
Chapter 2 Gear up- Ready to go

A slender man was looking at the clothes with a serious face. His slim fingers skimmed around the clothes, seemingly trying to find something in this high-quality clothes store despite the incoming gazes that were questioning whether he was doing it deliberately or not.

He wrinkled his nose, looking at the price tag as well as available sizes that could fit him.

" Um sir, can I help you? You have been looking around here for 30 minutes and that young gentleman seemed to be a little impatient and angry."

The shop clerk came to him and pointed at Licht whose mouth was twitching for unknown reason. He was tapping on the table, not knowing what to do because he had been waiting for him to finish. Besides, due to his attractive look many young women and girls asked about him which made him want to run away as far as he could.

" Ah, I will take this. Can you wrap it for me?"

Mikael pointed at the shirt with flower symbols and trunks with palm trees. The young girl immediately took the clothes and proceeded to wrap them before she lost sight of Licht. Her eyes were full of hope because she was pretty confident in her looks and her instincts were telling her that Licht had quite a bit of money.

Even though he concealed his face, she could see those amber eyes and platinum hair that was shining under the light. Also, his body was quite toned, showing clear lines of muscles even though it was concealed with heavy clothes.

" Ahaha, I am so sorry. I promise I will give you a good thing later. How about a new food recipe that I got from Eastern people? I heard their food is as good as our palace chefs."

Mikael said with a smile, nudging his elbow. The eyebrows of Licht had loosened a little as he nodded with satisfaction. He gestured for him to pick up his clothes and leave the store before someone recognized them since they were pretty famous in the area.

Moreover, he was worried whether they would run into someone they knew because of their mission. It was rather easy to guess where they were heading due to their choice of clothes. No one in the right mind would wear summer clothes in the bitter cold.

Licht hurriedly left the store with Mikael as the girl somehow managed to get his contact information. He hurriedly switched through the streets and reached the inn where they chose to meet before heading to the south.

The inn wasn't that bad, a typical northern with a wooden structure that was filled with stone. Inside was warm and cozy, decorated with golden and bronze colored furniture and so on.

Furthermore, this inn was famous for its dish aka the boar stew which was made from the northern boar and seasoned with various herbs to improve its taste.

" Yum, yum! As expected from the Golden Boar. It is delicious and look at this tender meat."

Daemon bit off the meat from the thigh and savored the aftertaste. He also sipped the soup with a swift move, showing his enjoyment. Other members were also the same. Each of them showed their delighted, enjoying their meal to the fullest, but they forgot one thing.

Wherever they went there would be always a troublemaker who wanted to pick a fight that he or she never would win and this was going to happen. One of the burly men tripped on the floor, standing up with a fuming expression.

" Ooy, what the heck is wrong with you? Why did you leave water here? Say this is a wet floor at least."

He grabbed the poor young waitress who was taking orders from Licht. The young girl was afraid of this man and looked around for help, but no one stood up for her. Her little body trembled from the fear and her innocent eyes watered.

" Hey, what are you doing my girl?"

A middle-aged woman peeked out from the kitchen, holding a knife in her hand. The man laughed at the sight of two women, not seeing there was a group of ferocious wolves that were glaring at him with daggers.
