
Chapter Thirty-One: Back at it!


Dirt crunched underneath my body, the fire roaring in the fireplace of the decaying cabin. Hudson's arms were wrapped around my waist, my body aching from laying down on the ground. Sitting up, the air was peaceful once more like my many summer escapes before she got sick. Hudson stirred awake next to me, pulling me down on top of him. Kissing my lips feverishly, he was still shaken up about yesterday. Who wouldn't be messed up after seeing that? Neither of us wanted to leave each other's sides, not risking what could happen next. Clearing my throat, his tattoo was a mess. Digging through my bag, my fingers wrapped around an antibacterial wipe and cream. Peeling off his shirt, I wiped down his back. Rubbing the cream over his tattoo, winced in pain. Covering it back up with fresh gauze, his hands cupped mine. The warmth of his touch never ceased to amaze me, the two of us fitting like two pieces of a puzzle.

"How about we head back, Evie?" His deep voice thundered sensually, the urge to ride him raged inside of me. "I don't really think now is the time for such an act-'' Pinning him against the wall, my legs wrapped around his waist. A knock interrupted me, my thighs rubbing together. Gabrielle kicked the door down, his armor shimmering in the light. Of course, Grappy sent him since I forbade him to find me. Bowing in my direction, his brow was raised with suspicion. A cruel chuckle tumbled from his lips, the two of us shooting daggers in his directions. Did they really not expect people to never have sex! Angels could be so pure, it was so adorable.

"I swear to God that you two are going to have lots of kids." He commented slyly, leaning on the door frame. "Could you please go back home now? My brother's thoughts aren't letting me sleep. He has been pacing back and forth to the point of your floor wearing down. So please go see him now before he loses any trace of his sanity. I am going to bed now." A flurry of white feathers swirled around him, only feathers remaining. Struggling to my feet, the weight of what he saw clearly dimmed his eyes. Helping him to his feet, my arm wrapped around his elbow. Pecking his cheek, a loving smile met my nervous grin. All of this was my fault, my chest tightening. Placing the bag on his shoulder, the morning sun blinded us. Walking back to our cabin, Grappy slammed into my body. Squeezing the crap out of me, he spun me around. Sitting me down gingerly, Hudson plopped down next time. Shoving a plate of food in front of me, his long hair was twisted into a bun. His energy right now reminded me of a mother, my eyes falling on the worn floor. Wow, he really did do a number on the floor. At least he could relax now, my mind flipping through the options to make it up to them.

"Grappy, do you want to have a day of fun where it is just us?" I offered kindly, watching his face light up. "We can do whatever you want." Dusting off his black t-shirt and sweatpants, Bloodsworth popped up behind him, his hand gripping his shoulder. His red velvet suit hugged his slender body, his red eyes glowering in my direction. Sighing deeply, his jealousy matched that of Grappy's.

"Fine, we can do a double date." I suggested with a defeated tone in my voice. "Let's go to the diner, and have a lovely evening." Everyone nodded in approval, Hudson's chair scraping against the floor as he left to go up to his office. Kissing the top of my head, he left me with the chaos. Stealing a piece of my bacon, he ruffled my hair before climbing the stairs. Stopping at the top, he gazed down lovingly at me. My heart skipped a beat, my love for him growing more. How much more could I grow to love him? Right now, it seemed like no limit could be met.

"Eat some breakfast and have some fun with Stephan and Raven. They were asking for you earlier. Raven said something about needing help with a project." He yawned groggily, stretching out his arms. "I want you to get along well with the youth." Going into his office, the door blew open. Raven skipped in with a purple sweater and black leather skirt, Stephan following close behind in his black t-shirt and light wash jeans. His outfit hugged his newly formed muscles, his arms wrapped around her waist. Someone has been training with the werewolves. Raven pulled her hair into a ponytail, a notebook in her hands. Yawning over my food, her kind eyes flashed with concern.

"Can I interview you for my school newspaper? They wanted me to interview the hero in my life?" She queried gently, tucking a pencil in her ear. "I can't describe how much you are my hero. Also my mom would like to make you lunch to thank you for everything you have done for us. I just think you are the coolest person." Tears welled up in my eyes, the fork trembling in hands. How could she assume that I was a hero, and not the monster that I was? Grappy's fun look basically shoved me outside of the door. Following them, the silence was agonizingly slow as we walked to her house. Her mother welcomed me in, her tired eyes telling me that things had been a little tough lately. Her sweater was wrinkled, her hands tucked into her jean pockets. Everything was a mess, my throat clearing. Making up my mind, she was going to get the cleaning special from Evie.

