
Prove that you are a man

" What nonsense are you talking about?" As soon as Liu Hui Ying's words fell, the entire tea room got drowned in a wave of silence, no one said a word, even Yu Lingyun who never shut up felt like he has lost the ability to talk, he turned to look at Scholar Wei along with Zhai Tianyu and Zhai Heng who too turned their gazes slowly towards Scholar Wei who has jumped up from his seat, no one spoke anything until Scholar Wei who was in a daze snapped out and jumped up from his seat. 

He was like a cat whose tail has been stepped on because he glared at Liu Hui Ying with eyes that no longer held their usual grace, instead of those gentle glimmers that shone in his eyes, they were flickering with a wild energy that made him look almost maniacal. " What kind of joke is this?" He shouted with an enraged voice while his eyes drilled into Liu Hui Ying's. " Do you think this is fun? Questioning the masculinity of a man? A scholar with pride?" 
