
Chapter 13

We stared at each other for a short while, all of us had 5 cards in our hands.

Chumley then Draws his first card, he smiles widely.

Turn 1 (Chumley)

"Alright, I am setting a monster!" He exclaimed and send me a look that said he has done an incredible move.

He then said "I end my turn,"

No set trap cards, no draws, no search spells, only one set monster… Pretty weak starting turn, but I manage to put on a reassuring smile,

"Good job Chumley," I manage to say, trying to keep sarcasm to a minimum.

Turn 2 (Syrus)

"Alright Sye, it's your turn, take a deep breath and do your best," Jaden said to his partner who nods his head, and draws his card

"Alright! I summon Gyroid in attack mode!" Syrus shouted! "I then end my turn"

Seriously… these two are terrible. I have no clue how they manage to defeat Proctors in the Examination dueling like this.

Turn 3 (Konami)

"Syrus, bud, you may wanna play that monster in defense buddy, while it wouldn't be destroyed in a battle thanks to his effect, you would still take damage if it is in attack mode," I explained

"Oh no I made a mistake already," he muttered but I ignored him and drew a card.

MC Hand: Soul Exchange, Fiend's Sanctuary, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Lightning Vortex, D.D. Warrior Lady, and Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

"Alright then, first I will flip Chumley's set monster!" I shouted, and just like I guessed, it was Des Koala. "You see when this card is flip summoned, you take damage equal to the number of cards in your hand, times 400 hundred, and since you two have a total of 10 cards…" I explained and they received 4000 damage!

Des Koala - Level 3/Dark/Beast - 1100/1800

Jaden and Syrus LP: 8000 => 4000

"If this was a normal duel it would have been over," I heard Alexis mutter,

"And I am only getting started, I now activate one of my favorite cards, Soul Exchange, thanks to this card I can tribute one of your monsters, and I pick your Gyroid,"

"Oh no!" he shouted "You are gonna summon one of your Monarchs!"

"That's right Syrus," I said as I sacrificed his Gyroid

"Now, come forth, Thestalos!"

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch - Level 6/Fire/Pyro - 2400/1000

"And since he is summoned with a tribute, you lose a random card from your hand," I said and Thestalos burned one of Jaden's cards. Lucky. He'll start with 5 cards instead of 6, which should slow him down.

The card he discarded was the Elemental Hero Burstinatrix, "And since it is a level 3 monster you receive 300 more damage."

Jaden and Syrus LP: 4000 => 3700

"I then set a card and end my turn," I said as I placed a dummy spell, Fiend's Sanctuary.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! I knew I was gonna get Jaden sacked, he didn't even get to play a turn and we are already losing," Syrus started drawing circles on the ground

Turn 4 (Jaden)

"Chillax Sye, the duel is just starting, I draw," Jaden said with a smile before he destroyed my set card with a Mystical Space Typhoon, and then played Bubbleman

"I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman it defense mode, and since I do not have any card on the field, I get to draw 2 new cards," he then drew two cards and activated one of them

"I now activate Pot of Greed and get to draw 2 more cards,"

"Jesus fucking Christ," What a bullshit anime draw power?! What the fuck was that?! He drew 5 cards in one turn, even Meta Decks in 2022 have a hard time doing that!

"I then activate Polymerization, and fuse Elemental Hero Sparkman and Elemental Hero Clayman in my hand to fusion summon, Elemental Hero Thunder Giant,"

"I then activate his effect, I discard one card to the graveyard, to destroy your Des Koala!" he shouted and Chumley's best card got blown to pieces. I paid extra attention to the card he discarded, it was Elemental Hero Necroshade. A card with a graveyard effect!

"I will then activate Fusion Recovery! Which allows me to get a Polymerization and a Fusion Material from my graveyard, and add them to my hand," he said as he got Sparkman and Polymerization to his hand. That is some mad Anime Draw Power.

"Now, once again, I activate Polymerization, and fuse Elemental Hero Avian, Elemental Hero Sparkman, and Elemental Hero Bubbleman to summon Elemental Hero Tempest," he said with a smile.

Elemental Hero Tempest - Level 8/Wind/Warrior - 2800/2800

"I end my turn," he said

"Wow! Jaden managed to turn that around," I heard Syrus mutter, he had regained some confidence.

What a bullshit anime turn! And he did that with 5 cards, and an inconsistent deck… *sigh* At least he has no more cards in his hand.

Turn 5 (Chumley)

"I- I draw," Chumley's voice was shaking, and so was he,

"Calm down Chumley," I said and he nods his head

"I switch Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch to defense mode and end my turn."

That's it?! Jesus Christ at least set a card! He might be the worst duelist in this school, maybe even the planet!

Turn 6 (Syrus)

"Okay Syrus you got this," Jaden said, and he nods his head

"Draw!" he shouts before drawing a card and subsequently activates it

"I activate Pot of Greed, which allows me to draw two cards," he explains like everyone doesn't know what it does,

He then takes a moment to stare at his newly drawn cards, one of them more in particular, probably Power Bond.

"I- I activate Monster Reborn and summon Gyroid back to the field." he looks conflicted before he plays "Polymerization, this card allows me to fuse Gyroid and Steamroid to fusion summon Steam Gyroid."

"No- now I attack Thestalos with Elemental Hero Thunder Giant!" he shouted as his monster attacked mine.

