
Hellscape Stew

Kiera looked at the massive mountain of death fish with a murderous gaze. Then she clasped her hands and looked to the sky. "Dear lord, please give me the strength to beat my man savagely.

He has ruined yet another sacred ground by turning it into a disgusting fish market, and I shan't allow it. However, I'm weak, lord, and need strength.

Please help me not to be tempted or swayed by cake, a butt squeeze, or any other charming sin you can think of.

May I have the strength to look into his vibrant green eyes and see a target for stabbing, not a wonderful and encapsulating galaxy of all things perfect and holy.

Give me clarity, so I can see this for what it is and not forget it the moment I see his face.

Allow me the will and fire to beat him savagely until the point of death before release. Amen!"

The cabinet members shuddered, hearing Kiera declare a deep-seated desire to murder her man. That's how they knew she was pissed off.
