
Chapter 8 First Day and The Banquet

After the Insane fight in the caves Genji walked out and went pass the heroes outside who were confused to see him. He thought to himself:

- "So they really forgot huh? What a problem with these people sometimes."

Genji moved onward towards his apartment it was already late night when he was coming back. He was worried why Haruka hasn't answered. Most important tho he was curious about the egg that Nirvana has gave him. He thought to himself:

- "What could be in this egg...maybe another baby..I don't know. Possibly something. But I can't Think of anything"

As Genji walked forward towards the apartment he lived in he heard someone yelling to him from behind:

- Genji-san!! Wait for me!

Genji looked behind and saw Ayaka running to him in Pajamas he did nosebleed a bit from how exposing they were... Genji quickly wiped the nosebleed off as he looked around himself and looked at her and asked:

- What are you doing here Ayaka?! I thought you were at your house!

Ayaka confused laughed after a moment and answered:

- Oh well I decided to find you . And besides I did said to you about the beach!

Genji realised it and looked away embarrassed as hell and answered:

- I..I get understand but come on!! I..its kind of weird that you are here quickly! And besides why are you here?

Ayaka confusedly looked at him and laughed and quickly answered:

- Oh well I thought I could come over on sleep over!

Genji froze in pure shock.. and was ultra super confused... And embarrassed he turned red and didn't knew what to say. He thought in his mind:

- " Goddamit this is bad! What I am supposed to do! I can't just reject her it's gonna be bad.. if I say so no...I am guessing it's the only option"

Genji sighed and he immediately answered:

- Well..fine.. but don't do anything understood? I do have stuff in that place and people..

Ayaka immediately nodded and spoke:

- Hai! Understood!

Genji smiled and walked towards his apartment building. Ayaka followed Genji quite fast while he looked at her from time to time. Although he still was mostly curious about the egg. He decided to use one of his abilities to check it showed:

- "Egg mother: Nirvana"

- "Time to crack:2 hours"

- "Race:unknown "

Genji looked curious at the egg as he walked up the stairs... Ayaka followed him in Pajamas and asked:

- What is that egg Genji kun? It seems..like it's from a monster.

Genji looked at her and spoke:

- Its from one. But not fully a monster..it was a human once. And I promised to take care of it.

Genji continued to ascend up the stairs not really carrying about some stuff. He arrived to his floor and walked towards his door.. ayaka being close behind.

He opened the door and noticed Haruka not there but he hears snoring in the girls bedroom and knew where they were and smiled saying to Ayaka:

- Alright then. Seems nothing bad will happen..please come in Ayaka-san.

Genji walked in taking his boots off and immediately went to the table and started to examine the egg in every way he knew. Ayaka confused decided to go and see if there is anything to eat. She researched every possible place but found nothing really. She did get sad since she had a eating habit. Genji noticed it and opened the fridge and started to cook. Ayaka turned around and was stunned at Genji's cooking skill. He was making the dinner like a master chef. After just 4 minutes the food was all ready to be eaten and he spoke:

- Eat up Ayaka! Hope you won't get hungry after this quickly!

Ayaka was ultra happy and started to eat very happy. Genji smiled while he went over and made sure the egg was in a good place.. he laid it in the giant pillow he had in the living room.

He looked all over the room and decided to start checking his albums while also drinking coffee still with mask on..he didn't wanted Ayaka to see his face. Ayaka finished the food and layed on the couch happy snuggling into a pillow. She spoke:

- Goodnight.. Genji-san.

She felt asleep as Genji smiled and covered her with a blanket. He patted her head and answered:

- Goodnight Ayaka-san.

Genji smiled and went to another room. He sat down on his bed and turned around to see something he didn't expected... Principal Chiyo was in his room which almost made him yell... She covered his mouth and spoke:

- Please don't yell and sorry..I kind of didn't wanted to sleep at the headquarters with the others...

Genji confused as hell nodded and Chiyo sighed and sat down and spoke:

- I am sorry..I just didn't wanted to sleep with those creeps.. one time I had ten guys in my bed...

Genji patted her back saying:

- Hey it's alright. Nothing happened. Just a regular thing .. in this life. At this point.

She laughed nervously and layed down on his bed and said:

- I am really sorry I just.. trust you... In many cases. You are the only one who I am one hundred percent sure wouldn't touch me or any women.

Chiyo laughed much on this. Genji got quite embarrassed and admitted:

- fine fine you got me on that..I am not good with girls..it's not my fault.. I am trying my best every time. But when i speak with haruka or you.. it feels different..I don't know why.

