
The Setup

"Is there a woman that feels confident?" Whitney, the blonde from Evalyn's tennis team, chuckled, "No offense, but that's not helping your good guy image."

Kaze turned to the woman sitting in the lotus position with a slight smile. "Is that so? Is it normal for serial killers to ask for volunteers?"

"Depends on how sick they are." She replied, unwavering.

"Pray tell, what type of serial killer do you take me for?" He mused, "What are my fetishes?"

Whitney turned bright red. Her half-joking only went so far.

"Here, I'll answer you. I like giving my victims great living, billion-dollar techniques, teaching them things to give them hope so their despair can drop as far as possible." Kaze smiled.

Everyone froze; the topic was very volatile, so they prayed he was joking.

"Or maybe—just maybe—I exclusively have Yang Qi that can help women divulge the Qi channels in their bodies because they have Yin Qi." He mused.
