
June 24th, 2032 | Malta Threats

Kaze knocked on Evalyn's door at 5:45 the next day. She immediately opened the door, fully dressed with a slight smile.

"Hello, Kaze." The blonde said, "I can't wait for another happy day following you around like a helpless kitten."

"Welcome back, [Evalyn]; your fate is remarkable." He chuckled in disbelief, "Post Apocalypse Party arrival date, closed cultivation, plans for revenge but not vocalized. You understand, yes?"

Evalyn nodded with a frown, pleased that he trusted her enough to give a fake alibi in one sentence without needing a drawn-out explanation, but displeased she was compared to the Ice Phoenix.

So she silently followed him up the stairs to the meeting room, not expressing any emotion.

When they got to the door, her uncle was waiting with an ambivalent expression.

"Good morning, Kaze, Evalyn." Daniel said with a forced smile.

"Good morning, Uncle." Evalyn replied dryly.
