
"[Y]our physical-slash-plastic surgeon."

Rein grabbed Steve and jumped backward as a golden-red shooting star cut across the street, causing the entire area to warp. A split second later—



A massive heat blast hit her, but the heat didn't last. The atmosphere became tranquil and cool a moment later, and she crashed into a strange wooden object.

"GuhhHhhhHh... what is this?" The brunette groaned, opening her eyes and examining the wood. She saw intricate patterns etched into it, and looked down and found herself on royal red sheets.

Before she could process what was happening, a black-clad figure crashed into her. "WHAT THE—AHHhhHHhH!"

The short-haired brunette involuntarily screeched when she saw Steve do a breathtaking triple axle through a spatial rift and land face-first on her breasts.

"GuuHHhHhhH…." Steve groaned, shaking his head in her cleavage while she lay frozen with a mortified blushing expression and her hand raised.
