
Chapter 260: You Can Fight, But You Need to Pay More_1

[Old Cat Store Owner has placed the six items for sale in the display case, pulled open the window, and commenced today's sale...]

As the sale launched, Mu You rapidly made his selection, swiftly clicking on an item.

[You have purchased the 'Holy Light Scroll'...]

Mu You successfully grabbed the first scroll, quickly chose to learn, then backtracked.

[Time flows, you reach for the scroll again, but alas, you were a tad slow. The shelves are now bare.]

His reaction during the second attempt was a bit slow, but no matter, he continued the rollback, and after three attempts, he successfully purchased another item.

[You have learned the 'Divine Shield Spell'.]

With two spells obtained, the next item was a book page, which Mu You had no intention of letting go.

Many people were eyeing the book page, so it proved a bit more challenging to snatch.

Only after continuously backtracking more than a dozen times did he eventually manage to grab it.
