
Good Morning Bang Bus!

Getting called to Avery Bullock's office for an assignment was just another day for Stan Smith. He was always ready to complete any task laid before him, and he thought he had seen it all. But despite completing dangerous missions overseas for the CIA on the regular and playing an instrumental key in world affairs, the mission prepared for him today was nothing he ever had before.

"Agent Smith, I'm going to need to ask you and your family to go to New York to meet with David Xanatos," Bullock said.

"The billionaire philanthropist?" Stan said. "But why sir?"

"He is an expert on the matter of gargoyles."

"Gargoyles. That was awhile back." He remembered the reports first heard on the news long ago back when he started out as a CIA agent, it became normalized in certain circles of New York, and soon after, most people in the country dismisssed it as tabloid nonsense right up there with Bat Boy from the Weekly World News before it soon faded from relevance. But being in the CIA meant that he knew the truth.

"Yes, these photos were mailed here from an unknown sender." He pushed forward some photos on his desk. They showed a dark humanoid shape in the night with glowing bloodred eyes. Even Stan had to swallow a lump in his throat. He had heard stories of Demona and Thailog, but never thought he'd be dealing them personally. "They want to pick a fight with us? I say we bring the fight to them. And if they are that bold, your family is in danger. They will be safest staying with Xanatos while you work to complete your mission."

"Sir, I was under the impression the NYPD had a Gargoyle Task Force."

"Smith, Xanatos reached out to us first. And from what I hear, that would involve you working with Detective Elisa Maza and her friends in the Manhattan Clan. They are still quite skittish when it comes to dealing with outsiders. I've already made the arrangements with his assistant Owen Burnett for you to stay at a high class suite. This envelope contains the address of the location you're to arrive at. Show it to the person who greets you and he'll take care of the rest."

"Yessir. Of course I understand." He turned around to leave.

"Oh, and Smith..."

"Yessir?" he said, turning back just as quick.

"Keep an eye on Hayley for me, will you?"

Stan blushed, and felt more than a bit awkward. Still, he kept his cool. "Uh, yes. Of course sir."

"Good, good. She is such a nice girl, isn't she? That sweet little behind of hers sure does run in the family!"

Stan was eager to change the subject and get out of the room as fast as possible. That last remark could be charged to mean either Francine or him. He was still was coming to terms with how his boss had turned him into a woman with the express reason of using his new female identity for sex. They had even almost gone all the way. And as much as he couldn't stand Jeff, he still hated the idea of her being with Bullock.

"Yessir, she is. I am very proud of my daughter. Now, if you'll excuse me..." He sensed Bullock was the on the verge of saying something else lewd and he quickly walked out before he was unfortunate enough to hear it.

When he got back home, it was only the afternoon.

"Stan, what are you doing back home so early?" said Francine.

"Good news honey! We're moving to New York!"


"Well, only as long as it takes to complete my mission. I'm going to be hunting monsters, so you'll be staying at a penthouse while I'm gone."

"Mobsters?" Roger said. "You mean like Scarface or Michael Corleone?" he said, making a cutting motion at his throat. "Just don't make a deal you can't refuse. Or else Franny might go and become a mob wife."

"She would be doing a whole lot better," Klaus said to himself, sighing.

"No, not mobsters," Stan said, ignoring Klaus. "Monsters."

"Real monsters?" Steve chirped up with a smile on his face. "Like demons and mindflayers and orcs?"

Stan glared at his son. No matter what, he would always be an embarrassing nerd. He just hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid when they got to New York.

"Yes son, gargoyles," he said, sighing, knowing Steve would be nerding out like crazy today. You'll all be staying at a safe house until I'm finished up."

"Awesome!" Francine said. "I've always wanted to stay in New York and live like a diva!"

"Yes, and Hayley, please pick out a fresh wardrobe for Jeff and make sure he showers on the regular. The person putting us up said he wants to meet up with all of us."

"Whatever you say Mr. S," Jeff said. "We'll be really living the high life, huh babe?" he said to Hayley.

"Come on dad, can't I just stay here?" Hayley said. "Jeff and I aren't kids. We can take care of ourselves."

"Hayley, I'm not going through this with you all day. You're going to New York, because I know one of these days you're going to become front page news from doing god knows what with your idiotic husband. At least this way it'll be from Jeff flashing his junk in public to some rich bastard's trophy wife and not because you two were found dead."


"Let's go then!" Steve said. "I can't wait to see some gargoyles! I'm going to bring Snot and..."

"Steve this is a highly classified mission! It will be just us, the Smith family!"

"Aww rats!"

"I'm so excited!" Francine said. "We'll be living like stars!"

When they got to New York and arrived at the location Bullock gave them, it had already been mid afternoon. It was so unlike Langley Falls, being surrounded by skyscrapers all over. A tall bespacled blonde haired man with what looked to be a prosthetic left hand walked out to greet them.

"My name is Owen Burnett," he said. His mannerism was almost robotic in nature, like he was putting on an act. "May I help you?"

"I'm Stan Smith from the CIA," Stan said, handing him an envelope.

"Ah yes, you're to help us with our little problem. Come this way. Mr. Xanatos wants to meet with you all personally."

"Can you hold this for me?" Stan said, holding out Klaus' bowl to him.

"Of course," Owen said, holding his bowl close against his stomach.

"Uh Stan, my brain is trapped in this fish body and this guy only has one hand," Klaus said. "Show some goddamn decency!" Nobody paid him any heed.

