
Chapter 19 You Have Been Marked by a Werewolf Player_1

"Forget it, let's go back first..."

Too many things happened today. Mu You was initially delighted about his substantial rewards in the game, but a possible wolf howl at the end dampened his good mood considerably.

Mu You took ten minutes to return to the previous alleyway and changed back from the Watchman's skin to his original appearance in the darkness. Only then did he climb back into the pet shop through the rear window of the shower room.

It wasn't until he entered the pet shop that his tense nerves finally began to relax.

"It seems like I'll have to go through this every night..."

Mu You gave a bitter smile. After obtaining the skin of the Watchman, he knew that he would not have a regular schedule anymore.

He shook his head and went to the pet area to take out three hamster cages. He began to use Animal Communication, and then started group training.

Training three pets every day and ensuring the normal operation of the shop was the goal he set for himself.

As for the remaining Magic Power, it was used to practice other two spells.

According to his observations, the spells also had levels of proficiency. The more they were used, the more they could be upgraded, but what benefits that could bring... he hadn't figured out yet.

Also, after upgrading his game character to level 2, his Magic Power directly increased by 100 points. Before, he could only cast about ten magic spells in a row, but this time, he cast nearly 23 or 24 in a row, and only then did he start to feel tired.

After more than twenty magic spells, both Beast Trap and Perfect Aim finally upgraded to level 2, much to his joy.

Looking at the time, it was four in the morning. Mu You's eyelids were fighting an intense battle with sleepiness.

"I still have to work tomorrow. I'll sleep as much as I can..."

Putting away his phone, Mu You yawned and returned to his second-floor room. He crashed onto the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning at seven o'clock, Mu You was punctually woken up by his alarm clock.

He had exhausted his spiritual power last night and only slept for three hours, but when he woke up, he didn't feel too tired. He wondered if it was because his intelligence attribute had been strengthened after yesterday's upgrade.

He went downstairs and saw that Little Ya had not arrived yet.

Mu You raised the roller shutter door, ready to head to a breakfast shop in the neighboring street for a long-awaited breakfast.

As soon as he set foot outside, the effects of his physical enhancement became fully apparent.

He strode along, leaving the elderly fitness enthusiasts far behind him on the road.

However, when he reached the entrance of a residential area on the neighboring street, he saw a group of people gathered around a flower bed in front, all pointing and discussing something in the flower bed.

With a sudden curiosity, Mu You approached to join in on the excitement.

It was only when he got close that he saw what the crowd was gathered around: a dead dog.

The dog was lying in the flower bed with a horrific wound in its belly, various organs scattered across the ground. There was also a cut on its shoulder made by some sharp weapon. The blood from the wounds had almost soaked the dog's corpse, making the sight quite gruesome.

"Who could be so cruel? If you don't like stray dogs, drive them away. Why do you have to torture them..." A middle-aged woman pitifully sobbed. She was holding a bag of dog food, obviously a kindhearted person who regularly fed stray dogs.

"It probably wasn't killed by a person. Look at this wound; it's like an animal bite..." commented a man standing beside her.

"Probably stray dogs fighting for territory..."

"Stray dogs aren't this ferocious. Look at these tooth marks closely, I think they were made by some kind of beast, like a wolf, for instance..."

"Nonsense, where can you find wolves in this city? They're hard to find even in mountains..."

"It must have been done by someone who abuses dogs..."

"Such cruelty..."


Listening to the diverse comments of the passersby, Mu You felt a sudden chill rushing up from his soles right to the top of his head!

Looking at the stray dog that had been torn open on the ground, the first thing that came to his mind was last night's howl of a wolf!

"Could it really be..."

Specifically noticing the wound on the dog's shoulder which had been pierced by some kind of sharp weapon, Mu You's face became even grimmer. Because that werewolf in the game last night, he happened to have a meat hook weapon...

Combining this with the traces around this small flower bed, he could even recall the scene of the incident in his mind: A stray dog that had gone out in the middle of the night in search for food accidentally bumped into the werewolf. The dog turned around to escape, but it was hooked by the werewolf using its front leg and dragged back, then it was gruesomely torn apart...

Mu You frowned.

So, does this mean that the werewolf player with the game ID 'Deer Eater' actually lives around here?

And if this speculation is true, it means that this game 'Fool', not only does its time correspond with the real world, but also its locations!

Players whose spawns are close in the game are likely to live near each other in real life!

Just then, three police cars pulled up outside the residential area, sirens blaring.

More than a dozen police officers got off the cars, started dispersing the crowd, and even cordoned off the area around the flower bed with police tape.

One forensic officer, wearing white gloves, went to the side of the dog's carcass and started working with his professional instruments.

This operation left the onlookers dumbfounded, it was just a dead dog, why was it treated like a murder scene?

Before the crowd could react, two policemen had taken out a notebook and started asking questions to the onlookers.

Mu You didn't want to get involved.

Above all, the sudden realization that a werewolf player lived near him completely dissipated his interest in the matter.

He quietly left the scene, didn't even buy his breakfast, and turned back to his pet shop.

Just as he got home, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Open the door, it's the police!"

Mu You became even more tense. He had just returned from the gate of his residential area when the police knocked on his door... Had they discovered something?

Upon opening the door, there stood a square-faced man with a pen and paper in his hand - one of the policeman who was questioning pedestrians at the gate.

"Um, can I help you?" Mu You asked knowingly.

"You don't need to be nervous."

The square-faced officer took a detailed look at Mu You, who was apparently a bit tense. He smiled, took out a picture, and said, "This person in the corner of the photo, it's you right?"

Mu You glanced at it, the photo depicted the crowd gathered around the flower bed. He was also included, however it seems like the photo was taken just as he was leaving, only capturing his silhouette.

"I was just passing by to get breakfast and saw the area was sealed off... so I left..." Mu You explained, then quickly added, "Officer, I didn't kill that dog!"

"Don't worry, we know you didn't kill the dog, we just wanted to ask if you heard anything last night?" the square-faced police officer asked.

This was the real reason he came to question Mu You. Because of the direct sightline between Mu You's row of shops and the residential community gate with no buildings in between to obstruct the view, Mu You was in one of the places that could observe the crime scene.


Mu You shook his head, he truly hadn't heard anything. Last night, after he got back, he slept like a log, he probably wouldn't have woken up even if it were thundering outside.

The square-faced officer looked carefully at Mu You's expression and, after making sure he wasn't lying, nodded and prepared to leave for the next shop.

"Oh, by the way..."

But before leaving, he seemed to remember something, suddenly took out another picture from his pocket, and pointed to a dark red silhouette in the photo.

"Have you seen this person before?"
