
The Queen was behind it ?

Zhai Tianyu has seen Liu Dong Ming's skills and he has to admit that the man was really smart, in just a few words not only did he save his reputation, but he also made use of this opportunity to uplift the position of Liu Fei Fei in the eyes of others. For a man to not even let go of something so small, it would be terrifying to realise just how scarily fast his mind worked.

" Ah, that's right, that's right," Zhai Tianyu did not know why Liu Dong Ming did not make use of his small lapse in attention to do something other than use it for Liu Fei Fei who was already dead, as far as he knew Liu Dong Ming did not care about Liu Fei Fei at all, he has never even spent some time with Liu Fei Fei after she was sent to his family. 

Did he do it because he wanted to help him? Or was this an act of a little bit of kindness for Liu Fei Fei who lost her life? 
