
67. Somebody That I Used To Know

Thanks for the reviews for the last chapter! I appreciate each of them. I hope that you guys like what's to come.


Jay balanced the breakfast tray on his arm and opened the bedroom door with his empty hand. He quietly walked over to the bed and sat the tray down on the bedside table before looking at his wife.

Erin was rolled on her side still asleep from all the events from the past 36 hours. The scare with the twins was enough to exhaust Jay, and then come home to find a letter from the state saying that her father was going to be released within the month was just added stress that his wife didn't need.

Jay watched as Erin sleep for a few moments and he reached down and brushed the hair across her forehead as he eyes fluttered open at his touch.

"Good morning" Jay said with a smile.

"Morning" Erin replied her voice still caked with sleep as she rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

Jay looked at the clock and then at his wife "It's 8:30. We're supposed to meet Hank and Olivia at the zoo at 10. I thought that you might want to get cleaned up since you insist on going with us today when really you need to be here resting"

"Can you let me wake up before you start guilt tripping me?" Erin asked as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. "I'm not even awake enough to argue back yet"

Jay nodded and shrugged his shoulders. "Fair enough. It's not as fun when you don't argue back"

"Sure" Erin's voice trailed off. "Is that bacon I smell?"

A small smile formed on Jay's lips as he looked at Erin. "Maybe..."

Erin smiled as she turned her gaze towards the tray with the food. "Is it for me?"

"It is" Jay said as he reached for the tray and pulled it over Erin's lap. "I made it"

Erin's eyes lit up as she looked at the pancakes, bacon and fruit on her plate. "It smells amazing"

"Well, I was up. And I do kind of like you. So I thought I'd make you something to eat" Jay explained.

"That's pretty generous of you. And I didn't even have to put out" Erin raised her eyebrow as she cut into the stack of pancakes and took a bite. She closed her eyes and moaned at the taste of the syrup and butter cakes going down her throat as she chewed.

"Do you need a minute?" Jay asked as he looked at his wife.

"It's delicious" Erin said with a smile as she opened her eyes and looked at her husband.

"I have to bring my best game to have you make those kinds of noises for me. You're making me feel obsolete" Jay said as he reached for a piece of bacon and bit into it.

"Well, we had a good run" Erin teased as she took another bite of her pancakes. "How the hell did you learn to make these?"

Jay shrugged his shoulders "One of my many hidden talents. Lucky for you not only am I good looking and a great cook, I'm also a hell of a good lover"

"Sure" Erin said with a roll of her eyes.

"Sure? Well, I'm pretty "Sure" that it was enough to get you pregnant twice. With twins by the way" Jay challenged as he grabbed another piece of bacon off Erin's plate and bit into it.

"Hey, that's mine" Erin tilted her head at Jay and put her hand over the rest of the bacon. "I'm sure you had enough while you were making it"

"You trying to say something, Erin?" Jay asked as he raised his eyebrow.

Erin looked at her shirtless husband and her gaze drifted from his broad shoulders to his sculpted abs and she shook her head.

"Not at all" Erin said as she reached for a triangle of toast and took a bite of it.

Jay stood from the bed and leaned over his wife "Good. I'd hate to have to punish you"

Jay leaned his head down and Erin closed her eyes fully expecting her husband to kiss her and she opened them again as she felt him drop his head and take a bite of the toast she held in her hand.

"Jerk" Erin said as she watched Jay raise his head up.

"I'm going to go take a shower" Jay said as he walked towards the bathroom.

Erin rolled her eyes as she watched Jay walk into the bathroom and close the door behind him.

Erin quickly finished her breakfast as she heard the shower turn on and she hurried to get out of bed and quietly slipped into the bathroom and stripped as she opened the shower door and slipped in behind Jay. Jay smiled at her and the two showered in silence. After Erin had rinsed the suds off her body she slid her hands slid around Jay's middle and she heard him chuckle as he turned his head and looked at her.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" Jay asked as he felt Erin tighten her arms around his back.

"Well, I thought I'd join my husband in the shower to thank him for such a thoughtful breakfast that he made his grateful wife this morning" Erin explained as she placed a kiss on Jay's bare shoulder.

Jay groaned as he felt Erin's bare breasts against his back "Is this the same grateful wife who tried to make a joke about my eating habits?"

Erin shook her head "I don't know what you're talking about. But, if you'd rather be alone..."

Erin's voice trailed off as she ran her fingers across Jay's abs and down his muscular stomach to his hips as they slowly made their way to their final destination.

Jay quickly grabbed Erin's hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed her fingers as he turned to face his beautiful wife. "Not fair"

"What are you talking about?" Erin asked.