"The secretary position for the Alpha is open since I became the Luna. Would you want to fill it for me? I will double the pay so you don't have to worry about a thing." I offered gently, watching her face light up with joy. "I heard that you used to be the secretary for his father." Smiling warmly to herself, I offered her my hand to shake. Shaking my hand, she motioned for me to sit at the table. Passing me an iced ginger tea, Raven cleared her throat. The chair squeaked as I stood to my feet, an option coming to mind. Being the Luna I was, my people were going to be taken care of.

"How about we help your mother clean up, and I will answer your questions." I continued happily, turning back towards her. "How about you go take a nap. I will prepare you lunch. I will call you when it is ready. Please go relax. You look like you really need it." Tears flooded from her eyes, her body collapsing into my arms. Sobs soaked my shoulders, my life was owed to her for what she did. This really wasn't a big deal, my love for taking care of my people caused me to smile. Helping her up the stairs, a small laugh twinkled in the air. Tucking her in, a fresh glass of water sat in my palm. A fever burned her cheeks, a couple of Tylenol sitting in my palm.

"Get some rest, and I was will bring you up some soup if you can't move." I promised sweetly, watching her take Tylenol. "Holler if you need anything." Sprinting downstairs, Raven and Stephan were confused with what to do. Raven walked over to the sink, pulling out dishes to fill the sink. Resting my hand on top of hers, she shot me a confused look. A deep depression hid under her kind eyes, my heart breaking by the second.

"I am sorry for the state of my house." She apologized profusely, bowing her head in shame. "We have been struggling since the death of my father, especially her. Can I ask you the first question now?" Smiling warmly towards her, hot water mixed with soap as I began to do the dishes. Glasses and silverware clinked together, that one question still plaguing my mind. Pressing my lips into a thin line, the internal debate raging inside of my mind.

"Can I ask why you think that I am your hero? If I am being honest, I don't see what other people see." I admitted sheepishly, finishing up the dishes. "I am just like the rest of you." Shaking her head, Stephan slammed his hands on the table. Jumping back a few feet, a small gasp escaped my lips. These young people were so passionate about their projects, half of my passion died a long time ago.

"That isn't true!" He shouted passionately, chewing on his lips. "You see the good in everyone, and always stand up for the little guys no matter what. That is what makes you our hero. You don't care what other people think about you. Who else can you say that about? Did you know at our school everyone loves you? They are always talking about you in the halls about how you are breaking barriers. You are influencing all of us young folk." Smiling to myself, surely he must have been lying. Pulling out the vacuum, he graciously took it from me. Skipping off into the other room, only Raven and I remained. A pregnant pause hung between us, separate traumas torturing us. No words needed to be said for a second, the beauty of it all stunning.

"Is that true?" I questioned nervously, tying my hair up into a bun. "I can't be that popular among the younger crowd." Putting her hand up, she pulled out a purple t-shirt with my face on it. Sliding it over to me, the very feel of it felt like dynamite in my shaking hands. Embarrassment burned my cheeks, unsure of what to say.

"It is all true. We all want to know how you grew up." She pointed out confidently, a lump forming in my throat. "We all know that it was super rough, but we will stand by you if someone goes after you. Please be honest." A lump formed in my throat, my hands crossing. Motioning for her to sit down, the cleaning would keep me busy. Raw emotions bubbled up in me, my whole body quaking. Telling her my story made it difficult for me to keep smiling, her pencil scribbling away. Tears mixed with smiles as I described the moments growing up with Hudson as the best ones in my childhood, the knife chopping up veggies for a chicken noodle soup. Bones were boiling away in the stock pot next to me, the story finishing up with my soup. I did leave out the section about my grandmother of course, her tears soaking the table. Crashing into my body, the feeling of someone crying for me felt foreign. Her mother walked down the stairs just as I was setting the table. Letting me go, her arms embraced her mother like her life had depended on it. The two of them collapsed on the floor, all of their emotions exploding with the flood of tears. The soup steamed on the table, the creaking wooden chairs crying out as the two to them sat down. Stephan rushed to the table, my appetite gone. Sadness and regret replaced it with childish glee, the two of them chatting lovingly with each other. Stephan noticed my mood, the desire to go into my room and cry plaguing me. Standing to my feet, the two of them leapt to their feet. Bowing in their direction, my fingernails dug into the tops of my hands.