They left their car, and a valet was quick to have the car escorted to a safe place. Francine smiled at the sight of it. She was feeling like a queen already.

They ascended the stairs to the tall building and went inside. Up the elevator they went all the way to the top floor. They proceeded through a long hallway, admiring the various paintings and sculptures he had adorning the walls of his citadel.

Roger liked the owner's taste in art. He had come dressed as a cross between Michael and Vito Corleone, with the former's hair and the latter's mustache, and entertained the thought of stealing some of his fine wares. If he had known they were magic, he would have pulled a heist already.

When they found Xanatos' office, he was sitting behind his desk leaning forward, his hands locked smugly. He still sported the look of a goatee and long dark hair, but there were a few white streaks now. He could have opted to have them colored out a long time ago either from cosmetic products or from some magical rite of eternal youth if he so chose, and the risk of the latter intrigued him purely because it was a challenge. But he enjoyed this new look of maturity on account that it made him truly look like a supervillain, and in all things he was more than eager to look and play the part.

"Welcome," he said, standing up and walking to greet Stan. "I am David Xanatos," he said, holding out his hand.

"Hello sir," Stan said, shaking his hand. "Stan Smith of the CIA."

"Mr. Smith, it is an honor," he said, tightening the grip on the handshake to the point it was almost painful before he let it go. "You have a lovely family," he said, looking at Francine and Hayley. He casually moved past Stan and took Francine's hand and kissed it. "They say behind every great man is an even greater woman."

"Oh, why thank you!" Francine said. Stan bristled visibly but contained himself.

"And you must be his lovely daughter," he said, walking over to Hayley and lightly kissing her on the cheek before she had a chance to back away. "I can see you take after your mother in so many ways."

"Y-yeah, sure," Hayley said, turning away and stifling a blush. This guy was older and responsible like Bullock, but looked like a cleaner and more refined Jeff. As much as she hated it, she was feeling awkward and tingly around him.

It hadn't escaped the notice of Jeff either. Xanatos noticed his discomfort too, and already figured out the relationship between them. So he moved past the young bohemian like he wasn't even there and went straight to Roger.

"Don't you belong in Roswell, my wayward friend?"

"Hey, my name is Sonny Corleone, one of the most vicious mobsters to ever live!" Roger said in a thick faux Italian accent. "Talk like that to me again and you better pray the kiss of death is the worst thing you get!"

Xanatos grinned. "You don't need to furrow your brow. Your secret is safe with me."

He approached Klaus, still being held by Owen. "You must love your goldfish so to bring him with you."

"I am a man!" Klaus said. "They've taken me captive!"

"Interesting..." he said, remembering his experiments on Coldstone and the creation of the Labyrinth Clan and Thailog. "Perhaps we can discuss much in the future you and I."

He walked over to Steve. "I used to roleplay a tiefling paladin when I was younger. And I have real wizard texts dating all the way back to the middle ages!" He laughed.

Stan rolled his eyes. So that assistant's appearance wasn't just for show. A total nerd. And a potential bad influence on his son.

"So there are real gargoyles here?" Steve said.

"Yes, this fine city does is home to a number of winged creatures that only come out at night. And despite my earlier conflicts with a number of them, I have put aside my ambitions for peace. However," he said, walking back to his desk and seating himself, "there are a number that are not so understanding, quite dangerous in fact. In the meantime, you will be staying at this safe location, with state of the art security and protected by my most trusted men."

"So what, we're your prisoners?" Hayley said. Despite her confused attraction to him, she still knew exactly what kind of person he was.

"Yeah, no thanks bro, this bird was not meant to be caged!" Jeff said.

"At night you will be kept in your suites for your protection, yes," Xanatos said. "But in the day, you are free to do and go wherever you please. If you are not back here by the time the sun sets, you will be picked up and escorted back here."

"Whatever," Hayley said.

"Hey, these guys of yours better be packing heat," Roger said. "If I'm in the middle of mob business, there's no way I'm going back without kicking and screaming. Nyaaaah!" Jeff and Hayley winced already.

"Roger, please not now," Klaus said. "My life is hell enough as is..."

"Now Mr. Smith. I believe we have some private business to discuss," Xanatos said.

"On one hand, you get my wife hot and bothered, you might be planning something with Klaus, and you encourage my son's dumb geeky hobbies," said Stan. "On the other hand, you have a nice firm handshake, you can see through Roger's disguises, you're a self-made man, and you might end up cucking my degenerate of a son-in-law. I believe you're someone I can trust!"

Xanatos laughed. "Yes, I like you too Mr. Smith! A man of action and willing to follow every single order issued to him with no thoughts to the contrary. I believe we'll get along just fine." He clapped and Owen appeared in an instant, seemingly from nowhere. The Smith family just thought he had walked in from some side door even though there wasn't any side door in this office. There just was no explanation how he wasn't there, and then all of a sudden, he was there.

"Yes, Mr. Xanatos?"

"Escort my new friend's family to their rooms."


"Friend?" Stan said with a giddy smile on his face. "You consider me your friend?"

"While you are here, I will consider you a friend and a brother." Stan actually squealed in happiness just then. Hayley rolled her eyes. Her father was still Bullock's whipping boy, and her grandfather being the kind of person he was, she knew that alone gave her dad all kinds of daddy issues. This guy was playing him like a fiddle.

