
Chapter 54

New York City…

Avery's pov;

Eric looks at me and I just stay there blinking like an idiot. Do I want this? Does he? What if he doesn't and I make a fool out of myself by showing excitement. But am I excited?

I think I was too much in my head I didn't even realize he had reached in front of me.

He holds my chin up and looks me in the eyes.

He is asking for consent, of course he is , it is Eric after all , he always places other people's feelings first before his own desires . Even in moments like these where I can clearly see he wants to kiss me so bad with the way he is staring at my lips , he still waits for me to give him my permission so as to not intrude my personal boundaries.

How sweeter can this man get?

"Do you want to do it?" I suddenly ask , I just want to make sure he isn't feeling pressured by the others to do it and maybe somewhere inside me I just want to know if he wants it because he does or if it is just for the game.

But seeing the look on his face I think I have my answer.

He holds my face in between his hands and we stare in each other's eyes for God knows how long.

"I think we both know the answer to that question , don't we?" He chuckles and I just slightly smile.

He leans into me and puts a fallen strand of my hair behind my ear and then he kisses me.

This kiss… it is so soothing , it is gentle , fierce and everything in between but mostly loving .

I can hear my heartbeat and his heartbeat match on the same level . What is happening?

"10 , 9 , 8 …" the others are counting in the background but all I can focus on Eric's hand caressing my cheek and how incredible this moment feels , it's like all the tension that was building up between us is now being released into this kiss.

"And 1 . You two can stop kissing now" Tyler yells for some reason.

Eric is the first one to pull away , his hands stay on my cheeks as we both try to catch our breath .

He then leans forward again and kisses my nose gently , looks down at me and smiles then he goes back to his seat without another word.

I mean what else is there to say? Even I am speechless.

"Ouhhhh , talk about tension" Cody teases and fakes a chill in his back.

"Right! That sure was a passionate kiss for two friends" Lexa adds and chuckles.

I put my legs up and my face in between to hide my flushed cheeks. I can't even look at Eric right now but something tells me he already is , I can literally feel it . It's strange I know , but there really is something between Eric and I that I can't always explain.

"Okay let us continue this game before this place gets any hotter!" Sheila exclaims and they all agree.

I am just not focused right now and still not over what just happened.

The night eventually ends as they one by one leave , we all have classes the next day so it is better plus we drank a lot especially me who was basically trying to get my mind off the game , so rest is really needed right now.

The last ones to go were Eric and Lore , Lore was too drunk to go alone so Eric volunteered to drive her home , I am sure she will be fine , plus she will be alone with him and that's what she wanted .

But is it what I want? I don't know that yet .

My head is spinning and I can't think straight right now.

" woah woah there, let me help you to your room" Sheila runs up to me and I hold onto her shoulder for support.

"Hold on I have to puke" I hold my mouth and Sheila rushes with me to the bathroom to help with pulling my hair up.

I have been in the bathroom for half an hour vomiting whatever is left in my body.

"I had forgotten how much I hate drinking until now" I lament while taking deep breaths.

"At least Eric didn't see you like this" Sheila suddenly says jokingly but her mentioning his name brings back what happened between us tonight.

I unconsciously touch my lips remembering that beautiful moment. It was just him and I.

When I look back at Sheila I see her staring at me with a knowing smile and then she just chuckles and helps me up.

"Okay I think you vomited all of it . I am going to leave you to the rest . Don't forget to drink water okay?" I nod and thank her , she goes back to her room and I go to mine.

Tonight I don't know if I will manage to sleep with the adrenaline cursing through me right now.

What happened tonight might change everything for Eric and I.

Where do we go from here?

The next day…

I wake up to the ringing of the apartment bell.

Who visits so early in the morning? What time is it even? I look by the table and the clock reads 7am,

Ugh it's too early and my head is still pounding.

The ringing persists so I guess Sheila is not at home, that means I have to walk all the way there and open the door .

I stand up lazily from bed and take my pillow with me and rest my head on it while walking towards the door.

"It's too early for this , whoever you are it better be good!" I yell as I push open the door still half asleep.

"Oh you are in a worse shape than I thought you would be in . You even brought the pillow" Eric . I look up at him and almost shit my pants . What is he doing here this early but why is he here at all actually?

I thought I would have time to figure out how to face him when I do but I guess that plan just sinked .

He is here , right in front of me . With me not feeling good and looking a mess . The guy I kissed yesterday is seeing me in this state ! Why? Why? The universe must hate me.

"Eric? What are you doing here?" He enters and puts some plastic bags on the kitchen counter .

I turn around and see him reaching for bowls and stuff. I'm confused right now.

"Why do you need a bowl?" I ask , he just looks at me without saying anything. Weird.

"Just sit by the counter I got you some soup" he finally says as he brings some out of the bag and pours it in the bowl.

It's chicken soup , for hangovers . I guess Sheila called him to take care of me. I am grateful but also why call him out of all people after what happened yesterday? Sheila really likes to put me in messy situations doesn't she.

"Here , drink it while it's still hot" he brings the bowl and spoon in front of me and then he takes my pillow away after some resistance from my part of course . That was the only barrier I had between him and I as ridiculous as that sounds.

He then sits right in front of me and watches me drink the soup , totally not weird and uncomfortable.

"Are you just going to sit there and watch me drink the soup? Kinda uncomfortable" I say out of nerves. Why am I so nervous?

He leans closer to my face and chuckles then he asks "what would you have me do instead? Kiss you?" I cough out of surprise he just said that.

"I- didn't mean- you know what never mind , let me just drink the damn soup" I take the bowl and gulp the whole thing , it is not too hot so I manage to finish it in one go.

"There . Anything else you came for?" I ask , it came out rude and I didn't mean it that way. I don't know why I am acting like this.

I see hurt in his eyes after I ask that but he masks it quickly. Oh no.

"There is freshly cooked noodles for you on the counter there and some ginger juice to help with headache . That is all I guess" he stands up and walks out of the apartment.

What have I done?
