
Chapter 19 A boy genius

Licht was bewildered from the sudden decision. He looked at Regina with a questioning look. He didn't know what he should do now. All of his prospects immediately fell apart from this decision.

He raised his hand with hesitation.

" Um, can I ask the reason for my promotion?"

Regina didn't try to hide as she nonchalantly looked at her teammates with a serious gaze.

" Because you are the most talented person in this team. Do you know how many people can reach your level at your age?"

Licht didn't answer because he didn't know. All he knew was he was a genius who can use all types of energies without any obstruction.

" Maybe around 1 in a thousand."

Regina snorted coldly at his remark. She knew Licht was ignorant of common senses.

" You are in par with those great families' heirs. Do you think you can hide your power before my eyes?"

Regina had a unique ability which is known as ' Eyes of the truth '. This ability not only enhances her sight, it also can improve her accuracy, other senses, nerve reaction, grasp talent of others, and she can perceive other people's overall combat power.

She felt strong energies from her squad mates. Especially, Licht had a massive pool of power and potential. She didn't notice this at the gate because she was stressed and exhausted from her work, but now she can feel it.

As for Licht, he was in a complicated situation. Although he didn't join knights, he was sure he will be promoted like a normal person. This meant he would have plenty of time in his hand, but now everything went to drainage.

He took a deep breath and surveyed his surroundings. The squad members didn't question Regina's decision because the military advocates strict hierarchy. Therefore, they agreed with her, even though there was a suspicious part.

Licht called Viktor in his mind to consult what he should do,

" Vik, what should I do? I don't think it is a good idea to be vice captain. Our time management will be a mess in the future."

Viktor carefully weighed down the details with a serious look. He was pondering what they should do. After all, Licht isn't in his prime yet, he was nowhere enough to protect himself from the aristocrats and royalties. He would be split alive by them. Politics of upper echelons always uses others as pawns. They were ruthless enough to push somebody to death even they were innocent.

However, this will change if he reaches great master level. Although intermediate and advanced stages are powerful enough to defend himself, it is not enough.

" For now, it should be alright because it is just an unknown squad. Once you start gaining fame, it would turn into a different matter. Therefore, you need to strengthen yourself and find a way to learn holy power. Holy power has enormous potential."

Licht fell into silence. It was the truth. He couldn't ask his mother because he was hiding his full power. He only learned simple spell like heal, cure and emit.

One hour had passed since the meeting. Regina grasped their positions and their power through her questions. She liked how her squad was balanced. There is 2 vanguards, 2 rangers, 1 agility and 1 mage.


Suddenly, she heard knock from outside. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the door.

" You can come in."

It was Licht. He was holding his sword and he was looking at her with expectations. Regina couldn't understand why he was looking at her like that.

" Can I help you, vice captain?"

Licht took a deep breath and opened his palms. A small light leaked out of his palms. Regina immediately halted her movements because she understood his intentions.

" You are a holder of holy power?"

Licht nodded. Subsequently, he released his full power. It directly illuminated her entire room and blinded Regina.

" For God's sake, what are you doing? My eyes. Stop, I get it. Do you want spells related to holy power?"

Licht tuned down his power and looked at her with expectations.

" Listen, vice captain. You can't just blind others with your raw power. Besides, holy power is a complicated subject. It isn't in the doctrine of God of light, yet it possesses immense power. Do you know why did holy light doctrine perish?"
