

On hearing his son words, Hendrick couldn't help but shake his head, right now his son was sounding like a villain who wouldn't stop at any means to make sure he achieved his goal and always win.

"Son, what I want to tell you is this, don't always be obsessed with winning, sometimes there are greater benefits to loosing than winning" said Hendrick.

"Like what dad?" asked Kiran in a bore tone.

"Like when you fail or lose, you do learn from the failures and experience to become great in the future" said Hendrick.

"I know dad, but I prefer not to fail" was the short reply from Kiran.

"That's good, no man would intentionally want to fail, I'm just telling you this in case you come across something like that in the future" said Hendrick.

"Thanks Dad" replied Kiran.

"Do you have anything in mind that you want for your sixteenth year birthday?" asked Hendrick.

"No dad, I'm okay with anything you present to me, but in case I desire anything before then, I will let you know" said Kiran.

"Okay, I will keep that in mind" said Hendrick.

"Dinner's ready" said Jenny as she walked into the room.

"I will be there in some minutes sweetie, I have to go take my bath" said Hendrick as he walked out of the room.

"Okay dear, we will be waiting for you" said Jenny as she and Kiran walked downstairs.

After dinner, Kiran walked back to his room, picked his phone and could see some messages sent to him.

The friendship between Kiran, Caleb and Mikey were so tight that they even created a group chat with them being the only members in it.

As he entered the group chat, he could see Mikey and Caleb were both online, he scrolled the message to the point he last texted before reading the newly sent texts.

*What do you think Kiran is doing right now?* was the questioned asked be Mikey.

*Probably reading and cracking his brain, I know the fact that he lost to Lydia is making him furious right now* replied Caleb with a laughing emoji attached to he message.

*Do you have any information about Lydia, like where she lives and what school she attended before coming to Brilliance High?* asked Mikey.

*Why don't you go ask her yourself, or perhaps are you crushing on her and you are too afraid to tell her?* asked Caleb.

*I'm just curious bro* said Mikey.

*If you are scare, you better be, can't you see the kind of guards always coming to drop and pick her up?* asked Caleb.

*I said I'm just being curious bro, no need to give me all this speech* replied Mikey.

*I don't think associating with that kind of person is a good idea, everything about her is just too secretive,I couldn't find anything about her when I search* said Caleb.

'Coming to think of it, why didn't I check about her, or I'm I really not that curious about her' thought Kiran to himself.

*I think your idea of asking her personally is a good idea, tomorrow I'm going to talk to her* said Mikey.

*Why wouldn't you ever listen, have you ever seen her associate with anybody since she came to this school, just leave her alone bro, I think it would be for your own good* said Caleb.

*I don't see any harm in saying a simple hello* said Mikey.

*Well I won't stop you, I kind of also want to see how she would react* said Caleb.

*Mikey, I wouldn't get myself involved when you get yourself into trouble, make sure you don't drag me into it* wrote Kiran the moment he finished reading all the messages.

*Bro are you through reading, make sure not to explode your brain or faint because of excess reading* wrote Mikey while adding a laughing emoji to it.

*If I get my hands on you Mikey, I will make sure to skin you alive* wrote Kiran.

*Kiran, aren't you curious to know a little about the girl who has beaten you twice in a row now?* asked Mikey through the message.

*Mikey, why do you think her identity is keep secret?* asked Caleb.

*Don't know bro and also don't care* replied Mikey.

*it's because they freaking don't want anyone associating with her, why can't you just get that into your brain* wrote Caleb.

*I don't really care, I'm pretty sure my family isn't that far off from them when it comes to power* wrote Mikey.

*Mikey this is my last warning for you, beware of the unknown, it's more dangerous than something you know about, I wouldn't be a victim of your ignorance* wrote Mikey.

*Don't worry Kiran, we are good friends and I intend to keep it that way forever, I won't ever get you into trouble* wrote Mikey.

*Mikey, what do you day about making a bet, if you are able to talk to Lydia and get to know about her, then I would pay you two hundred thousand dollars, while if it's goes the other way around, you will do the same* wrote Caleb.

*The money is too small, how about five hundred thousand dollars, I know you can definitely do more than that* wrote Mikey.

*Okay then, five hundred thousand dollars it is, make sure to get ready to pay when you lose* replied Caleb to the text.

*Keep on dreaming, what about you Kiran, do you wanna bet?* asked Mikey.

*No, I will pass on that, I'm not really into things like betting* replied Kiran.

"Come on, what's so hard about it, you just have to bet on who you think is going to win* wrote Mikey.

*No way Mikey, I'm definitely not going to consider any word you say, I clearly know it will only get me into one trouble or another* wrote Kiran.

*Guys, I think I would be calling it a night now, good night* wrote Caleb.

*Yeah me too, good night guys* replied Kiran.

"Good night* wrote Mikey before going offline.

Thanks all everyone supporting me in one way or another, please continue to support me so I can be able to write more. Thanks once again, please do vote ♥️

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