"Thank you for the lovely morning. I have to go. I expect you two to clean up the house for your mother every now and then. I have to get ready for a double date. See you guys later." Sprinting out of the house, dirt blew all around me. Home couldn't be further away, teardrops crashing to the ground. Flying into the house, Grappy tried to catch my attention. The stairs protested as I crashed into the bathroom, my chest tightened. Crashing forward, my shaking fingers turned the water on, Steam curled into the sky, the lavender ball feeling heavy in my palm. Dropping it into the tub, my body sank into the water. Turning off the water, the warmth did little to cull my anxiety. Sliding into the water, keeping my head under. Bubbles floated up to the surface, a bit of water spilled over the side as I sat up. The bathroom door crept open, Hudson's loving energy taking up all of the space in the room. Covering my eyes, his deep voice still didn't help my raw emotional energy.

"Guess who?" He teased playfully, his finger lifting my head up. His kind eyes gazed lovingly into my eyes, his lips brushing against mine sweetly. Even his presence made me uneasy, all of my old emotions bubbling to the surface. His face fell, his arms wrapping around my neck. Resting his chin on my head, tears began to stream down my cheeks. Wiping away my tears, he didn't even bother asking what's wrong. Shaking off my emotion, he massaged some of my new shampoo in my hair. Washing it out, his fingers kept massaging my head. Moaning with pleasure, his free hand sliding down to my clit. Swirling his fingers around my swollen clit, it was so hard to be quiet. Stopping his hand, the sadness wasn't allowing me to feel anything.

"No thanks, Hudson." I mumbled numbly, draining the water. "I am going to lay down for a while. I want to be left alone." Drying myself off, the mattress protested as I crashed onto the bed. Covering myself with the blanket, fresh tears burst from my eyes. Soaking the sheets with large teardrops, claws grew from my fingernails. A gentle touch on my shoulder made my claws retract, his voice coming through the blanket.

"Evie, you don't have to talk about it but can I at least be in the same room as you?" Hudson pleaded gently, my head poking out from the blanket. "There you are. I don't know what is going on in your mind, but I want to make you feel better." Pulling the blanket back over my head, I could sense his brow cocking. Laughter tumbled from his lips, his hand sliding underneath the blanket. Crawling on top of me, his handsome face hung inches from mine. His kissable lips pressed into a thin line, his muscles glistening with sweat. Was he just working out or something? My thighs rubbed together, his lips brushing every inch of my skin. Pressing his body against mine, a hungry growl rumbled in his throat. Stroking his stiff cock, gruff groans echoed in my ear.

"I love you, Hudson." I whispered sweetly, nausea wracking my body. Leaping off of me, he held my hair back as morning sickness made her desired appearance. Vomit flew up my throat, the chunks crashing onto the bottom with a metallic clang. Rubbing my back, the last of the vomit dripped out of my mouth. Wiping the corner of my mouth with a tissue, he laid me back down. Holding me in his arms, his warmth combated the sudden chills racing up my spine. Tears welled up in my eyes, it felt like I was losing control. Resting my head on his chest, his kissed the top of my head. My fingers traced his chest, his hand rubbing my shoulder. His arms felt so safe and warm, guilt gnawing at me.

"Sorry for being such a mess." I groaned with embarrassment in my voice, mixed emotions pulling me in every direction. "I am such a burd-" Clutching me closer, his lips brushing the nape of my neck stopping me. Lifting up my chin with his finger, his kind eyes gazing lovingly down at me. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, my breath hitched at his flawless handsomeness.

"How could I ever be so mad at you, my darling Evie?" He comforted me gently, kissing my forehead. "You will never be a burden to me, so knock that talk off. You are the light in my life, and my mate. How could I ever live without you? Now let it all out." Just like that the dam burst, every single emotion soaking his shoulders. What would I ever do without him?
