
Chapter 11 - Spider-Cop (1/2)


Wanting to relax on my week end I decided to just spend the day as spider-man swinging around the city.

Of course I'll stop any crimes going on or even save someone from a house fire or even rescue a kitten from a tree. I do all sorts as Spider-Man.

"Peter there's a police chase happening about 5 blocks from you" S.A.R.A.H tells me.

"What!" I gasp in surprise. "And they didn't invite me"


Swing to the criminals car at the front of the car chase, I immediately recognise the man behind the wheel.

"Marcus, is that you?" I question light heartedly.

"Urgh not you again" He says continuing to drive.

"How's that wife and kids?" I ask

"She left me and took the kids" Marcus answers.

"Ooh that's tough man, but I guess it makes sense you are a criminal. So what did you do this time?"

"I just robbed a liquor store" he tells me.

"Well then, why don't you pull over. Or am I gonna have to come in there" I tell him. "Come on I'd hate to have to damage that face of yours again"

"Urgh fine" Marcus says as he begins to slow down.

"That's good boy" I tell him. I web his hands together and wait for the cops to pull over to take Marcus off my hands.

"Thanks Spider-Man" the police man says taking Marcus.

"No problem. See you around Marcus" I say as I swing away.

~Scene Change~

Inside the training room, I follow the basic katas that S.A.R.A.H has instructed me to follow, I find it quite hard to follow and learn martial arts as the ones I've tried to learn seem to rigid and stiff.

S.A.R.A.H has been looking for a martial art style I can learn and then branch off it to create my own style.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

Relaxing out of my katas I go to I answer my spidey phone, "Hello Spider-Man speaking"

"Spider-Man, this is Yuri"

"Ah Yuri is been so long, How ya doin?" I ask

"Not good, Not good at all. I really need your help" Yuri tells me

"Oh well your Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man is always ready to help his favourite detective" I say jokingly.

"Great. I'm working on a series of high class robbery's. But the catch is that the perpetrator hasn't left behind a single strand of evidence" Yuri explains.

"You what this sounds like a job for...."

"I'm already regretting this" Yuri says to herself.

".....Spider-Cop" I finish in a drizzled tone.

"With Spider-Cop on the case all of New York can rest well knowing he'll always catch..."

*Beep* *Beep*

"The bad guy" I finish in the same grizzled tone. "Yuri? Yuri?"

"Spider-Cops partner could never understand his true genius. The Underappreciated detective Spider-Cop vows to catch the bad guy" I say for my own self satisfaction.

I go to leave but before do I grab my Bkack Noir suit as I know Spider-Cop will be needed.

~Scene Change~

Yuri later texted me the location of the latest crime scene as apparently she doesn't like Spider-Cop. Well it's not my fault she doesn't appreciate the genius of my alter-ego.

"Spider-Cop, investigates the latest crime scene in hopes of finding a clue" I narrate

Well scoping out the scene of the crime, using my heads up display to zoom and examine various aspects of the crime scene. I eventually spot a long, thin piece of sliver hair.

"Spider-Cop has found his first clue, he believes it will be a serious break his partners deadlock of an investigation" I narrate once again. I also notice a faint foot print.

That's to my heads up display and S.A.R.A.H, I can make out the full footprint it's a size 6 boot with a slightly heel.

"Yuri" I growl out in my grizzled voice as she answers the phone. "I've found a clue"

"That's great Spider-Man...."

"Who's this Spider-Man you speak of. I'm Spider-Cop" I interrupt her.

"*A Very deep and Long Sigh* Spider-Cop why don't you bring your so called clue to the top of the station I'll meet you there" Yuri says to Spider-Cop"

"Spider-Cop will be there in 10 minutes, as he's gonna get his coffee" I tell her.

"See you there.... Spider-Cop" she then hangs up.

"I'll knew she'd come around" I say smiling for myself.

Lining up inside my normal coffee shop I grab my usual as I go there quite often as spider-man. I head to the police station and wait for Yuri.

"What you got for me Spider-Man" Yuri says walking towards me.

"I've got a shoe size and a hair strand" I answer her as Spider-Man. Handing her the hair strand. "The robber wears a size 6 boot. I also believe that due to the basically nonexistent imprint left by the boot, the wearer is under 6ft and below the weight of 65 kg" I give her my own theory.

"That's good work. Tell Spider-Cop I say thank you" Yuri says smirking as she walks off.

"I knew you liked him" I shout at her.

~End of Chapter~
