
Nourish Yang Energy ——2

Eunuch Li immediately turned on his heels and then rushed out but even then he did not go far from the bed chambers, instead, he waited for the action to take place inside the room. After all, this matter was heavily related to the future of this country! He couldn't deal with this matter so lightly! 

" My Queen," Zhai Tianyu turned to look at Liu Hui Ying who was frowning but she turned to look at him when he called her name. 

" Whats the matter?" She asked with a tilt of her head, though she was confused as to why Eunuch Li ran with all his might. She did not question it as it did not concern her and thus turned to look at Zhai Tianyu before saying, " Should I feed you now?" 

Zhai Tianyu looked at Liu Hui Ying who was acting as if nothing was wrong and then blinked his eyes before asking, " My queen, do you not understand what happened just now?" 
