

  Waking up, Sabrina moved threads of her hair behind her ears. She stood up, and was stepping out of the library, she couldn't find any of her sisters. Images of the door jogged in her vision, and she nearly fell, but she felt a soft touch on her shoulders.

  “I got you.” Janeka told her.

  “Thank you.” She expired. A smile formed on her lips as she regained her balance. They trudged to the kitchen while Janeka served her a glass of water. Gulping it down, Sabrina said.

  “I don't know if it worked.”

  “You know what you did.” Janeka let out.

  “I was protecting Freya's child.” Sabrina said, as she leaned close to the sink.

  “Earnestine is trying to find a way to bring her back to life.”

  “You know they might be consequences.” Sabrina coughed.

  “Ladies, I found something.” Earnestine uttered, as she walked it with an orb glowing in her palms. She dropped the orb on the dining table while Janeka and Sabrina walked closer, they peered into the orb.
