
Chapter 124: The True Identity of the Werewolf is..._1

With enemies hot on his tail and confronting him in front, the Werewolf fell into utter despair, desperately slashing his knife toward Mu You in trembling hands, attempting to keep him at bay.

However, his fear muddled movements lacked all discipline, every stab miss the mark.

Without even needing to dodge, Mu You breezed right in. He raised his Bone-Breaking Knife, severing both of the werewolf's legs in a single blow.

With a miserable howl, the Werewolf collapsed onto the ground, incapable of escaping yet again.

He lay there, shivering, his face ghastly pale as he watched the man approaching him with a knife, unable to muster the will to resist.

Seeing the Werewolf's pitiful state, Mu You didn't rush to act. He waited until the Bone-Breaking Knife had cooled down, then restrained his hands. He slid the knife across, severing the tendons in his hands, completely snuffing out his ability to resist.

"Move aside, let me!"
