
Chapter 237 Insomniac People

The flames in the mirror receded, and the majestic figure gradually disappeared into the darkness, but the mysterious symbol Captain Duncan had shown remained vividly in his mind.

Maurice left the storeroom and after a glance at his sleeping wife, approached the writing desk under the window. He took out paper and a pen, and using the cold, luminous night light from outside, while his memory was still clear, he sketched the strange, ancient symbol.

Subsequently, the knowledgeable old scholar furrowed his brows as he looked at the drawing on the paper, falling into a brief contemplation.

Even scholars who had passed the strictest exams at the Academy of Truth were baffled by the sight of this symbol—of one thing he was certain: that this was neither a symbol used by any City-State, church, or official organization, nor did it conform to the norms of mystical symbols.