"Wait Syrus you could-" I tried to say but attack had already destroyed my monster

"Now Steam Gyroid attacks him directly!" he shouted, "And now I activate Limiter Removal, doubling his attack" Oh… that was an okay move.

"Good job Sye," I said with a smile as the hologram slammed onto me, for some reason Chumley fell on his ass

Konami and Chumley LP: 8000 => 3600

He nods happily "Now Elemental Hero Tempest, direct attack!"

Konami and Chumley LP: 3600 => 0800

"Unfortunately my Steam Gyroid is destroyed at the end phase," he said as he ended his turn.

He has done quite a few misplays there. He could have just attacked with Steamroid, and Gyroid separately, did not need to fuse them, that would have done far more damage, and wouldn't have wasted Polymerization, or he could have at least made his Tempest invincible by sending Steam Gyroid to graveyard with its effect before Limiter Removal destroyed it. But the guy was trying to get some confidence, and I wasn't gonna mess that up by mentioning all his misplays.

Turn 7: Konami

"Alright then, my turn, draw!" I shouted as I drew a card… Ring of Destruction… Damn it Chumley! If you had set a monster last turn we would have won, you piece of overgrown Koala shit! No wonder they send you away at the end of the season!

I manage to calm down at how terrible my tag partner has been, "Okay, I first activate Lightning Vortex and discard one card," I said as I threw away D.D. Warrior Lady.

"Oh no!" Syrus shouts. "Jaden's Heroes!"

"I then summon Breaker the Magical Warrior in attack mode," I said and then my monster appeared

"He gets a Spell Counter, increasing his attack points by 300, to 1900!" I said and he got stronger

"Now Breaker attack them directly,"

Jaden and Syrus LP: 1800

"I then set a card, and end my turn," I said as I pass the turn,

Turn 8: Jaden

"Okay, now watch this, draw!" he shouted. He smiled

"I activate Necroshade's effect, which allows me to summon a high level Elemental Hero without having to pay a tribute! Come forth Bladedge!"

Seriously… The dude keeps on getting more and more BS anime draws. After discarding Necroshade, he drew Bladedge, the only other high-level E-Hero he has… it must be a cheat… *sigh* I suppose this is the Yu-Gi-Oh protagonist's draw power.

It seems this duel is gonna end in a Draw, "Sorry Jaden, but I can't let you do that!"

"Ring of Destruction, open, say goodbye to your Bladege, and life points, because I will do the same"

Jaden and Syrus LP: 0000

Konami and Chumley LP: 0000

"Gotcha," I said with a smile. I decided to end the duel in a Draw, I could not trust Chumley to not fuck it up, this was the best I could do with him as my partner.

"Man Konami, Good Game, ha ha ha" Jaden laughed it off "You were amazing. And Chumley, I had no idea Des Koala could be so powerful,"

"You two put on a great fight yourselves," I said, at least Jaden did with 2 E-Hero fusions and the 5 Draws in 1 Turn! Maybe I should get a Bubbleman? Its anime effect is insane. "We should duel 1 v 1 sometime," I said with a smile, he seems to agree as he nods his head,

"Hey Sye, what was that card you were staring at?" Jaden then asks,

"Eh? It- it was nothing!" he tried to say but Jaden had picked his hand

"Ah! Power Bond!" called it!

"If Syrus had played that card, we would have lost for sure." I said

"Why didn't you use this card? With your Limiter Removal and this card we could have won?" he asked, although there was no anger in his tone.

"You don't understand, my bro says I'm not good enough to use it, and I'll probably never be, and you probably never win the Tag Duel if I am your partner," Syrus said as he took his cards and ran away, Chumley ran after him.

"What was that about?" Alexis asked as she walked towards us.

"Brother issues," I said "Not that unusual considering who his brother is,"

"Who is he?" Jaden asks

"I am sure you already know him, he is a third year Obelisk, rumored to be the best duelist in the school, and has skills to back it up… Zane Truesdale" she explained "I would say to stay out of his way."

"And I would say he is a terrible brother, I mean, what kind of a brother would say their little brother is not good enough to play a card?" Jaden said with an idea popped to his head "Well I know what I need to do to get Syrus his confidence back,"

"What?" we ask

"Beat Zane, of course," Alexis looked shocked as I just rolled my eyes.

"Of course," I said "Well Jaden, good luck with that. If you duel like you did today you might have a shot… But from now on, I can't help you as I have no intention to duel with Kaiser just yet," I said as I made to leave

"Eh? Why is that? Don't tell me you are afraid" He asks while having a teasing look on his face.

"Ha Ha Ha" I laughed at that "Why would I be afraid? Do I look like Princeton or God Forbid, Crowler to you? I know that losing and growing from those losses are part of the game. No, what I want to avoid is scaring those walking money bags, Obelisks away. If I beat their boss, none of them would challenge me and give me free DPs." I explained to him "Well, anyhow Jay, good luck, I suppose. I did all I can, the rest is up to you and Sye." I said as I made my way to the Ra Yellow Dorm.

-- 1 Week Later --

Jaden and Syrus were dueling the Paradox brothers just like in the canon.

It seems Jaden has duelled Zane, because Syrus managed to find enough courage to use Power Bond and win the Duel by fusing Elemental Hero Bladedge and Uforoid.

It was a bit different from the canon duel, if I remember it right he fused Tempest with Uforoid, but still, not that much deviation from the canon.

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