
Chapter 3: The Market and The Letter

After walking an hour or so we arrived at the market looking for some items to aid us in hunting some demon beasts. Looking around you can see peddlers of all kinds including armour, weapons, herbs, potions and battle scrolls but not just limited to practioners as there is a large amount of items for the common folk.

We pass by a peddler trying to sell a piece of armour to these young and inexperienced nobles children, we stop to talk about the expensive equipment and before it actually gets anywhere it stop because Nie Lie starts staring at Ye Zi Yun.

"Very good, I'm lacking a pair of Bronze rank gauntlets, wrap this up for me!" the weasel cried*cough* Shen Yue cried. I apologies for the blood, bit of a bad cough.

"Yes young master! Right away!" the peddler replied with more vigour than a Gold class Whore from Madam Yang's 'palace.' 'I' delivered packages, parcels and mail everywhere and sometimes there is one for the 'palace' staff.

"Here is the sixty thousand demon spirit coins" said Shen Yue, trying but failing to earn Ye Zi Yun's favour.

While this is going on Du Ze and Lu Piao are freaking out at the fact that Shen Yue has a seemingly large interspatial ring and at how he 'wasted' 60 thousand demon spirit coins as if it was pocket change. Du Ze further goes on to complement his looks, wealth and that Nie Lie should give up if that's what he's up against.

However Nie Lie merely laughs it off saying how Ye Zi Yun won't fall for this kind of 'wastrel' act and that all she wants is to become friends with her old friend Xiao Ning'er. Further expanding upon to explain that her status would only push her friend further away.

Finally we get back on track and Nie Lie grants us his grand plan and wht it is we must all get.

"Lu Piao go and get us 2 crossbows and 5 hundred bolts. The crossbows will cost at most 6 hundred each with the bolts cost 3 hundred more so don't get cheated" said Nie Lie. "We will meet up at the training grounds later."

"Nie Lie have you bought them before? You are so clear on the prices" spoke Lu Piao.

Nie Lie says nothing but I remember the early bits of the manga so I know what he is saying. Also I have know realized I have a complete and perfect memory and it's strange I haven't realized until know, stuff to think on.

"Du Ze we will go buy black pool grass."

"Ye Xing you can..."

"I'm gonna go buy some of my own stuff so you guy's go on a head. I'll meet you at the training ground later" I cut him off so I can go get my own material's.

"...ok then" Nie Lie replied at a loss for words at my actions.

We all soon walk off and I go down an alley on my right and go right for a few blocks before I arrive at a pawn shop named 'Stuff and Stuff's.' I open the door and I am greeted to the snoring old face of a man I know as Old Zhou.

I close the door with a bit of force to wake the old coot up as he has poor hearing or so he says. Startling him awake I step to the side as he threw a metal ball into the door leaving splinters and a tennis ball sized hole in the door.

"Good afternoon to you to Old Zhou" I reply to the 'attack' after looking at the carnage on the other side of the door for a couple of seconds. Let's just say he wasn't too impressed with my reply.

"What do you want kid?" he askes while he searches the floor behind his desk. Now that I've had a better look at the the shop it's quite cramped. On my right there is a rack of clothes above a shelf of boots. On my left is a rack of weapons ranging from an axe to an arming sword to a spear and finally a Glaive. Further on is 2 standing suits of armour and shields all over the walls up some 15ft. The desk is littered with loose pages and a thick old book which I know from experience is the store accounts ledger.

"I would like to make a trade Old Zhou and it's worth your wile I assure you."

"Alright what is the trade for?" replied Old Zhou after he found his glasses on the underside desktop, wipes them then he proceeds to places them on his nose.

"I have a piece of information pertaining to a turncoat in Madam Yang's staff."

"I'm interested, go on."

"First I want 3 Bronze rank demon spirits, 25 unused scrolls and 1kg of Cold Iron."

"What do you want all of that for kid?" Old Zhou enquires but it's futile and he knows that as well.

"My business is my business" I reply as I always have when dealing with him.

He grumbles a bit but nonetheless go into the back to fetch what I asked for and while he has go to do that I grab a scroll book from the shelf right behind me and I replace it with a scroll book I copied some time a go. He returns moments later with what I asked for. I turn around, fish into an inside chest pocket and pull out a rolled up scroll.

"This is for you" I say, reaching for the bag of goodies, while holding out the scroll. The old man takes the scroll, quickly skims through the top half then looks back at me.

"Is this true?" he asks.

The shock visible on his on his pale face. As the realization truly sets in he starts sweating in horror.

"Yes, what you have read is all true but think about the good side! She'll forever be in your debt so enjoy all the whores you want and please don't give it to the guards." I can't stress it enough that he doesn't hand it over as it pertains to the Dark Guild holding 3 of the 5 chairs at her gangs table the 'Crimson Wolves' an inheritance from her late 3rd Husband. I know he won't hand it over but I have to at least take the curtesy to ask it of him.

"Go, go!" he shews me away as he puts on a robe, large straw hat, picks up his walking stick and locks up be hind me before rushing of.

I sling my prize over my shoulder and walk back to the dorms.


Back in my dorm I place my unused scrolls to the left most end of my table with my ink in the top most right corner. I pull out a ring on a cord around my neck. I close my eyes and send in some soul power to fish out a letter from the inside. Letting the ring rest on my chest I tear open the letter and it reads.


Dear Ye Xing.

If you are reading this then not only have I left but I'm not sure when I will be back. Seeing as you have got this letter then you must have more than 50 soul force by now.

Knowing this would all happen eventually I have left behind for you 2 Bronze rank demon spirits, the harmony pen, 50 unused scrolls, 5 soul crystals and last but not least this ring of course.

As for your continued training I have left behind Inscriptions all the way up to Black Gold rank for you to study and for your Alchemy you must join the Alchemy Association and reach Senior Alchemist before I come back.

I have also left a map on the other side of this letter. This map is for Ancient Orchid city, it has the location of Dark Guild cache's and and area I previously found to hold an inheritance. Unfortunately I was to old to get through the last barrier but you should be young enough to meet the threshold.

I will miss you my boy.

Good Bye.

