
Bad lack always comes after good luck

"Die!" It was the last word before he fell into darkness.

The sword was a meter away from the boy.

"Sigh..." A deep sigh echoed.


The boy seemed to hear another voice again. And in an instant, he felt sleepy and lost consciousness.


Another sword appeared and deflected the chief's attack.

"Huh?" The chief was surprised once again.

"I think this will be enough." A cold voice echoed through the area.


Suddenly the Chief splurted out mouths of blood. "H-how?"

Ten swords made of pure spirit power were piercing through his body.

It happened too fast, so the Chief couldn't process what happened. 

How he thought. He was on his guard this whole time.

"W-who are you?" Then the Chief asked in fear.

He couldn't see anyone around. But he sensed someone's aura. Someone very powerful.

"You don't have to know." The voice replied.

Swish! Thud!
