
21. Meeting a Uncle

So I know that it's been a while. Now this chapter I decided to introduce one of Lincoln's family members. Now, he will not be shown again and you will find out why in this chapter. Now I was a little hesitant to do this, but after talking to my good friend Smoking Wrecker, I decided to do this. Also, a lot of people are wondering if the Louds are on Summer break and the answer to that is yes. They are in the last couple weeks of Summer, so I hope that helps. Now I hope you enjoy the chapter.

(Luan's voice) The following is a non-profit fanbase fanfic. Loud House and its characters are all owned by Chris Savino and Nickelodeon. Please support the official release.

Chapter 21

One day has passed since the Loud girls dealt with Lincoln's former foster brothers. To say that the parents were shocked when they heard what happened would be an understatement. While the parents were disappointed in their daughters for getting into a fight, they were proud of them for protecting their foster brother. So after some debate, they decided not to punish the girls. As of right now, the girls were upstairs doing their own thing while Lincoln was in the backyard with Charles reading a new comic series that Ronnie Anne introduced him to: Muscle Fish. While Lincoln has stated that he liked Ace Savvy more, he still enjoyed Muscle Fish. And he was trying to learn as much he could before the new Muscle Fish movie came out. As for Rita and Lynn Sr. they were in the living room getting some much needed relaxation.

"So it seems like Lincoln is really settling in." Rita says.

"Yep. Everything should be fine when Chris shows up this Saturday." Lynn agreed. Lynn and Rita went to see Chris to work out what day he would come to check on Lincoln while the whole thing with Lincoln's former brothers was going on. After discussing it for a couple hours, they decided on Saturday. "Do you think we should tell the girls and Lincoln?"

"Eventually, but not yet." Rita answered. "Let's just let the kids enjoy themselves. Besides, this is probably the first time that I've seen Lincoln truly at peace since he's gotten here."

"Agreed." Lynn says. As the two continued to relax, they were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Who could that be?"

Lynn stood up off the couch and made his way to the door. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see a thin middle-aged man with no hair on the other side.

"Excuse me. Is this the Loud residence?" the man asked.

"Why yes it is. Can I help you with something?" Lynn asked.

"Um, my name is Mike Freeman. I'm looking for Lincoln Freeman. I'm his uncle." Mike said.

Lynn Sr. and Rita's eyes widened. They were not expecting one of Lincoln's family members to show up. In fact, they didn't even think Lincoln had any other family members.

"Oh. Well please come in." Lynn says.

"Thank you." Mike says. Mike enters the house and takes in his surroundings. "Got a nice home here. But it's a little loud though,"

"That would be our ten daughters upstairs." Rita says with a smile.

"Ten daughters? Man, never heard of protection?" Mike said in surprise.

"Well we wanted a big family and we got one." Rita says with a smile. "Now if you don't mind me asking, why are you here exactly?"

"Well I came here to see how my nephew was doing." Mike answered.

"Yeah but why now?" Lynn asked.

"It's kind of complicated." Mike answered. "Look, if you let me see my nephew I promise I will explain everything."

"Well, I don't see anything wrong with that." Rita said.

"Me neither." Lynn agreed. He then looks towards the back door. "Lincoln! Can you come into the living room for a second?"

After a few seconds Lincoln and Charles made their way into the living room.

"What is it? Am I in trouble?" Lincoln asked.

"No Lincoln. You aren't in trouble." Lynn tells him. "You have a visitor."

"A visitor?" Lincoln repeated. "Who is it?"

Lynn and Rita stepped aside and revealed Mike.

"How you doing champ?" Mike asked with a smile.

Lincoln's eyes widened and he let out a gasp. "Uncle Mike!" Lincoln cried out with delight. Lincoln then ran up to his uncle and engulfed him in a hug. "I haven't seen you in so long! Where have you been?"

Mike looked down at his nephew with a sad smile. "Sorry kiddo. I've just been busy."

"Oh. Ok. Oh yeah! I have to introduce to some people." Lincoln said excitedly. He motions for Charles to come over. "This is my dog, Charles. Charles, this is my uncle Mike." Charles sniffed the man with curiosity. As he sniffed him, he felt like something was wrong with the man. He smelt sick. Not wanting to alarm Lincoln, Charles licked the man's hand to show that he liked him.

"Cute dog Lincoln." Mike said with a smile. "Now who else did you want to introduce to me?"

"Give me one second." Lincoln said. He then quickly ran upstairs and he talked excitedly to the girls. After a few seconds, Lincoln ran back downstairs with the girls right behind him. "Uncle Mike, these are my foster sisters. This is Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily." The girls stared at the man with suspicion. Sure he was Lincoln's uncle, but why does he wait two years to make an appearance in Lincoln's life? Plus where has he been the past two years? But they did know one thing: they weren't going to give up Lincoln so easily.

