
Chapter 191: You Can Only Catch Fish in Muddy Water_1

Mu You stood in front of the cliff, looking at the narrow, deep entrance to the cave ahead.

He took out a hand-drawn map from his pocket and reviewed the details on it once more.

After confirming that he had memorized all the details, Mu You put away the map, took out the Troll Spirit Niche, drew a deep breath, and walked into the cave holding the niche.

As soon as he stepped into the cave, a chilly and humid sensation enveloped him. At the same time, a stifling scent, a mixture of troll body odor and the stench of rotting flesh, rushed into his nostrils.

Frowning at the discomfort, Mu You trudged along the mud path.

Sure enough, countless Ghost Trolls sprang out around him, baring their fangs and claws, ceaselessly inspecting him in circles.
