
The Night After: Tonight, We Celebrate

"Tonight, we celebrate." The emperor announced, standing before a flickering bonfire, sending his dancing shadow over a large crowd of Immortals.

He panned their faces, ensuring each could see him and hear his words before continuing.

"Tonight, we celebrate the life of the [heroes] who fell protecting Immortal Skye, our people, and way of life." Kaze announced slightly louder and more boldly.

All the ex-soldiers and Immortals cheered lightly, like a lit fuse, before their reaction ignited the emotional powder keg within their hearts, making the area explode with booming cheers and applause.

"That's right!" He affirmed louder, "Those who fell were not [victims]—no!"

His words picked up momentum, intensity, and passion with each sentence, pulling people in like a magnet.

"Our fallen heroes will get immortalized in our history books as we rebuild civilization in this hell-stricken world." The emperor roared, "None have truly died, as they will live on forever—as legends!"