"Baby, you're killing me. You should know not to start something that you can't finish" Jay explained.

"Oh, I intend on finishing it" Erin staid stepping towards Jay and wrapping her arms around him.

"Er" Jay groaned as Erin stood on her toes and placed a kiss on his jaw.

"Yeah?" Erin whispered her hands roaming all over Jay's body.

"Babe, we can't" Jay closed his eyes as he tried to fight his body reacting to his wife's touch.

"Why?" Erin asked "I want you to do really bad things to me. Don't you want me?"

Jay growled deep in his throat as he felt Erin's hand wrap around his length and slowly start to stroke.


Erin smiled as she looked at Jay his eyes closed and his mouth slightly opened as his breath quickened. Her hand tightened around his hardening length and her smile widened as she heard Jay moan and open his eyes.

"What?" Erin asked her voice innocent as she locked her eyes on Jay's.

"We can't do this. You heard what the doctor said. He said you need to rest" Jay's hand reached down and grabbed Erin's wrist and he pulled it away with a guttural moan.

"I can rest in bed...with you" Erin tilted her head to the side. "I'll even do the thing we never do"

Jay shook his head "Oh, God. I love this stage of your pregnancy where sex is all you want but, we really can't not for the next few days. We can't explain this at the Chicago Med Emergency Room"

Realizing that her husband's will was a lot stronger than she originally thought, Erin relented. "Alright, but just know, you had your chance"

Jay felt the cool air of the air conditioner as Erin opened the shower door and grabbed her towel as she slipped out.

Jay looked down at his state of arousal and groaned as he reached for the handle on the water and turned it to cold.


Kim sat up on the couch and winced as she stretched. She ran her hand through her hair and stood from the couch, folding the blanket back over the back of it before walking down the hall and looking in the nursery. She stopped when she saw Adam sitting in the glider with Jackson as he fed him.

Adam's gaze rose from Jackson to where Kim was standing in the doorway.

"Hi" Kim said looking down at the ground.

Adam was quiet for a moment before he finally spoke "Hi"

"Is he Ok?" Kim asked as she pushed the door open a little more and leaned against the frame of the door.

"He's fine" Adam said as he looked back down at Jackson.

"Adam, please don't..." Kim started.

"Not right now Burgess. Ok?" Adam said as he looked at his wife.

Kim nodded sadly and looked down at the floor. Jackson let the nipple of the bottle slip from his mouth and he turned his head towards the door where his mother was standing as he started to fuss.

"He wants you" Adam said as he set the bottle down on the small table next to him and stood up as Kim walked over to him. "I need to get ready. I promised Atwater I'd help him paint his new game room"

Kim took a fussing Jackson from Adam's arms and brought her son to her chest as she gently bounced with him. Jackson started to settle. "I missed you last night" Kim said down to the baby as he looked up at her.

"Yeah, well. You had more important things to do" Adam mumbled as he walked out the door.

Kim frowned at the comment from Adam but she quickly smiled down at Jackson as she took a seat in the glider and reached for his bottle to finish feeding him.

After Jackson had eaten and fallen back asleep, Kim placed a soft kiss on her sleeping son's forehead and gently laid him down in his crib. She pulled the door behind her and walked down the hall to where Adam was pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Listen, I know you're mad at me. But if you could save the digs about me being some sort of bad mother, I'd appreciate it" Kim shot as she walked up to Adam.

"I don't remember saying you were a bad mother. Did I say that?" Adam asked. "No"

"You know...cut the shit Adam. I told you I was sorry and I am sorry. But there's nothing going on between me and Roman there never was. I am trying to give him the benifit of the doubt and hope that he's a new person" Kim explained.

"You know it's funny to me becuase you STILL keep bringing this guy up to me and you expect me not to be pissed off. Why is that?" Adam asked setting his coffee cup down on the counter and looking at Kim. "Just explain it to me, Burgess. I really want to know"

Kim ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "I don't know Adam. I'm not like you when it comes to just washing my hands of people. I can't just cut them out of my life. I've never been able to do it. And the fact that you can is pretty disturbing to me"

"Oh so now this is somehow my fault? You lie and I'm the one who needs to justify why I do the things I do?" Adam asked his gaze narrowing at his wife.

"I didn't say that, Adam" Kim shot.