Chiyo smiled and quickly answered:

- Well I understand it's pretty normal. But. Why you have so many family photos?

Genji stopped smiling and looks at Chiyo . He quickly answered:

- .... That's.. my sister mainly in these photos and my mother..I have erased the father from the photos...

Chiyo looked at him in confusion and went over closer holding his hand and asked:

- Why did you erased him? Is there a exact reason for that?

Genji looked at her and layed down and answered:

- That bastard left me..my sister..and my mother on certain death..he had no heart to us. He only cared about saving himself.. because he was more important..he got what he deserved...

Chiyo realised and looked down and spoke:

- I..I am sorry for that. If I brought something that you really hate...I am sorry..

Genji hugged her laying on her chest silent.. Chiyo blushed but she comforted him seeing he wanted to sleep she smiled and got into her pajamas and layed with him and hugged him. Genji actually did smile as he felt asleep on her. She although clueless of what to do .. wanted to help Genji as best as she could. That's what she was able to do of course....

On the next day Morning. Genji woke up on Chiyo who was already awoke and she smiled and spoke:

- Morning Genji -san.

Genji blushed but sat up and decided to change up quickly with a snap of a finger. Chiyo impressed spoke:

- That is an interesting set of skills you have.

Genji looked at her and said:

- How are you gonna get to academy quickly? The first lesson begins in a hour. On foot it's gonna take sometime. Chiyo laughed and snapped opening a portal and answered:

- There is really nothing that much I can't do Genji. So don't underestimate me..

Genji laughed and spoke:

- See you at the school president.

She smiled and walked through the portal dissapearing. Genji took a deep breath and went out of the room and saw Ayaka speaking with Haruka and Orisa. Then he noticed the egg was giant and checked the timer again and noticed:

- "Time to hatch:8 hours"

He thought to himself:

- "It changed again huh? Seems this egg takes time to hatch. "

He noticed also the girl already being eleven years old and he finally spoke:

- Morning everyone.

Haruka immediately jolted up and spoke:

- Why didn't you told us about the guest? Not only that the girl is already eleven years old! And what is that egg?

Genji nervously laughed and decided to snap and made Ayaka wear the school uniform she had with her. The uniform on Genji they received was quite tight. Haruka nosebleed hard seeing how Genji looked and quickly spoke:

- G.. Genji that uniform is very tight don't you think?

Genji spoke as an answer:

- Nah it isn't..and let's go Ayaka we have school.

Ayaka realised and grabbed her stuff and was next to Genji in instance and spoke:


Genji laughed and saw Haruka quite mad. He was nervous and suddenly the eleven year old girl came up and hold his hand . He looked at her and asked:

- Hey are you feeling better?

The girl nodded and spoke:

- I am feeling great Papa!

Genji still didn't get used to that but Ayaka froze and almost said something but Haruka death stared her so she wouldn't say anything. Ayaka stayed quiet as Genji looked at Haruka and said:

- This is Ayaka she is my classmate from what I may know. And that egg is from tomorrow... Let's say I got a weird encounter. And how she is eleven years old I don't know. And how is Orisa?

Orisa looked and smiled and answered:

- I am very good! Although learning human stuff is hard.

Genji laughed and pat her head and spoke:

- Good good..learn under Haruka..there is no one more intelligent then she is that I know.

He smiled and Haruka smiled and answered:

- Well have a good day in school then. Just remember I am always on the phone.

Genji smiled and answered her:

- Got that. Now let's go Ayaka.

Ayaka smiled and walked out with Genji from the apartment. Genji immediately went downstairs as she was following him. She suddenly asked:

- Hey.. that was a monster hybrid girl was it? Why do you keep her in your house?

Genji turned to her and spoke:

- Orisa is someone who was misunderstood. The girl who is eleven years old was at the Cultist's base which me and president Chiyo raided you could say.

Ayaka froze a bit from shock hearing that. She immediately asked Genji:

- But..wait why didn't you said to anyone? I don't understand that... That Hybrid is dangerous. How do you know she won't go berserk?

Genji looked at Ayaka with menacing eyes and quickly answered:

- Because I promised something to her. That I would protect her and make sure she won't be a monster. Not only that if you say about this to anyone... Trust me it won't be nice..

Ayaka gulped seeing the real Genji. The one who was cold blooded and was right now ready to kill her if she said anything. She just nodded and stayed quiet. Genji patted her back and spoke:

- Sorry for that. My personal life is complicated. That's why I normally do this to scare others. But i didn't meant anything bad. I am just protecting the ones I protect.