"Dad, you really should dial it down a bit," Hayley said.

"Hayley, not right now, adults are talking," Stan said glaring at her, before he looked right back at Xanatos. "Hey David. I mean, I can call you David right? But I'm okay with calling you Mr. Xanatos if you want. Do you want to see my personal drone sometime, Mr. David Xanatos?"

Xanatos chuckled to himself. "In due time. They do say good things come to those who wait."

"Oh goody goody gumdrops!"


Owen escorted each of Stan's family to the private suites that had been prepared for them. They were kept separate and on different floors of the skyscraper they were currently in. They were surprised the building seemed mostly empty. No men who were suited and booted, the types any corporate bigwig would keep posted as protection.

But what they weren't expecting was that they each had a robotic sentinel posted at their door. Tall winged mechanical monstrosities with cold steel faces modeled after Xanatos himself, they were all at least seven feet tall and built to break men twice that height if need be.

"Cool!" Steve said as soon as he got to his room. "It's a real life robot!"

"You like it?" said a small child coming up to him.

"Yeah I do!"

"They're my dad's."

"Mind your manners around Mr. Xanatos' son, Alexander," Owen said.

"They're called the X Clan," the boy said.

"Is that really true?" Steve asked Owen.

Owen would have denied it, but he was the servant of his master's son as well as his master. "Yes, Mr. Xanatos' newest model, the X Clan, is the latest iteration of the Steel Clan robots thus far," Owen said to him.

"My dad works for the CIA and they don't even have these there!" he said, feeling all over it.

"Do be careful," Owen said "This X Clan soldier is million dollar equipment. It is not a toy for your amusement."

"Oh, um...alright," he said, backing off. Owen smiled a bit at the boy's admiration. Steve and Alex were looking at each other disappointed.

"They can think," Alex said, wanting to defy Owen as much as possible.

Owen grimaced. "Yes, unlike previous models, the X Clan soldiers are thinking machines." He would not go into details, like about how they were prototypes of the next Coyote model. And in like manner, should anyone manage to break into his home, Xanatos viewed the Smith as nothing more than guinea pigs to test the effectiveness of the X Clan.

"Wow, that is so cool!" Steve said.

"These were made not only for hunting down Mr. Xanatos' enemies, but also to protect his son, Alexander. It is a great honor for him to show guests such a similar courtesy. Rest assured that with them fighting by your father's side, he will be safe."

"I kinda wanted to go to the comic book store because I know it's big here in New York but..."

"Then by all means, go. There will be plenty of time to learn about my master's work tonight. When the time comes, rest assured, we will find you."

"O-okay," Steve said, surprised by how dull a person could sound so sinister at that moment. As much as Steve wanted to continue admiring his protection, he also really wanted to see the city.

He left the building, eager to find the near comic book store. But he didn't know the way. The sky had already started to become a pinkish orange and on the horizon, the sun had not yet started to dip past the ocean, but it was close. He had to get there fast, that Owen guy sounded really serious. So he was ready to hail a cab to be taken there. But before he could do so, a large white van stopped nearby.

"Hey kid," a woman said to him from inside. "You looking to have some fun?"

"Actually I was just headed to the comic book store."

"I can take you there," she said. "And we can do so many more things in between."

Steve smiled to himself. I'm staying at a cool rich guy's pad, my dad is fighting monsters, and I'm finally going to get laid? he thought. This was already shaping up to be the best day of his life. He eagerly got in the back seat and shut the door behind him.

Next to him was one of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen, in person or otherwise. Her clothes if one could call them that were a barely there loose fitting top with one strap that only covered her breasts, a sexy golden snake bracelet on her arm, and the small flap of a skirt, it was something that would be seen at a nightclub. A golden tiara crowned her head before her mane of long dark red hair, not orange like a ginger's, but more like it was almost close to blood red. For an instant he thought it was a wig, her hair was so big and wild, but as she ran a hand through her hair, he realized it was natural.

She had a big trenchcoat near her. In Steve's mind, that only meant she was probably a hooker and he was going to have the time of his life. He remembered that time his father took him to score with a hot Mexican hooker, only to find the prostitutes there were anything but that. He completely forgot about the comic book store, and stared dreamily at this woman.

The men up front were easy to control. Humans were wretched in general, but men in particular were stupid and horny enough to do anything if you looked good enough. She had been walking the streets in that same trenchcoat, filled with both weapons and disguises for her plan to raid Xanatos' citadel. They must have thought she was a prostitute because they stopped by pretty fast to let her in. She had no plans to do anything with either of them, but their vehicle served as good camouflage when her situation was precarious enough as is.

"You're a lucky guy little man," said the driver. "Miss D here scoped you out."

"Yeah, she's a real scary one," said the big guy next to him. "We wanted to have some fun with her first, but she said not until she gets to mess you up real bad."

"I like the sound of that," Steve said.

"And there are plenty of sights as well," she said, leaning back and posing seductively for him, making sure he got quite an eyeful of her legs.

"Oh yeah..." Steve said with a big smile on his face.

To the contrary, she had no interest in this child or any other human. But he looked weak and pitiful enough compared to the tough types roaming around this city. After killing this child, the other two would be too shocked to respond, and she would do away with them as well. With the NYPD distracted from this senseless triple homicide, she would sneak into Xanatos' domain and take his son hostage. Then she would either extort his father for her benefit, or groom Alex into a slayer of men, and then return him home to become a knife her old friend would never see coming.

