
Thrust thrust —-2

Zhai Tianyu sneezed while he was sitting in his carriage, he sniffed and a little frown decorated his face as he took out a handkerchief to wipe his nose but as he raised his hand to get the handkerchief out of his pocket, he saw another, white handkerchief that had a delicate flower embroidered on it in front of him. 

He raised his head and looked at Ji Yu who was sitting opposite him, she saw that he was frowning at her actions and sighed before saying, "It's just a handkerchief, your majesty. I don't think that just because you took my handkerchief and wiped your nose with it, the Queen will question your virtue." She paused and added,  " Not that she should, she is the queen and should always be magnanimous when it comes to her husband and his bedroom affairs." 