Ayaka looked at him and smiles and answered to his sentence:

- I understand. And it's alright nothing happened. And personally. I think it's unique.

She smiled to Genji's suprise. But he smiled taking off his mask. Ayaka froze blushing red from how handsome Genji was. Genji smiled and spoke:

- Thanks for understanding. Now let's go we have some distance to get through right?

Ayaka looked at him and smiled and yelled:

- Yes! Let's go!

Both of them walked towards the academy and made inside of it thirty minutes before the time. Everyone was getting assigned to the classes with the teachers waiting for the students. Many of them were just standing and waiting. No student moved forward. But Genji of course asked Ayaka:

- What is this? I thought they would be reading the names our for the classes.

Kyo appears and grabbed his shoulder and spoke:

- Not exactly.

Genji looked at her and saw Hisashi and well smiling. He smiled and asked:

- So what exactly is it Kyo?

Kyo quickly answered:

- The teachers choose students depending on there skills and many others. But. Some teachers are very high ranking and very respected in the school. One of them is her.

Kyo pointed at the middle desk was sitting down a women with black hair dark as a space in the galaxy. A normal tank top and military jeans with military tactical boots. But also her eyes were brown with orange compare to most teachers she smoked and stood up. All the others looked at her as the women yelled:

- My first class student Is Genji Yamamoto!

The entire room froze in shock at that. Most teachers looked at her in quite the shock as well. Genji hearing it walked out of the crowd with his eyes ignited and hands in the pocket and spoke very menacing:

- I am here. Miss.

The women jumped down from her desk and landed in front of Genji being as tall as him which surprised the students. She then spoke:

- My name is Aoi Bushida. I am also known as God Avenger. Number 9 hero of the omega class.

Everyone froze in shock seeing The top 10 omega class hero at the academy. Aoi looked at Genji with a death stare. Genji knew something was off.... A teacher like this in the academy it didn't seemed right. He knew that omega class was coming back but this? Was weird. He thought to himself:

- "So this is one of the top 10 of Omega class...just how strong she is... But that doesn't matter for now. She seems to have a reason for wanting me in her class."

Aoi then yelled out a few other names and:

- Ayaka Oki! Hisashi Kimoto! Kyo Kaneko! All of the students I have choose please come to the class number 66. Don't ask questions about the number just follow!

Aoi grabbed Genji's arm and dragged him as Genji yelled:

- W..woah!!

She dragged him as Chiyo saw it and got little anger. Chiyo was seemed jealous which Hiroto noticed with Haruto.. Aoi looked at her from a corner of the eye and smirked. Chiyo's grin appeared she was gritting teeth cracking the chair in anger. Chiyo commented:

- This..bitch..I am gonna kill her..if she touches Genji..

Hiroto sighed and spoke:

- Calm down. I am sure she chooses him for a reason and you know Aoi. Being the top ten she is... specific.

Chiyo sighed and just answered:

- Lets just go before I lose my patience..we still have other stuff to do.

Both Haruto and Hiroto stood up and as well did Chiyo. All three of them head out towards the main office...

Meanwhile... Genji got dragged fast as hell by Aoi. The other classmates of his follows them but we're confused as to what Aoi wanted to do.. but then. When they arrived at the class she spoke:

- Stay here..I have to speak to Genji. Understood?

The class immediately answered:

- Yes Teacher!

Aoi dragged Genji inside and locked the door. Genji stood up and asked while wiping dust off his uniform:

- What was that for? I don't understand why you had to drag me to the class for no reason.

She looked at him with her eyes and stated:

- It's about The fact I have heard you are a very strong student isn't it Genji? Someone destroying a dragon level monster without breaking a sweat.

Genji looked at her and answered:

- Well I did it. What about it? It's not a big deal and besides I know it's not about that isn't it?

She looked at him and spoke saying:

- I do know something about your sister. And I have good news. She will on today's banquet.

Genji froze at the sentence. He was shocked and absolutely dumbfounded from that information... He didn't knew what to say or how to answer. Aoi spoke again:

- I know some stuff about you. Mostly from Chiyo. The fact your family died during the monster arise. And only your sister is somewhere alive.. but I am telling you she will be at the Banquet.

Genji felt to his knees holding his uniform in anger and pure desperation his face said all he didn't knew what to say.. but only anger and pure emotions were coming from him. Aoi kneeled down and said:

- Listen I want to help my students as much as I can. Do you can count on me. If that is Alright. Although I know I seem heartless it depends. On the person.