"Enjoy it, because it's the last thing you'll ever see," she said to Steve. She suddenly lunged forward and grabbed him by the throat. Demona's emotions were so intense then that her eyes seared red with bloodlust even in this human form. There was nothing quite like killing worthless humans in the daylight with her hands. Far more satisfying then when she turned people to stone in the dead of night and got rid of them that way.

But Steve wasn't at all bothered. He liked the feeling of her hot breath on his face. His lips tingled with excitement and he was already starting to pitch a tent in his pants. "I was never into the kinky stuff but I can get used to it," Steve said, completely oblivious. "First I get to stay with Mr. Xanatos and now..."

"Xanatos?" she said, her tone softening to the point her eyes turned back to normal.

"Yeah, my family's staying there."

"Is that so? What did you talk about?"

"Well um, I don't think I should be talking about that...it's kinda top secret."

"Do you think you're in any position to be keeping quiet?" she said. Her eyes glowed red for an instant again, before she calmed herself and they turned back to normal again. He took no notice of it both times, he was so horny for this woman that he couldn't focus on anything else.

"But uh, can we do whatever it was you were doing before? All that 'I'll kill you,' talk. That was really hot."

"Someone's got a kink," said the driver.

"Just be easy with him, okay Miss D?" said the man. "He's just a boy."

"Answer my questions." She grinned, cupping Steve's face, burying her nails into the skin of his temple. They had been manicured to a point at the ends and Steve loved the feeling of them pinching into his face. Her strong grip didn't hurt either. "And I'll make it extra special," she whispered huskily.


"Who are you?"

"My name's Steve Smith. My dad is a CIA agent!" Anyone smarter than him would have known to kept their mouth shut, but Steve being Steve, a typical horny teen despite it all, did not know better.

Demona had learned much of the human realm since her awakening, learned to blend in with it, she had to. The corporate world was something she had learned to master, but the auspices of government was a domain still off limits to her. And if Xanatos was formally getting involved with the CIA, this affair could be dangerous.

"Thank you Steve Smith."

"So for my reward?" Steve said, leaning forward and puckering his lips up.

She teased him by scratching his chin. He started wiggling uncontrollably, he loved the feeling of those claws raking his fresh face. He leaned in further, eager to lock lips with this woman, before she said, "Take your clothes off."

"Yes Miss D!" He started taking his pants and shirt off immediately. She looked at his frail and hairless form as he did so. A human would never be worthy as her lover, not when she had felt the pleasures of flesh with Goliath and Thailog but seeing him so, he was weak even compared to other humans. When he was completely naked, even his member's erection was nothing special. And she already knew his mind would be just as easy to break.

"Why are you here with Xanatos, Steve Smith?"

"A gargoyle sent photos to the CIA, so my dad is here with Mr. Xanatos to get to the bottom of the case!"

"A gargoyle you say?"

"Yeah, a real one! Mr. Xanatos said they're real too!"

Of course he would, she thought to herself. And if my kind are out and about again...this sounds like exactly the sort of thing Thailog would do. If he was active and in the area, that could spoil her current plans.

"So can I, uh..." he said, leaning forward again, puckering up. He had gotten on all fours now, he was so excited he couldn't stop shaking his small petite ass. She had to stifle a laugh. Humans could be so amusing sometimes.

"Put this on," she said, pulling out from the trenchcoat something she used to wear as Dominique Destine at formal get togethers during her time at Nightstone Unlimited. It was a sleeveless black dress with a slitted long skirt and complete with a pair of white see through leggings. She had brought them with her to pass herself in the populace of New York City off as just another person after finishing her raid, but right now she had another purpose formulating in her twisted mind.

"Oh okay," Steve said, getting a little confused now, but at the same time curious on where this encounter was heading. He looked at the ensemble for a long time in confusion, when she grabbed his chest, squeezing his teenage virgin nipples hard to the point of pain before she stopped completely. There were marks in his skin around his nipples from where her nails were. Demona enjoyed watching him get hard, she found that lording herself over weak humans might be even more fun than killing them.

No longer doubting, he put on the leggings first, he had never put on women's clothing before, but he realized he liked the feeling of it on his bare skin. It got him into the mindset a little more and he quickly put on the dress too. His hard dick was still exposed and the smooth velvety fabric of the dress felt really comfortable on his erection. And given how bad she was torturing his sensitive nipples just then, the silky feel of it made where she had touched him feel that much better by comparison. "Hey, wow, this feels really nice!"

"Yeah, this is different," said the driver.

"Hey, I'd let Miss D do all kinds of things to me," said the man.

"What else did Xanatos tell you?"

"Not much..." he said. When Demona simply looked at him with her expression unchanged, he realized he had to step it up. "Oh! He has these cool robots, he calls them the X Clan. They're huge, they have these big wings, and they have his face. And he says they can think too! Like the Terminator!"

"The X Clan?" Clearly he's been busy, they sound far more efficient than the old Steel Clan soldiers, she thought to herself. She remembered that Coyote from the Pack, this project was just an upgrade from that. But they're not made in Goliath's image and they're called that... She suddenly broke out into a fit of wild laughter. She looked away from Steve, completely forgetting about him, she had to take a good long while to collect herself. When her laughter finally died down, she looked at him again with a vicious grin.

"So...um..." Steve said, stammering.

