
Chapter 30-Naya resteless

Gabriel who saw his lover kept silent the whole way he asked.

"Honey, what are you doing, why don't you stay silent?" Gabriel asked while his left hand held his lover's hand while Gabriel's right hand controlled the steering wheel.

"I'm all right honey," Naya replied while looking at Gabriel with teary eyes.

"You regret doing that with me?" Gabriel asked again.

"No!!" Naya answered while lowering her head.

"Then why are you silent and why do you have tears in your eyes?" Gabriel said in a gentle tone to Naya

Gabriel kept asking Naya while driving his car.

"You don't worry dear, I have promised you to be responsible for what I have done," Gabriel reassured Naya.

"Now you smile, dear!" Gabriel's orders

"Yes, dear," Naya replied while looking at her lover with a slight smile on her face.

"We'll go straight to your house!" said the handsome man

"Why not go to Grandma's house first, I have to say goodbye to them all?" She asked

"Oh yeah, okay then, we'll go to Grandma's house first, then I'll take you home," he added

The four wheels continued to drive through the busy highway with many other vehicles passing by.

Along the way Naya kept thinking about what she had done together with her lover, her heart was filled with fear. Suddenly Naya's cell phone rang, but the beautiful girl didn't realize it, because she still hadn't woken up from her daydream.

Gabriel who was beside him tried to see who was calling, the man took his cell phone from his lover's bag and saw the call Rama's name appeared on his lover's cellphone. The handsome man immediately shifted the green button on his lover's cell phone and answered the call.

"Hello," he answered.

But there was no answer from the cell phone, Gabriel immediately hung up the phone and put the cell phone back into Naya's bag.

When Gabriel was about to put down the cell phone, Naya suddenly woke up from her daydream and looked at the man next to her, and asked.

"W-what are you doing honey? what did you put in my bag?" She asked as he checked into his bag, but she didn't find anything, other than a cell phone and makeup tools as well as a wallet in the bag.

"Honey, I don't take or put other things into your bag, I just put your phone back in its place." He answered as he flashed a beautiful smile for his lover and his left hand gently stroked the head of the girl beside him.

"Phone, what's wrong with my cell phone?" She asked a little nervously.

"Earlier your boss called, I told you many times, but you kept daydreaming until you didn't hear and didn't realize that there was an incoming call, so I took your cellphone and answered it, because I was afraid it was important," he explained.

Hearing that, Naya's face immediately turned pale.

''what Rama said to Gabriel, did he tell everything? why did I not realize this'' she muttered to himself.

Seeing the changes in his lover Gabriel also asked.

"What are you doing, honey? Are you afraid your boss will scold you for not coming to work?" he asked.

"No honey." She answered

"When I received a call from your boss, he didn't answer it, so I turned off the phone."

Hearing Gabriel's answer, Naya regained her composure and tried to neutralize her feelings.

"Yes honey, earlier I was worried, I was afraid my boss would scold me, but if he doesn't answer when you pick up the phone, it's okay, I'll explain to him later about my absence at the office for the past few days," she added.

The man beside him just smiled and nodded, occasionally the handsome man looked at his lover and gently rubbed the head of the beautiful girl beside him.

"My dear, we will arrive soon, but I forgot that you haven't had breakfast before, and now it's time for lunch." He added as he looked at the round object that was wrapped around his wrist.

"We'll stop by for a while, honey, to fill the stomach, you've only eaten some bread in the car, you haven't eaten rice!" he added

The beautiful girl sitting beside him just nodded indicating that she agreed.

The handsome man immediately looked left and right off the street to find a restaurant.

Not long after he saw a restaurant and immediately pulled over his four-wheel, to immediately park in the place that has been provided. After the car was parked properly, they immediately got off to enter the restaurant.

In the restaurant, they immediately sat in the place that had been provided and immediately ordered food, not long after their order arrived and they both immediately ate the food.

When finished Gabriel immediately paid for his food and the two of them resumed their journey.

In the car suddenly Naya said.

"Honey, I hope you will not leave me after this, I will never be able to live if you leave me." She added as she rested his head on the shoulder of his lover who was driving.

"Honey, I swear I will never leave you, I will propose to you soon after this, but you have to be a little patient, I will persuade my parents first so that they approve of our relationship, I will ask Grandma for that," he replied while kissing his lover's head that was on his shoulder.

"Then, if your parents don't agree how? Are you going to leave me?" She asked as she woke up and looked at his lover.

Suddenly Gabriel put his left index finger to the lips of Naya who was talking.

"Ssshhh, don't say that, whatever happens, I will never leave you, whether my family agrees or not I don't care, I will still marry you."

Hearing that answer, the beautiful girl's eyes filled with tears, almost the clear grains that had already flowed into her eyelids spilled out, but the man beside her hastily rubbed them so they wouldn't fall.

"Never mind dear, I promise you we will fight together for our happiness in the future," said the handsome man next to Naya.

The pretty girl just nodded her head.

"Now don't be sad anymore, you have to keep smiling, as usual, I don't want to see you sad!" he added.

The beautiful girl just stared at her lover while flashing her beautiful smile and leaned back on the shoulder of the handsome man who was driving the four-wheel.

The four-wheeler began to enter the luxury residential area and drove to a luxury house, when the car arrived at a luxury gate Gabriel started to turn on the horn, not long after the gate was opened by security, the luxury car entered the courtyard of the luxury house and parked in a garage that has been provided.

After the car was parked, the two of them immediately got out of the car and walked together into the main room of the mansion.

"Assalamu'alaikum," they both greeted at the same time as they opened the main door of the house.

When they entered, there was already Grandma who had been waiting for the two of them to come.

"Where have you been? Last night Grandma was worried about waiting for you until late at night." asked the old woman

Naya just looked down but her lover answered.

"We both spent the night at Grandma's villa, I want to take Naya to our family's villa." He replied as he walked closer to the grandmother and held both the shoulders of the old woman while giving a kiss on the forehead of the grandmother who was sitting in the guest chair.

The grandmother patted her beloved granddaughter's arm.

"You are Biel, making parents worry, where are you bringing other people's children, what if there is something wrong with Naya? What will Grandma explain to her family later." She added.