She comforted him although she had her own plans..she seemed really interesting for a teacher. She spoke:

- Get to the seat. I will let the others in.

Genji did as told silent. Aoi then let the others inside of the class. Everyone sat down and were impressed by how beautiful the class really was. Aoi stood at the desk and spoke:

- Alright class. You heard who I am so no need to say much about myself. I will be your teacher for the next 5 years at this academy. Most important thing you have to understand is that in this academy we take seriously the system of grades and how you give your best. That's why I want everyone to really give out the best they can.

She then handed them papers with special places to fill and spoke:

- These cards or papers will be crucial for me to remember who you are..and who I am dealing with here.. from name to statistics.. but also to powers. I want everything..understood?

Everyone nodded as they started to write down. Genji wrote down as well in the meantime... While everyone was writing Aoi looked around the class and noticed that Genji was the one who was the calmest and thought:

- "He seems to be the most well rounded student in the class... He has a nice perception... That's very good although saying about his sister wasn't a lie.. I was send here to make sure no one of the students can get to some special school regions.. but also because we need higher class heroes."

She looked around the class and noticed a short Girl with white hair and fox ears and beautiful blue eyes kind of struggling. Aoi didn't think much of it and continued to wait. After approximately thirty minutes everyone was done including Genji and his friends. Aoi then spoke:

- Good. Now I want everyone to tell me. Do you know why monsters attack our world?

Genji wanted to say but Kyo lifted up hand quicker and spoke:

- Its because of the blood of ours. The monsters seem to want something in it.

Aoi answered:

- Partially correct Miss Kyo. To be exact. The blood of the ancient ones. Some people have more of it. Some smaller amount. To be exact this blood allows us to use our powers. Which is why we have to fight the monsters.

Some girl lifted up hand asked:

- But.. can't we negotiate with them..or reason with them?I..I mean.

Aoi slammed in the desk and the girl for scared and Aoi spoke with red eyes now:

- Say something like that again I will discipline you worse then in the military. Is that understood...?

The girl nodded shaking in fear. Everyone was shaking to some extend. Only Genji was not harmed by this death stare. Which came into the attention of the Aoi. But she stopped and said:

- Alright everyone. I have a challenge for you all. I am sure you gonna like it.

She smiled as everyone looked at her confused Ayaka asked:

- What do you mean Teacher? What is it exactly?

Aoi then suddenly answered to Ayaka and the entire class:

- you will be facing me!

Everyone froze in pure horror.. but the only one who smiled was Genji and the white hair girl. Aoi also mentioned:

- if you don't want to it's alright. But if someone actually comes and fights me. I will give them there first grade of the year. How does that sound?

Suddenly Genji stood up to everyone's shock and surprise even to the white hair girl surprise. Aoi smirked as Genji spoked:

- I want to Fight. But it depends where exactly.

Aoi stood up and pointed outside. She spoke:

- To the courtyard obviously. But restrain your power so we won't destroy the terrain but you will loose.

Genji took that as a challenge and walked up to her and spoke:

- Challenge accepted Aoi-san.

Everyone was shocked that Genji was ready to the challenge. Hisashi stood up and asked:

- But how we will participate?

Aoi quickly answered:

- You will just watch through the windows. Now let's go Genji. I want to beat your ass already.

Genji smirked as both of them went out from the class.. the students talked with eachother about the upcoming fight.. Ayaka spoke:

- I am pretty sure Genji-kun will not win...

Kyo blinked and quickly spoke:

- Dont underestimate Genji. He is tougher the he looks like.

Hisashi commented:

- Well the Number 9 omega hero isn't a pushover either way. So this will be interesting too see at least.

The white hair girl spoke to herself:

- so we gonna see how strong is the... Everchosen himself..this will be interesting..

Meanwhile outside.. both Aoi and Genji stood opposite eachother... Aoi commented:

- Its raining. Don't you think being in more suitable clothes would be better?

She took off her boots and got into a normal stance. Genji put his mask on as his eyes flashed with blue and purple. Genji spoke:

- The conditions don't matter. What matters is if you are ready to fight or not Sensei. Because I am not gonna stop until I will win.

Aoi smirked and spoke:

- Now naming me a Sensei heh? Well then. Shall we begin?