"Put this inside of you," she said, handing him a bottle of lube. He swallowed hard, looking at it nervously now feeling more than a bit apprehensive on where this encounter was going. But this time to clear his doubt, she grabbed his bare genitals. He yelped in surprise, his dick was still tingling with excitement because of how much time she was taking with him, and now that she was touching him there, he felt wanted nothing else.

The instant she touched his privates, she was able to grab his whole stiff member and his balls. But then she slowly let go, drifting her soft hands down so that her palm was at the base of his penis, massaging it slowly as her fingers caressed his nuts. It made the fire in the rest of his small cock that much worse, and his whole body ached with her touch. He set his arms behind him to keep himself upright from the pleasure of her hands as he sat on his butt, spreading his legs, and taking it all in.

Her grip on his testicles suddenly intensified with enough pressure to keep him in her power but so much as to be painful. "Are you unknown to woman, Steve Smith?"

"What?" he said.

"I mean..." She had to catch herself, some of the parlance of this era still escaped her. "Are you a virgin?"

"I um...I don't, I don't know..."

"Then you are."

"And I'm ready to change all that," he said without a break in his voice, leaning forward and feeling a lot more confident, taking no heed of how he was wearing a dress and leggings.

"Then do as I tell you," she said, letting go of his junk and putting the bottle of lube back in his hands. His dick and balls were on fire now, craving the touch she so easily deprived him of, and he was ready to do anything she told him.

"Lucky bastard, I wish my first time was with Miss D!" said the driver.

"But damn kid, this will be one unforgettable night," said the man.

"Oh yes Miss D!" Steve said. He squirted out a long dollop of lube, before he eagerly got to putting it inside of his anus. It was the first time he had ever done this sort of thing, but he was feeling hornier and more open-minded than ever. She watched him with an idle fascination before she took a strap on from the trenchcoat and put it on. She smiled wryly to herself looking at it. Back when she used the alias of Dominique Destine, some of the most alpha businessmen she knew would secretly beg her to peg them behind the scenes.

"Um, wow..." Steve said. He had an idea she was into some crazy stuff, but he didn't think it would be going this far.

But her amusement came to an end when she felt a sudden pain jolt through her body. She looked outside. The tip of the sun ready to sink into the ocean was the only thing left of it and the sky was darkening. She had so much fun with this child that she forgot about her true self.

"No! Not here!"

"Miss D?" they all said.

She turned her back to all of them, ashamed at the thought of mere humans seeing her in such a state of weakness. She cried out in pain as her naked skin convulsed noticeably. Her muscles started tensing up, they looked ready to bulge out of her body before her whole frame became noticeably larger. But what Steve noticed most of all were the large draconic wings that grew out of her back, wide and large enough that the one facing the front seat extended straight into it.

Her shoulders, her arms and legs, had already become more muscular by now. Yet the change was more than that. There were small ridges on her elbows, her once perfectly manicured nails that dug into his nipples earlier had become claws. And when she turned back to look at him, her open smile no less beautiful now had razor sharp teeth.

"You...you're a..." Steve said. He knew the word but he was too afraid to say it. Her eyes glowed blood red at his changed expression. Where before he was submissive and wanting her, now she could feel his fear, and his judgment. The two other guys were speechless, they couldn't look away from what was going down.

"Are you afraid, Steve Smith?" she said, snarling at him. She leaned forward and held his face in her clawed grip. But in spite of that, he hadn't forgotten the boner pitching from the dress she made him wear. And this close to her, her face only inches from his and the way she was holding him, his dick was twitching more than ever.

He swallowed a lump in his throat before he looked at her right in the eyes. He realized after everything he had waiting for him at Langley Falls from bullies of all kinds to outright weirdness on the regular, he had been through way worse. He completely forgot about his father's mission too, all he could think about was getting some action. And he wanted her more now that he saw her like this. "No," he said. "I'm not." He reached a hand and held her shoulder. The glow from her eyes vanished and she grinned wickedly at him.

She once slashed the peasant boy Gillecomgain across the face a millennium ago in a small peasant village in Europe, scarring his flesh and spirit and creating a line of hunters that wanted her dead to this day. Perhaps she could mark this one in much the same way, and turn him into a servant that with a father in the CIA, could tip her hand into reigning over this new world.

The gargoyle woman wrapped her wings around his back, enclosing the two of them in an embrace neither could escape. She grabbed his shoulders forcefully, towering over him.

"Swear yourself to me."

"I swear myself to you, Miss D!"

"Then tonight, I brand you my servant."

She pressed herself forward and held him down until his back was within the leathery folds of her wings against the seat. He felt the head of the strap on start to penetrate his lubricated virgin asshole. Then before he realized it, the whole of the head was inside of his anus. He had been so horny when this woman slowly coaxed him, and her transformation had been intimidating enough to get him excited all over again. But now that it was happening, his mind went numb as there was a considerable heat growing in his body.

Then the rest of the shaft was inside of him. It was so fast it took him awhile to realize it, but that's what surprised him most of all. He expected it to be a little uncomfortable and painful, but he was surprised at how smoothly it was thrusting inside of him. More than that, when she picked up the pace, it sent jolts of pleasure through his anus all the way to his balls and his erect member.

No longer afraid, he held onto the broad and wide shoulders of the she-devil penetrating him. He never thought he'd be into pegging, but as the dildo inside his anus continued filling his whole body with soft and warm waves of pleasure, he started moving himself in tune with her pace. That felt even better. He abandoned all his inhibitions and started moving his hips up and down at a frenzied speed.