"Yeah. Yeah you did" Adam shot right back. "And I'm still waiting on an explanation"

Kim folded her arms over her chest and looked down at the kitchen floor "I just thought that if I could give him a chance to prove he was a changed man I could get back the feeling of being safe again. The feeling of not having to lock the doors every time that I'm alone. The feeling of dread everytime I hear someone knock and I'm alone. The feeling of not letting the thing that Sean Roman did in a state of addiction reflect who he is for the rest of his life. I know you haven't grown up around addicts, but I have. I saw it with my sister when she was in college. But look how she changed her life. Just because someone makes a mistake, that doesn't mean you write them off for the rest of their life"

Adam was quiet as he looked at his wife. "Your sister's situation is just a little bit different, Kim. And I love that you have this heart for helping people. It's why I fell in love with you. But what hurts me most...is you can't even see it from my perspective or maybe you don't care to. I don't know. But it hurts me to know that my opinion isn't important to you. And I guess it never has been. But it's not even the fact that my opinion doesn't matter to you. It's the fact that I can't trust you"

Adam gave Kim one last look and walked to the door. "I'm going to Kevin's I'll be back"

Kim wiped a tear that slid down her cheek "Adam"

Adam didn't say anything. He just gave Kim one last look and walked out the door.


Hank pulled into the parking lot of the Brookfield Zoo and put the car in park. He looked over at Olivia and reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as he looked at her.

"Today's going to be fun. I think it's what everyone needs. An escape from reality for a few hours" Olivia said as she looked over at Hank and returned the squeeze on his hand.

"I think you're right" Hank said as he looked in the rearview mirror at Noah and Everly who were still napping.

"At least they'll be good to go toady and we won't have to worry about a meltdown" Hank said as he turned the car off and got out. Olivia followed and opened the back door and looked at Noah who woke up and looked at his mother.

"Mama?" Noah said as Olivia unbuckled him and lifted him out of his car seat.

"Hey buddy. Are you ready to go to the zoo?" Olivia asked as she pulled Noah against her.

"Zoo?" Noah asked excitedly as he looked over his mother's shoulder at the parking lot. "Monkey?"

"Yeah, we're going to see monkeys" Olivia said as Noah wriggled in his mother's arms.

"Down. I walk" Noah said as he continued to move.

"Ok" Olivia said as she sat Noah on the ground and reached down for his hand.

"No no" Noah said pushing Olivia's hand away.

"Noah, you need to hold my hand if you're going to walk" Olivia explained.

Noah took Olivia's hand as they walked around the back of the car where Hank was holding Everly.

"Someone's still sleepy" Olivia said as she looked at Everly who had her head buried in Hank's shoulder her eyes still fighting to stay open.

"She gets that from Halstead" Hank said as he opened the trunk. "Will you take her for a minute?"

"Of course" Olivia said as she took Everly from Hank's arms.

Everly whined and laid her head on Olivia's shoulder as she closed her eyes again. "Sleepy girl" Olivia soothed as she rubbed Everly's back.

Hank pulled Noah's stroller out of the trunk and set it up before reaching for the toddler. "You ready to get in?"

"No" Noah said as he shook his head. "I walk"

"No, it's too busy in there for you to walk. Get in" Hank said.

"No daddy" Noah said stomping his foot

"Then we'll go home" Hank said simply.

"No!" Noah said as he turned to Olivia and put his head into her leg.

Hank picked Noah up and put him in the stroller as the two year old started to cry. "No daddy, stop...pwease stop. Out...Me walk"

Olivia looked at Hank as they walked across the parking lot to the front gates of the zoo.

"Remember how you said they were going to be in a good mood today?" Olivia joked as she bumped her shoulder against Hank's and she linked her arm through his.

"I said that?" Hank asked as he leaned his head over and kissed Olivia on the temple.

They continued to walk to the gates and Olivia smiled when she saw Erin standing at the front gates.

"Look, Everly" Olivia coaxed as she rubbed the baby's back.

Everly lifted her head up and off of Olivia's shoulder and looked at the gates.

"Who is that?" Olivia asked as she saw Everly smile.

"Mom-mee" Everly said as she spotted her mother.

Everly wriggled in Olivia's arms to get down and Olivia sat her down on the pavement. Everly steadied herself on her sandal covered feet and ran to Erin.

"Mom-mee" Everly called as she Erin knelt down to the ground as Everly ran into her mother's arms.

"Hi baby. I missed you" Erin said lifting Everly up off of the ground and kissing her on the cheek.

"Miss oooo" Everly said as she took ahold of Erin's necklace.

"Did you have fun with Papaw Hank and Olivia last night?" Erin asked as she adjusted Everly on his hip.

"No" Everly said simply.

"No?" Erin said with a laugh.

"No is her answer to everything. You should know that. She is your daughter" Hank said as he made his way up to Erin.

