
46.2_Unchanging endearment, Learning again

Chapter 46.2: Something new, everything change

Collocatione: a well-known spell that is used by demons and angels, others don't use it and use the lesser version known as 'wrap'. There are two ways to use the spell, either by great knowing the place's structure and texture like the coordinates or just recalling the memories that you remember of that place.

Wrap: a spell using estimation from eye length to teleport. Low succession chance and doesn't account for height differences so it's dangerous for those who first use it as they will fall head first from the sky. The only reason to use it is low mana situations or quick-time battles.

De Amia: well there is nothing to be said of this. It's somewhat higher than 'cure' but lesser in the healing than 'cure'. I never go forth with dark magic study so I can't use any normal healing spells on demons so this spell that use to exchange life force can be a substitute.

[Gabriel's pov]

As the days trickle past since our arrival, the thickening tension suffocates me more with each passing moment. To tiptoe around the issue would be futile, as it only intensifies the matter at hand. However, this was not what we had envisioned. Only the gentle snowfall that envelops the outside world brings some solace amidst the boiling cauldron of emotions.

As for Mikhail, it's difficult to determine if the demons have influenced his pheromones, but there's no denying the adoration he garners. Nonetheless, since we arrived, I have witnessed an unpleasing side of his so-called allies. Despite their facade of being trustful, unspoken tension pervades the atmosphere.

Suddenly, a voice jolts me out of my reverie. It's Akan Andromalius, one of the three direct descendants of Andromalius. Unlike his siblings, Akan's candid and straightforward nature makes him more susceptible to provocation.

"Have you not been wandering around their majesty's coffin?" he asks with a tinge of annoyance. The insinuation ruffles my feathers.

"I am entitled to spend my free time as I please. Is it not sufficient that I've complied with your demands?" I retort, catching Akan off-guard. These days, it's the little triumphs that keep me going.

"My father's words were not intended to cast aspersions on your group, but everyone's thoughts are conspicuous," Akan retorts as he scurries away, his unfinished tasks still in hand.

I can't help but ponder if his workaholic tendencies are prevalent among his people. If that is the case, what kind of environment has Mikhail crafted for his people? These questions remain unanswered, adding to the swelling apprehension

"I have endured harsher insults than that," I declare, my voice quivering with a mixture of anger and frustration. As I stand up from the icy ground, I can feel the damage to my wings, which were once a source of great pride. Now, they are nothing but a reminder of the battles I have fought.

My muscles tense as I confront Akan's taunts. I rise from the snow, feeling the frozen feathers on my wings strain and crackle with each movement. Akan had belittled me, calling me nothing more than glorified transportation. But as I look down at my battered wings, I can't help but feel the sting of his words

"There is no need for me to explain them. At least for someone like you, who dressed as a sage, yet masquerading as a jester amongst the newcomers," Akan hisses, his words sharp like a blade. He seeks to provoke me, to expose my true nature.

"Unlike some lady who likes to the trump card when her hand is nothing but a boastful bust. If not for lord Ragnorr, unnecessary bloodshed among allies would have occurred" Akan persists, hurling accusations at me about past mistakes and their resulting consequences.

I am no stranger to these types of accusations. Both my enemies and allies have used my violent tendencies against me. Nevertheless, I am skilled in seeing beyond the venomous words and understanding their true motives.

"Uriel was disoriented after escaping execution, and Kryos was agitated by our arrival in Saudade. Both were at fault," I explain, striving to maintain my composure. However, my words only seem to fuel Akan's anger, and the tension between us thickens

"Neither of the visitations was accounted for, yet you blame Lord Ragnorr. How selfish of you," he sneered, his words dripping with venom. His disdain for me was palpable, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for not being there when Mikhail needed me the most.

"I have let him down this time by not aiding him on time. For the shared sorrow of a lost sovereign and a lost brother," I admitted, realizing that my mistakes had consequences that extended far beyond my personal guilt. My apology was not directed at Akan, but rather at Mikhail, as I hoped my words would reach him in his moment of awakening.

Akan continued his verbal assault, accusing me of wallowing in my grief rather than taking action to address the situation. "You talk about grief like a personal problem. Instead of doing something about it, you act like some lost puppies who lost their masters. I am not going let their name be sullied by your sloth," he spat, his words stinging like a lash.

"Their majesty was a good sovereign. They have helped us and many others without complaining, I remembered having distrusted them before they even came to Aeterna," he recounts, recalling the memories of Mikhail's reign and the positive impact he had on our world.

As he speaks, memories flooded back to me of the time before Mikhail's death, the moments when we were all naive to the fragility of life. "Before anyone of us notice how irreplaceable their position has become, they have simply perished. Their deaths were momentary, but after knowing how my father's truth…" I trailed off, the memories still too painful to put into words.

Akan's tears were quickly wiped away as he spoke spiteful words, "Mournful a thousand times over won't help their ambition be fulfilled. So take these words as a fool's lament as you will, you're their twin, the most understanding one here of their action."

"Are you finished? The whole story is immaculate from the start, but they are the merits of the past. I am not trying to be ungrateful. " I sigh, while those eyes flare up again. It's his wish for me to follow what Mikhail has done, I am not one to utmost knowledge but basic architecture is something that I listen to Mikhail's study.

"Have you taken a look at Aeterna's water supply? He was in a rush not to slow down the defense of this village. There are but temporal solutions." Instead of every house, the water supply is kept only at the center of the village and the rune was kept a simple line rather than multiple for preserving and usage reasons.