Steve started crying out in pleasure, it was all so good for him. She pulled down the front of the dress so that his naked hairless chest was exposed before her and grabbed his nipples in between her clawed fingers. She was not disappointed when the instant she started twisting and pulling at them, he had to bite his lip and moan softly from it. Despite his earlier enthusiasm, the way she worked his chest took him off guard and he had to slow down a bit. The pleasure from her nails digging into his skin was nothing compared to the strength her gargoyle fingers were twisting his nipples and he let himself take it all in. That didn't stop her one bit, and she continued mauling his nipples and anus.

She lowered herself so that her body was closer to his. As the two of them were rocking up together, her luscious blue breasts had slipped out of the garment and were hanging nakedly over his chest. In an act of both lust and submission, Steve wrapped his legs around her waists and ass so that their bodies were as close to each other as possible.

Now Steve's flat chest was right up against her full and pliant tits. Each time they moved, her lovely bosom squished against his chest, and his hard nipples rubbed vigorously against hers. She could feel the heat burning in his body. His hard penis poked against her stomach with every joined movement between them, though to her surprise, this virgin boy had not climaxed yet. His moans became far more pleased and measured, completely at peace and overjoyed that he was letting a gargoyle woman peg him.

At that point, she had stopped pushing into him to observe his whimpering face lost in pleasure. Still clinging to her in a state of bliss, he had completely taken the initiative in this sexual encounter. He was completely jerking back and forth on his own to facilitate the pleasure in his anus. His balls had become swollen with lust and his movements were so strong that each time, the end of the strap on hit his sensitive prostate.

Demona looked down at the boy. He was so into this kinky sex act that his head was thrown back with his eyes closed in his belief of safe serenity while singing his sweet love cries. It was only his connection to Xanatos and the CIA that prevented him from becoming another of her victims. And now that she knew he belonged to her, it was time to make him hers forever.

She leaned forward so that her mouth was at his throat. He felt her thick hot breaths on his skin before she sank her fangs into the side of his neck. He squeaked helplessly in a nervous fit of pleasure, and she felt his hard penis rub all over her stomach. His motions became more violent and chaotic, his erection became what many humans would consider respectable, and Demona herself was even flattered that he wanted her so. Not satisfied yet, she brought both of her large hands down to his dainty ass, cupping it gently to make him feel loved and wanted, before she slowly dragged her sharp claws across the small of his back, leaving diagonal scratch marks on the skin right above his ass.

Steve had to stop his hips in shock. He had no regrets, but going this far was a bit unexpected. That didn't change how horny he was one bit, and as she held him, she started pumping into him again faster than before while still biting deep into him. He clung onto her harder than ever before in a fit of ecstasy and helplessness.

But his fire raged to the surface when he felt that much closer to an orgasm. His whole body wriggled against hers uncontrollably in a spasm of pleasure, his nipples rubbing up against hers still closed in her skimpy dress, her hands holding him close, the strap on comfortably pumping inside of his anus, and the mouth on his neck sucking on his soft skin while her tongue licked all over his neck like he was nothing but a piece of meat. It was all so good that he wrapped his arms and legs around her body tighter at that moment with all the power he had. His head was leaning on her shoulder as he moaned wildly, feeling the potent orgasm surging in his dick.

The moment he came, he screamed far louder than he intended, he didn't want to upset the monstrous beauty whose head was right beside his, but he couldn't help it. His balls tensed up and his dick shot out several powerful jets of his semen on her stomach. He was still clinging to her even when he was exerting all his energy cumming his brains out, and she made it so much worse by still pumping inside of him during the peak of his ecstasy. When he was finally spent, he let go of her, he had to. He was exhausted mind and body, not only from such a powerful orgasm but also by what an important moment it was for him.

She released the bite on his neck and licked her lips in satisfaction at the taste of his blood. She took some of his semen dripping on her stomach and onto her fingers and gingerly licked them until her hand was clean. His jizz tasted better than she expected, but then again, this boy had surprised her in so many ways.

She looked down on his weary face with an evil grin. There were two perfectly symmetrical holes in his neck where her fangs were, blood faintly leaking down onto his shoulders. His breaths were rough and his body limp, she had won over this small human child. And she intended to brand his soul now as she had marred his skin. She took the glasses off his face before she clasped his hand, the both of them holding his glasses.

She plunged her tongue into his mouth. Even after with that powerful nut, it awakened something inside of Steve as he kissed back as best he could. Though it was nothing compared to the skillful way she was using her lips and tongue, she was practically raping his mouth the same way she was still ravaging his newly deflowered asshole. He could taste his own blood and his cum on her tongue as she sucked on his face and he closed his naked eyes in sweet satisfaction. The two of them were locked together, master and slave.

Then she let him go. She restracted her wings and even though he was already lying on the seat, he missed the soft leathery feeling of her wings on his back. Today had been a most wonderful day. This child would be her eyes and ears into the workings of the CIA. The Steel Clan soldiers were nothing, stupid metal toys easily outwitted by their own incompetence, but this X Clan sounded like a whole other deal entirely. And knowing Xanatos, they may very well have new offensive capabilities.

But one door closed and another opened as the humans liked to say.

"When the time comes, I will contact you child," she said, still holding his hand.

"Yes...yes Miss D!" he said, even though her beautiful blue face was a blur to his naked eyes.

