
Chapter 52

"A Name Huh!! Hummmm...how about, Cerbie, it's short for Cerburs, like the Greek three-headed Gaurd dog of the underworld."

" Cerbie Huh, yeah I guess that's fine Cerbie it is."

"Waff!!" ૮ ˆﻌˆ ა

"It seems Cerbie Liked that name as well."


Before eating Ekko had gone to Masane's room to see if she wanted anything to eat but she politely refused, so instead Ekko just told her that her portion would be in the fridge.

And after eating with Rangiku, Eris, and the puppy now named Cerbie, Rangiku decided to take him to her room to play while Eris went to go take a cat nap.

Ekko being all alone with nothing to do decided to just Relax on the Garden porch and watch as the rain falls.


{2 hours Later}

As Masane was typing away at her desk, she couldn't help but pause midway through her task and let out a disappointed sigh.

It's been months since she's hit a creative writing wall and no matter what she writes she just doesn't feel like it's a compelling enough story, especially her main characters.

There was a Mini novel competition in two months and she has barely gotten started. But as she was wallowing in her uslesness her stomach suddenly growled notifying her that she needed something to fill her stomach.

Remembering Ekko had brought some food for her she decided to leave her room for a small break before heading back to work.

She Stretched her stiff muscles and back before heading out but immediately ran back into her room when she saw that she was In her nightgown.

Thankfully no one was around to see, especially Ekko. After changing she went to the kitchen and found her Chinese takeout in the fridge.

"Duck Fried Rice, with curry sauce, looks delicious." Masane thought as her stomach growled in agreement. After heating her food in the microwave she was about to take her first bite..."Thank you for the food...Ahh!!...huh!?'

Masane paused as she suddenly heard the sound of a violin playing, she first looked around confused before she noticed the sound was coming from the garden.

Curious Masane stood up from the table and made her way to the back of the inn. When she arrived she was surprised to see Ekko had come back and he was even playing the violin.

Ekko continued to play as if he hadent sensed her presence meanwhile Masane had frozen in place. She just stood there like a statue, she didn't know what came over her even till this day but she knew instinctively, inspiration was just around the corner.

Masane quickly ran into the kitchen to grab her notepad and pen and ran back to Ekko before sitting down and getting comfortable.

As Ekko played Masane started to imagine a scene in her mind, of a young boy, trying to make ends meet for his Sisters and brothers at the orphanage, he wasent strong so manual labor was out of the question and he wasent so smart either so he couldn't trick or con people like other street rats.

But there was something he was good at, and that was playing the old, Decrepit violin, his Deceased birth mother had left behind.

Masane started to consciously draw a younger version of ekko, he was playing his violin on a Two-way street, trying to earn something... anything. But as he played and as his worries and inabitions faded into the background, the only thing left in his vision, was himself and his music.

The crowd which had long begun to form disappeared from the boy's Vision, all he could see, were the soft Strumiing of his strings, his shallow breath, and the beat that he has always been able to hear ever since he could remember.

That beat was the beat of the...

When the Song ended so did Masanes Pen. She beheld the end product and couldn't help but gasp in Happiness, this was it, the story she wanted to write. The next story she was going to release and submit for the competition.

She Looked up at Ekko who started To play another song and as he did she brought her hands up and formed a sort of Picture frame with Ekko being the main focus.

An undeniable smile graced her lips as she stood up straight away and ran to her room, to start writing everything she just felt.

Masane running away alertrted Ekko who stopped playing Midway through a song. Ekko smilled seeing this but was shocked when the next moment, Masane Ran back And bear hugged Ekko.

" THANK YOU, YOUR THE BEST!! MMWWA!!" She gave him a big kiss on the cheek and ran back to her room to start writing, tonight was definitely going to be an all-nighter for her.

Ekko just stood there in shock while touching his cheek. Her lips felt as soft as Rangikus and Eris's but also felt a bit different from there's, he wondered why.

{Choice one has been picked and completed, congratulations, distributing rewards now.}

Ekko smilled hearing the system, he had been given a task to try and help Masane in her slump and it looks like it worked.

Ekko decided To check His status, to see if there was anything he might Want to buy or need.

Name: Ekko Makena Afia


Race: Human/Super

Powers: Super soldier serum, Space-time Manipulation, Power Negation, Health Manipulation, Paradox, Absolute Will.

Ability - The system

Talents: Dancing( Advanced), Cooking( Beginner), Hacking( Proficient), Martial arts( Master), Parkour( Proficient), Lingualism( Advanced), Writing( Proficient), Driving( Beginner), Beer Brewing(Beginner), Violinist( Proficient:New)

System Items: Diamond spoon, Infinite Fire hydrant, Metal hockey stick, An unbreakable brick, Grappling hook, Butter sock, 50% Shop coupons, High Grade Sleeping Pills, 5 Bowls of Any Ichiraku Ramen, Monopoly:New

Tp = 46,300 >48,800

Ip = 18,150 > 18,150

He had just bought the violin Talent and upgraded it to the Proficient Level. Looking at his status he dident feel like anything needed upgrading well maybe writing could be upgraded at a later date if Masane ever needed help or advice.

Ekko dident bother looking at the store as he wanted to save as many IT Points as he can, he could start spending them more when all the tenants arrived.

{Tap, tap tap.}

Ekko suddenly heard the sound of footsteps heading towards him, he thought it might have been Masane again, but instead, it was Rangiku. Her hair was wet, so she had probably just had a shower.

Though he noticed Rangiku looked a bit nervous while aprochroching him. Her face looked as normal as always but it was her micro expressions that gave her nervousness away.

"Hey Ekko, I wanna ask you something." Rangiku suddenly stopped a meter away from Ekko and said while playing with her hair.

" Sure what's up, something wrong." Ekko resonded.

" I-, You know what I'll just say It...after the fashion show is over, I was thinking, did you perhaps want to go to this new restaurant that's opening up, I heard some really good things about that place sooo..."


" Rangiku? Are you perhaps asking me out on a date?" Of all the things he thought Rangiku would say, this wasent one of them.

" Y-Yes, I am, so is that a yes or a no." Rangiku asked as a small blush appeared on her cheeks but her eyes never left Ekko's for a second. And seeing her expectant expression, Ekko had the urge to tease her right there and then, but controlled himself.

" Mhh, a date huh, Ha! Why not sounds like a good time. I'm looking forward to our date."

Rangiku froze, shocked that he actually said yes before Nodding, she didn't say another word and swiftly walked back to her room, before lunging in her futon and screaming into her pillow.

"HE SAID YEEEEEEEES!!!" Though her screaming was muffled by her pillow Ekko could still barely just make out what she had screamed and chuckled.

" Looks like I'm gonna have to meet up with Ruben sooner than expected." It's not that he didn't have any fashion sense but he felt like Ruben would know what better suited him.

Ekko would only find out later that it was Ruben himself that had given Rangiku the incentive to ask him out.