The rain intensified as both of them stared at eachother. Genji knew Aoi would jump at him. He was sure of that way too much at this point.. suddenly He felt a giant force in his chest and saw Aoi next to him punched him in the chest. He coughed blood as the classmates watched in horror. Aoi tho suddenly changed faces to a surprised one a bit and spoke:

- You are fine eh? Seems I underestimated yo-

Suddenly Aoi felt a powerful kinetic force as she went flying into a concrete wall behind her.. everyone looking froze as they saw Genji had his fist onward and steam coming out of it. Aoi looked at him and smirked and spoke:

- So seems you aren't a pushover...ahhahaa!

Genji suddenly felt to his knees seeing a giant hole in his chest and realised something saying:

- So there is a reason you are an Omega class..

Aoi stood up and smirked saying:

- Well seems I have won. But I want to see how you can d-

Before she could react or even speak... suddenly.. a giant blast hit her vaporising her clothes and dealing some massive damage ... The classmate's stood in shock as it was Genji who said:

- Voidstern Technique Reverse void.

He smirked as Aoi covered herself using one of her powers and spoke:

- Let's say it's a tie alright? We still have other lessons!

He smiled and spoke regenarated:

- Understood Sensei.

Both of them went back to class... Everyone asked questions but Genji didn't said anything really. And besides that Aoi on the third lesson said:

- I am sorry for disturbing our lesson but we have an important thing to do now. Its about something specific. To be exact simple. We will prepare for the banquet today. So I want everyone to head to the room number 250. It's up the stairs. Follow me.

Aoi walked out with the others as Genji followed her . Ayaka asked Genji:

- Hey Genji -kun do you have a dance partner on the banquet?

Genji quickly responded:

- I am sorry but I do have one Ayaka. And it was a request I couldn't ignore.

Ayaka looked at her and answered:

- I see... Well I say it's alright. And besides I got someone just in case so don't worry!

Genji noticed Hisashi next to him and asked him:

- Hey Hisashi have you heard about... Who is Ayaka going out with to the banquet?

Hisashi thought for a second and answered:

- No clue about that personally. It may take sometime. So yeah.

Genji was kind of interested but didn't thought much of it. He just went with the others to the giant room 250 which actually was a giant clothing sector of the school... Everyone was impressed seeing all the students trying out multiple dresses and suits. Genji looked everywhere but didn't saw his sister and decided to sit on a bench silent. Chiyo who was in a beautiful golden dress walked up to Aoi and asked:

- So how was your lesson with the class? Especially Genji?

Aoi smiled and quickly answered:

- It was interesting but.. I noticed he isn't in my sight.. where did he went..

Chiyo looked around and noticed Genji and said:

- He is ..on a bench alone... What did you told him Aoi?

Aoi rubbed her arm and then neck and spoke looking away:

- I may or may not told him we gonna have...his sister on the banquet..

Chiyo realised what she was talking about and immediately spoke:

- Aoi.. I wanted to say this later.. I knew what this could cause... Goddamit... I will speak with him

Aoi nodded and Chiyo went over to Genji and spoke to him:

- Hey Genji....you ok? You seem pretty...sad..

Genji looked at her and knew she knew about the entire thing and spoke immediately:

- She isn't...here...

Chiyo sat next to him and answered:

- You see...your sister supposedly will come with some rich guy and his family...I don't know why but.. I didn't wanted you to know. Since. I knew some bad stuff could happen..

Genji sighed and hold his family photo of him and his sister. Chiyo looked at it and hugged Genji saying:

- I am sorry for this all... But we need to get ready the banquet starts in four hours.

Genji looked at her and then at the picture and thought in his mind:

- "I will meet you and take you back sister...no matter the cost no matter what.."

Just a few hours later Genji wearing black suit with short sleeves was holding the hand of Chiyo leading the students towards the banquet entrance. Aoi was next to them with Hiroto,Akihito,Amelie and Haruto. Hisashi and others were following them as well. Chiyo spoke:

- I want everyone to stay calm. I know some of us may hate the rich and others. But they are important part of the school's economy. So stay calm.

Haruto quickly answered:

- Hey Genji. Hope you won't mind if we gonna need to stop you if something happens?

Genji looked at them and spoke:

- No it's not a problem. What matters is.. if I can find her...

The entire school entered a giant gymnastic hall decorated to look like a banquet. The rich were already partying... Genji froze and saw his sister immediately and spoke to himself:

- Sister....

He noticed a guy dancing with her and calling her dear. His rage was beyond belief. Hiroto and Akihito were ready to engage but all the omega heroes froze seeing Genji grin like a maniac and spoke silently:

- Let...the banquet. Begin.

His eyes flashed red. In that moment.. showing this banquet..won't be.... peaceful...