"And not a word of this to anyone."

"You got it! I won't say anything!"

"Good." She lightly kissed him on the lips one last time before she put the glasses back on his face and she left the van, flying off into the sunset. By now the sky had tipped to dusk, and only a few rays of pink and orange light remained on the horizon.

"You gonna be okay there little guy?" said the man.

"Yeah...yeah, I..."

"Let him breathe," said the driver. "I've been round the block and got all kinds of tail, but damn, Miss D is one hell of a monster, huh?"

"That...that was awesome..." Steve said, picking himself up. He got ready to go out.

"You forgot your clothes," said the man.

"Oh yeah! Right." He got his clothes, and he was suddenly aware he was still wearing a dress. But a bigger part of him simply didn't care, he was high on life from not only losing his anal virginity this night, but also to such a powerful and beautiful monster woman. No, instead right now, he wanted to wear this dress more than anything else in the world.

When he left, the driver whistled something. "Lucky little bastard."

"I'll say," said the man. "But damn, I had no idea that Miss D was..."

"So was it just me or was she way hotter as a gargoyle?"

"Fuck yeah she was mang. I heard the stories about them being a thing, I didn't want to believe it and thought it was just some weird New Yorker thing, but shit..."

"Tell you what, we have GOT to get her in for a personal session. I'm completely fucking jealous of that kid."

"And then maybe she can fuck my big ass a little bit. That kid has a bright future ahead of him."

The driver chuckled. He never thought a big guy like his friend would be the submissive type. Then again it was always the ones you least expected.


The instant Steve left the van, it drove off. Not far from Xanatos' headquarters, he didn't care about that one bit. He went to hailing a taxi, still wanting to check out the comics scene. Only for an older man with short hair and a beard to stop him. It looked like he was wearing armor with the golden emblem of an animal.

"I'm with Xanatos," he said. "It's time to go." Though he blinked at the sight of Steve in a dress.

"Aww, rats!" Steve said. He realized he was right next to the building he got into. Well at least that explains how they found me so easily, he thought, remembering Owen's cryptic phrase.

"Hey kid, you alright? What happened to you?" Wolf wasn't paying so much attention to Steve in a dress as he was to the bite marks on his neck.

"Um..." He saw the dark shape of Demona perched on the top of a bridge nearby. She was staring right at him, her glowing red eyes bearing into his soul. He got hard again at the sight of her, and he knew he couldn't reveal what happened. "Some vampire kids beat me up! And they made me wear this dress!"

"Wow kid, I've dealt with some trouble in my life, but you've got it made." Her eyes stopped glowing and then Demona's dark shape flew off into the night.

When he was back inside, Hayley and Jeff weren't far behind. The both of them were shocked seeing him like that, but for wildly different reasons. He suddenly remembered he was still in a dress.

"It's not what it looks like!" Steve said.

"Wow, that's quite a look bro," Hayley said.

"Who's that hot girl?" Jeff said.

"That's Steve you idiot!"

"Oh my bad. Sup Hayley's bro?"

"Just let me go back and change..." Steve said.

And then Francine was back. "Steve, I love the new look!" she said.

"Thanks mom...wait, you're making fun of me!"

"Oh honey, we all have our phases, and this is just one of them."

"It's really not what you think!"

Just then, Stan and Xanatos came. Stan was wearing a prototype Coyote armor model, while Xanatos himself was in his standard red Steel Clan armor. Stan had been ecstatic that his new friend was letting him wear the Coyote prototype armor.

Right before they were to set out together, Xanatos confirmed to Stan that his family was safe. In his private sanctum, he had showed them each coming back through some of the cameras he had installed in his facility, but as soon as Stan saw Steve in a dress, he immediately turned around. He completely forgot about his mission the moment he laid eyes on Steve.

But Xanatos barely noticed it. This whole escapade was an unexpected opportunity to use a CIA agent as a test subject to see if this new Coyote armor was combat approved. He knew they wouldn't pass up what seemed like a death threat from Demona or Thailog, and after volunteering his assistance to them, he knew they'd dispatch one of their own to help him. And if whatever agent they sent died in action, then he could use it as an excuse to get government funding to use towards other nefarious plans he had brewing in the works. The other tests for the Coyote androids with the limits of AI were nothing compared to human ingenuity.

And he knew that if Demona and Thailog didn't show up, then he could always pick a fight with the Quarrymen. Ever an enemy to the Manhattan Clan, he knew a stunt like that would win a feather in his cap with Goliath and Elisa Maza. The good were so easy to deceive.

"Steve, what is wrong with you?" Stan said, loud enough to snap Xanatos out of his scheming.

"Oh lay off Stan," Francine said.

"Francine, don't you have any concern on how you're raising our kids? Hayley had promise, but then she marries Jeff, and now I see Steve like this? What am I supposed to think?"

"Yeah I guess it could be worse dad," Hayley said, rolling her eyes.

"You got that right," Francine said. "Like that time Bullock turned you into a woman and you almost had sex with him because apparently you couldn't do it with me anymore."

"Come again?" Xanatos said.

"Really, it's not what it sounds like!" Stan said, wanting to save face in front of Xanatos.

"Or that time you and Roger were rolling on the ground kissing all over each other," Hayley said.

"My wife is descended from faerie creatures, I know a human woman currently in love with one of the gargoyles, and hearing that someone actually did that with an alien..." Xanatos said, shaking his head.