"How did you?" Akan express quite a shocking expression, did he not call me a sage for nothing? Quite I am more battle-orientated when it comes to knowledge but no one knew how the two of us rely on the established bond, that is the oath was for.

It would be foul for us to use such weaknesses to attack each other, and given the time of our weakness, a swift death would be granted to whom the other planned better. Mercy is a weakness he and I both share, but be proud of when history will write after.

"You're right, I was mourning Mikhail's death but that wasn't what I have done. Being observance and counting on ends, the only reason I didn't do anything was because of the chaotic diplomat tendencies all of you have created." Then again, I have to explain why the reason for observation.

The recall of how brave he was to observe closely an Ars Goetia demon, he was never serious about fighting at all. The only time that I witness an enrage version of Mikhail was Kushiel's execution. Every move was handled to the precise amount until the very last before the everlasting glacier coffin.

"After your retelling of his story, I understand what were those admirations from, surely he must be suffocated with needless underestimation." At this point, a nervous laugh is what I can do. The conversation is brewed over to invert the needless accusation, there is nothing to finish or begin now.

"Since you're asking me now to "do something", I guess I have to consult with lord Andromalius about these changes of mine." Time to say goodbye to these doubtful thoughts.

Walking toward the largest house in the village, there is an increasing lack of security here with no one to guard the place, which is different from the first day. Andromalius has dropped his guard too much, the hospitality is much appreciated but to this vulnerable point is rather reprehensible.

"What is the reason for the sudden visit?" From behind, a slim shadow appeared. The half-foreign god, Shin says menacingly. The power and origin of this one are questionable, the power is sacrificed by burning one's soul to such an extreme. It's strikingly similar to what Camael has.

The continent as we are standing on is quite strictly forbidden for foreigners to live, or at least not any foreigner can come and seduce one of the two main fractions of the continent and bears an heir successfully.

"If I said that I wish to follow the sovereign's footsteps, would you believe me?" The answer comes with a nod from the other side, at least he is easier than Akan

"I understand, then do as you please. But to an extent, if their will is twisted by your doing, I shall have your head." At those words said, the tension eases up.

Heading inside for the first time, I met with the two consorts of Andromalius. They said that not for an hour before sunset, would he return. So I wait as those plans come rushes with the papers I ask for the quick doddle.

After four hours exactly, an emerald light returned to the house. 'Collocatione' as the spell expressed, is the great gorgon that takes the form of a stand-up chancellor. His demeanor is gravely troubled, something must have happened on that side. Uriel is always the most demeaning one by that boastful ego she has.

"Ah, Gabriel. What do I owe the pleasure of having you here?" Andromalius answers those eyes bear no enthusiasm and are full of soullessness. How far did they go through? There are still-bled wounds all over, a fight must have occurred.

"I am here to propose many improvements toward Mikhail's unfinished upgrade of this village. But you look troubled, what has happened in Saudade?" I ask. Demons can't have normal healing spells right so 'De amia' and he can be a bit better.

"There is none of your concern, Gabriel. The whole castle caught wind of the sovereign passed away, Furcas was quite strongly enraged over there." Andromalius answers as the life force returns the color of his eyes, how particular does he has quite multicolor eyes?

The green emerald eye is normal for the poison that passed through all of his children. The condense of poison is reflected in Andromalius's green eyes, the duller the worse the poison he has. The other one sometimes changes to blue, particularly when he is emotionally unstable.

"And what about the temporal ruling? Did Ragnorr manage well to his part?" Continue with my question, Andromalius comes with a pot of tea.

"In truth, I don't think that both I and Ragnorr can handle the amount of work that Mikhail has done the previous one. They are quite a monstrous force when it comes to civil work." The tea is poured over as he continues on looking distantly, I don't think he is in the right mind for a conversation now.

"What about Blood Claw and Kryos? Have they calmed down yet?" I ask just to get turn the conversation away from work.

"Blood Claw has gone back to his work as the military minister, but he has quite a beef with Ragnorr because of Kryos." Well, that is quite idiotic, but of course for someone like him; being loyal to his master is enough for BloodClaw.

"For that rebellious nephew of mine…I have sent him quite a long list of work so he won't be a problem for us now, and he said to apologize for attacking your group the previous time."Ah, that is why I haven't heard from him, he is doing information intelligence for Saudade, right? So traveling far wouldn't be much-

Andromalius looks tired and on the verge of collapsing. Well, all these months wouldn't be enough for some barbarians to become a well-schedule chancellor. Ragnorr should cut him some lacks.

"Here let me handle some of those works for you, the improvements can leave for another time. For now, it's time for you to rest." I call for one of the consort to take him to his room.

"But-" He is stubborn but…

"There is no denial that can save your workaholic self from resting. Now go to sleep or you may end up like my big brother." I jokingly say.

The new moon of the sixth moon, you haven't woken up yet. At least things have gone quite smoothly for the current kingdom you created. People have long grown past the point of grieving and started living normally, So take this vacation for yourself, brother.

No one knows the intervention of God in your survival, frankly, I am also losing hope of your awakening. So please at least let me be at ease for this time.

[Commerce rebirth]

A strange light engulfs the coffin as the cold voice said, a cocoon made of light reimbursed you as I watch hopefully.

From the cocoon, a new form that you have taken. A pair of sheep horns appeared behind those ears, maybe it's punishment to go against God's will or so you have completely become a demon yourself.

Those thoughts don't matter anymore, as you groaningly wake up. I am here to witness it, only me.

"You have taken a long enough sleep, brother."

The end

The journey may be tough and long,

But I'll never give up, never gone.

With every step, I'll make my mark,

And leave a legacy that's bright and stark.