"Funny" Erin said with a roll of her eyes. "Thanks for taking her last night. I really appreciate it. It was nice to get a little rest"

Hank nodded and looked at Everly. "We had fun. She and Noah together are a little wild, but it was a fun night"

"Wild isn't the right word. Noah is wild, Everly is just his partner in crime" Olivia said as she looked down in the stroller at Noah who was pouting.

"Dad-dee?" Everly said looking around the zoo.

"He's coming. He had to go to the car" Erin explained "Are you excited to go to the zoo?"

Everly pointed to the gates and nodded "Bear?"

Erin nodded and placed a kiss on Everly's cheek "Yeah, we're going to see bears"

Jay walked up to the group pushing Everly's empty stroller and a wide smile formed on his face as he saw his wife and daughter.

"Da-dee!" Everly called and clapped her hands as Jay met up with the group.

"Hi pumpkin" Jay said reaching for Everly.

"Hi" Everly said as she smiled as Jay took her from Erin and tossed her above his head before catching her.

Everly's laugh rang out across the lot and Jay kissed Everly on the cheek before strapping her into her stroller.

"Are we ready?" Hank asked.

"We're ready" Jay said as he pushed his stroller to the front gates of the zoo.


"Oh my. That was a big burp" Kim said with surprise as she pulled Jackson back from her chest and looked down at the baby who smiled and kicked his feet.

Kim laughed as she stood up from the couch and gently laid Jackson down in his swing before she looked at the clock and went to start dinner. She had just started boiling water for rice when there was a knock on the door. Kim turned the stove down and walked to the door and looked in the peephole before opening the door.

"Sergeant Platt? What are you doing here?" Kim asked as she looked at the woman in front of her.

"I need to talk to you" Platt said simply.

"Ok" Kim said.

Platt looked up and down the hall before looking at Kim "Well, could you let me in Burgess? I'm not a Jehovah's Witness"

Kim stepped out of the way and let Platt walk in the apartment. Platt walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. "I'm sorry that you didn't let me in on it when you lied to Ruzek, I didn't know that you guys were the type to lie to each other"

Kim sighed and looked at Platt. "Is there a reason for this visit, Platt?"

"Are you going to offer me anything to drink?" Platt asked. "I mean hospitality isn't your stong suit Burgess"

Kim walked over to the fridge and pulled out two bottles of water and took a seat at the table with Platt. "So, what can I do to help you?"

Kim opened her water and brought it up to her lips to take a drink.

"I think I'm pregnant"

Kim choked on her water and started laughing as she looked at Trudy Platt who was stone faced.

"You're serious?" Kim asked "Aren't you a little too...old?"

Trudy narrowed her eyes as she looked at Kim "How old do you think I am, Burgess?"

Kim looked down at her water in silence. "Um...uh...How did this happen?"

Platt sighed and looked down at her drink. "Well, as you know there's been a few financial issues with my father and the wedding. Well, Randy wanted to cheer me up and well one thing led to another and we ended up...Well, you know how that goes, you have a son"

"I can't believe it" Kim was shocked by the news. "I'm sure that you're not. I mean that would be crazy"

"Why? You and Erin can't handle a little competition on the baby front?" Platt asked.

"No...It's not that...it's just...nothing" Kim said.

"Well, I'd appreciate if you'd keep this information to yourself. I mean I know lying is your new favorite thing to do. But, I'm not Ruzek, I'll make your life Hell if you tell anyone what I told you" Platt said as she stood up.

Kim was going to respond as the door to the apartment opened and Adam walked in holding a vase of Gerber Daisies.

"Platt? What are you doing here?" Ruzek asked.

"Who are you my Parole Officer? Mind your own business" Platt said before walking out the door.

Kim watched as the door closed and she looked at Adam who walked in and stood in the kitchen.

"Can we talk?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, I just need to check on Jackson" Kim said as she stood from the table and walked into the living room to check on the baby. She gave Jackson his binky and made sure the swing was still running before walking back into the kitchen of the apartment.

Kim walked over to the stove and poured the box of rice in the now boiling water and she checked the crock pot of chicken she'd been cooking all day. "What do you want to talk about?"

Adam laughed at the comment his wife made and sat the flowers down on the table. "You're funny. I owe you an apology"

"Me?" Kim said walking over to where Adam was.