"They're making things up!" Stan said.

"Nyaaah! Nyaaah!" Roger's annoying sound echoed through the building as he was brought back forcefully by Hyena and Jackal. He kicked both of them back. He still knew how to surprise people with his unusually strong legs. And he still hadn't stopped doing that annoying voice either. The two bloodthirsty siblings would have given him a piece of their mind but he was so annoying that they just wanted to get away from him, and they walked away. Xanatos knew it was bad if someone was making those two want to quit.

"You made out with that?" Xanatos said, Roger's cry still echoing throughout the whole room.

"Really, your son is a normal teenage boy," Francine said. "And if you don't knock it off, you're gonna make him twice as boneheaded as you!"

"Fine. Steve...I'm sorry," Stan said. "And I'll accept whatever lifestyle changes you make in your life."

Xanatos smiled. Sometimes he wondered how he would handle raising his son when he got to that confusing stage of life. In a way, Stan just helped him avert the potential timeline where his son Alex became a revolutionary against a corrupt version of Xanatos ruling over New York.

"I swear, it's not like that!" Steve said.

"Don't worry about it Steve," Roger said, finally having stopped that annoying noise. "I wear dresses all the time and there's nothing wrong with me!"

"Fuck all you guys right now," Steve said.


But that night, as Steve slowly dozed off, content and naked under the night sky, something did happen. In his faint drowsiness, he saw two red eyes at his window, and then he woke up almost immediately when the the glass shattered. Demona's sexy dark shape sauntered into his room. He never felt more afraid than he did then.

"H-help..." Steve whimpered helplessly. Nobody responded to his cry. The X Clan soldier in his room remained motionless, and built in Xanatos' visage, it almost seemed like it was mocking him.

She slowly edged closer, until she was at the foot of his bed. She was staring right at him with her red eyes. Then, she got on top of the bed on her knees so that she was on all fours. Before he realized it, she crawled to him at an impossibly fast rate, almost like something from a horror movie, until she was right in his face.

He was aware of a sweet feeling in his anus, it almost felt like it was glowing. His dick sprang to life and he felt helpless in her arms. She gripped him tightly, he couldn't move one bit. Her voice was chanting something, it was loud and nonsensical like the hymn to some ancient sex goddess from another world and he loved every bit of it. He stared deeply into her red eyes as she continued riding him like he was her plaything.

It was at that moment that he woke up in a cold sweat. He looked outside. The window was still intact in the serene New York night sky, and there was nothing there save his robotic bodyguard. But then he suddenly became aware of an intensely satisfied feeling in his dick and his goo oozing onto his stomach.

"Man, why did that have to be a dream?"

"Steve, are you okay?" came the voice of Klaus. He looked and saw him in his fishbowl on a desk not too far away. Steve hadn't even thought about him once, he didn't realize the two of them were sharing a room together.

"Uh, yeah, s-sure..."

"That smell is so weird. It's not shit and it's not piss, it's..." Then Klaus started giggling. "Did you wet yourself Steve?"


"Don't worry about it. Xanatos is going to give me a new genetically engineered gargoyle body in exchange for telling him all the CIA info I've learned while living with your family. This fish will just be an ordinary goldfish again. But don't tell Stan or anyone else!" He started breaking out into maniacal laughter.

"Klaus, if it's a secret, you probably shouldn't have told me." Klaus abruptly stopped and sighed.

"Yeah, I...I probably shouldn't have..."

He thought back to how he lied to keep Demona safe. He could lie again. "You know what? My dad was being a jerk to me just now. Yeah, enjoy your new life Klaus."

"Aw sweet!"


When they got back to Langley Falls a week later, Steve planned a sleepover with Snot and the guys. Steve kept that dress as a souvenir and whenever he was sure he was alone, he would put it on and jack off, thinking about being pegged again. Steve never did see the Bang Bus or Demona again. Despite Stan never actually getting any action by fighting some real gargoyles and instead fighting some vigilantes who hunted them, Steve wasn't ever going to betray his beloved Miss D. He just needed to get away from his family, who he still felt was making fun of him. He was so glad none of them saw the claw marks right over his butt.

"So Steve, how was New York?" Snot said.

"The comics scene was great, don't get me wrong," Steve said. "But I got my freak on with a hot older woman! And we went all the way!"

"Really?" Snot said.

"Yeah look!" Steve said, turning around and lifting up his shirt. He narrowed his eyes in smug satisfaction and his voice deepened. "She branded me, made me hers."

"Steve, that's a tramp stamp," Snot said. "Only girls have those."

"My mom is a tramp!" Barry said.

"No, she had claws, she was a gargoyle!" Steve said. He smiled. "And she said I'm her servant now..."

"I don't judge your lifestyle choices Steve, but it's not for me okay?" Snot said. "Now let's watch this cool hentai Toshi brought over." He showed him the box cover and it had a dark imposing shape with red eyes under a looming night sky, over an anime schoolgirl with big tits.

"Oh wow," Steve said. He couldn't help but be reminded of Demona, and he started getting hard almost immediately.

It didn't go unnoticed by the other guys. "Steve put something in his pants!" Barry said.

"See, now that's what you should like," Snot said. "A hot anime girl getting probed by a whole bunch of tentacles."

"Yeah sure, that's it," Steve said, still getting hard for the dark monster over the anime girl. He suddenly realized he was never gonna be the same again.