"Hi." The girls said in unison.

"Nice to meet you girls." Mike says with a smile. "So, these are the young ladies that have been keeping an eye on you?"

"Yep." Lincoln says with a smile. "They are the best." Lana then walks up to Mike.

"Um, excuse me. Are you here to take Lincoln away?" Lana asks.

Mike flashes the young girl a smile. "No sweetie. I'm not here to take Lincoln away. I just came to see how he was doing." Lana flashed the man a smile and made her way back to her sisters. "So Lincoln, are you happy here?"

"Yep. It's pretty fun I guess." Lincoln answers.

"I'm glad to hear that kiddo." Mike said with a smile. "Now why don't you go run along and play with your sisters. I have to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Loud for a few minutes."

"Ok." Lincoln says.

"C'mon bro, we about to play a game of 'Would You Rather'" Luna says with a smile. With that, the eleven kids made their way upstairs.

"You have good kids." Mike tells Rita and Lynn.

"Thank you. So what did you want to talk to us about?" Rita asked.

"Do you mind if we talked in the kitchen? Lincoln has been known to easdrop." Mike says.

"Sure." Lynn answered. The three adults made their way to the kitchen and sat at the small table that was in there. "So what is it you want to talk to us about?"

"Now, you are probably wondering why I haven't been in Lincoln's life for the past two years." Mike began and Lynn and Rita nodded. "Now I have a very good reason. You see, I loved my brother and his family. I love my nephew and I loved my niece. And my heart broke when they died in that car crash. But the thing is, I couldn't take Lincoln in. No matter how much I wanted to."

"But why? If you love Lincoln so much, why didn't you take him in?" Rita asked.

"Two weeks before the accident, I went to the doctor. He did some tests and he discovered a tumor in my right lung." Mike explained. "I told my brother and I asked him not to tell the kids. I told him that because I didn't want the kids to worry. So he kept his promise. That was the last time I talked to him. When Michael, Samantha, and Liberty died, my heart broke. My first concern was what would happen to Lincoln."

"Were you approached by social services?" Lynn asked.

"Yes. They approached me and asked me if I could take in my nephew. I told him that I couldn't and I explained why. I didn't want my nephew to be put in some foster care. But I didn't want him to worry or lose another father." Mike continued.

"Lose another father?" Lynn repeated. "Mike, does that mean what I think it means?"

"Sadly yes. Over the past two years, the tumor got worse and I was diagnosed. I recently went to the doctor and he gave me two weeks." Mike told him. "The reason I came here is because I wanted to see my nephew one more time and to make sure he was happy. And I also wanted to ask something of you."

"Of course. Ask anything." Rita tells him.

"I want you to take care of him. I want you to continue to raise him and make him feel like one of you." Mike told him. "I also want you to never tell him what I told you. It would break him if he found out. Can you promise me that?"

"I promise." Rita says.

"Same here." Lynn promises. "Now is there anything you can tell us about Lincoln that we don't know now?"

"Lincoln is usually a pretty quiet. He seems to learn things rather quickly. He also hates conflict so he always tries to find a way solve it. He is a pretty good student but he still has his struggles. He also struggles with making friends. But luckily, he had a twin sister that was there for him." Mike told them. "Honestly, that's all you really need to know about him. So please take care of my nephew. Please."

"We will. We promise." Rita says. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Thanks but no thanks. I have to head to treatment and meet with my lawyers to work on my will." Mike answered. "I just came to see Lincoln and to see how he was. Do you mind if I go say goodbye to him real quick?"

"Sure. He should be in Lori and Leni's room. It's the last room on the left." Rita told him.

Mike made his way upstairs and approached the room that he was told that Lincoln was in. He saw that the door was open and he decided to take a quick peak. When he looked in, he smiled at what he saw. He saw Lincoln, laughing and smiling with those ten girls. He was happy and the girls looked like they liked having him around. He knew that Lincoln was in safe hands. He then knocked on the door to get the attention of Lincoln.

"Hey kiddo, I'm about to head out." Mike told him. Lincoln quickly stood up and ran to his uncle and gave him a hug.

"Will I ever see you again?" Lincoln asked.

"Maybe kiddo. But it was nice seeing you again Lincoln. Take care." Mike tells him.

"You too uncle Mike."

Lincoln released his uncle from the hug and his uncle made his way out of the room and down the stairs. He then looked at Rita and Lynn and gave them a smile that said it all. Mike then walked out the door and got in his car. With one last glance at the house, Mike flashed a smile and then, he was gone.

So there you have it. Lincoln's uncle. Now, this is sadly based on personal events. I lost my grandmother to cancer. My cousin lost his uncle to cancer. So I decided to use that as a reason to why Lincoln was put into foster care. Now the next update shouldn't be as long of a wait. Just please be patient. Now I hope you all have a nice day. Until next time, farewell.
