

"Nothing," he replied with a rather mundane expression.

"What did you see on that island, exactly?" she asked with all seriousness.

Miguel stared blankly forward.

"Things," he replied.

"I saw bad things, too... I've done a lot of bad things, you know... just to try and find you," she replied, looking blankly down. "I hurt people... I hurt myself... I ruined people's lives just to get to you... But I never found you..."

Miguel continued to walk away. Anne tried to follow but gets her toes stumped on the pavement.

"Ow!" she said.

"Are you okay?" he asked, but not turning around to check on her.

"And then here you are... appearing right out of nowhere..." said Anne.

She clenched her fists.

Miguel simply stayed aloof and looked up at the stars.

"It's as if everything I've ever done was for nothing... I don't blame you but..."

Miguel turns around to see her again.

"...where were you..." she asked with tears in her eyes. "...when I needed you the most?"

Miguel blankly stared at her.

"Is it selfish that I didn't want you to leave?" she asked, crying and wiping her tears. "You just left for no reason, Miguel! Just because they killed your mom... I get that, but you left us, Miguel! You left what was left of your broken family! You left Jedan and me! God knows where Kariel is! You left us, Miguel! You tried to hunt them down, and look where that got you!"

Miguel simply hugged her, keeping her close to his chest.

"I really am unlucky, huh, Miguel JoJo?" she asked, smiling. "You smell nice... despite being on an island for five years..."

"Do I still owe you an apology?" he smiled.

"Hmph," she said.

"Sorry, Anne Zeppeli..." smiled Miguel.

Suddenly, a car's speed caused a splash of mud all over them.

"Walang Kwenta..." said Miguel.

"We have to go back," said Anne.

"Why?" asked Miguel.

"I found my keys. They were in my pocket," she said, taking them out.

"Hay Naku, Anne..."