Adam nodded "Yeah. I was wrong to act the way I did. Kevin and I talked and I shouldn't have put you in a position where you had to lie to me to begin with. I don't want that for us. I want you to be honest with me. I might not like it. But I trust you and I love you and that should be enough to support you and the decisions you make. I'm sorry for the way I reacted. It wasn't fair to you and if you trust Roman, then I'm going to trust your judgement. Just because you're friends with him, doesn't mean I have to be"

Kim looked down at the floor before looking at Adam. "When we first got together I felt like a really terrible person. I had feelings for you knowing that you were still engaged to Wendy and I didn't react the right way in that situation. But my feelings for you were so strong and I didn't want Wendy to get hurt, but I was so in love with you and in some ways I feel like what happened with Roman was my punishment for being a home wrecker"

"Kim that was a long time ago, things with Wendy, they were never going to work. And you weren't the only one, it takes two. But that has nothing to do with what happend with Roman. I just want you to know that I love you, Burgess. I'm sorry for how I acted. I don't like to fight. Can we promise not to do it anymore?" Adam asked as he raised his hand to tilt Kim's chin up to face him.

"I don't know about never fighting again, but not like this. I'm not going to see Sean anymore" Kim offered.

Adam shook his head "Darlin' I don't want it to be like that. I trust you. I may not trust him, but I trust you. And I know you can take care of yourself"

"I love you, Adam" Kim said.

Adam smiled and leaned down to gently kiss Kim on the lips "I love you too, Darlin"


"I'm special in a new way, too. I'm a big sister now. The End" Jay closed the book and put it on the table next to him. He reached for the sonogram picture and picked it up. "Do you know what this is?"

"Baby" Everly said pointing to the sonogram picture. "My baby"

"Yeah, and what's Everly going to be?" Jay asked

"Elmo" Everly said looking at her daddy.

Jay laughed and shook his head "No you're not gonna be Elmo silly girl. You're gonna be a big sister"

"Sisser?" Everly said

Jay nodded and pointed at the sonogram "Yeah. Those are your brothers or sisters"

"Brover" Everly said pointing at one of the babies on the sonogram.

"Or sister" Jay said.

"No no" Everly said shaking her head "Brover"

"We'll work on it" Jay said placing a kiss on Everly's cheek and he picked her up and carried her over to her crib. "Goodnight pumpkin. Daddy loves you"

"Wuv dad-dee" Everly said as she laid in her crib as Jay covered her up.

Jay gave Kane a rub on the head before the dog circled a few times and laid down next to Everly's crib. Jay walked out of the nursery and pulled the door behind him. He went down the stairs and into the kitchen when he saw Erin standing at the counter eating ice cream out of the carton.

Jay walked up to his wife and wrapped his arms around her middle before gently placing a kiss on Erin's neck.

"Everly asleep?" Erin asked before taking another bite of ice cream.

"Mmm hmmm" Jay mumbled against Erin's neck as he kissed it again.

Erin closed her eyes and tilted her neck to the side to give Jay better access and she smiled when she felt his hand against the hem of her tank. "That's nice"

"Yeah?" Jay asked as he kissed up her neck and to her jaw as his hand slid under her tank top and across her small baby bump.

"Jay..." Erin groaned as she put the spoon back in the carton and turned to face her husband. "Don't tease me. It's not fair. You're working me up just to not have sex with me and it's not fair"

Jay reached around Erin and grabbed the spoon out of the carton before filling it up and taking a bite. "Funny...didn't keep you from doing the same to me this morning"

Erin pouted and looked at her husband. "You're not playing fair"

Jay sat the spoon back in the carton and brushed his hand across Erin's face. "I'm sorry"

Erin shook her head "No you're not. My hormones are going crazy and it's not fair"

"Not fair?" Jay asked raising an eyebrow.

"No! It's not fair that I am getting fat and have to be insanely turned on all the time and you get to walk around good looking and not expect me to want you all the time" Erin whined. "All. The. Time"

Jay laughed as he looked at her "Baby..."

"It's not funny" Erin groaned and covered her face as she felt herself blush.

"Erin" Jay sighed and reached his hand up to pull her hands away from her face. "Baby, you have no idea how much I want you. But you just need to take it easy for the rest of the weekend. We've got plenty of time to have all the sex we want"

"You can't say things like that and not expect me to want you more. And no we're never going to have sex again. With a toddler and two newborns? Our sex life is over. It's over" Erin groaned.

"It'll be worth it" Jay said. "If not, we still have the back-up orphanage plan. Then we'll have all the sex we want. But since we won't be doing that tonight. How about Netflix and...snacks"

Erin sighed and looked up at Jay. "That sounds amazing"

Jay laughed and leaned in to kiss Erin as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it. You go rest" Jay said as he watched Erin walk out of the kitchen.

Jay walked over to the door and opened it and looked at the person in front of him.



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