
Campfire Talk [2]

"I expected that, so I have to explain what Dryads are first." Trewy started talking and Nemu immediately knew that this would be a great story! "About 2000 years ago, there were 12 great trees in the heart of the Jura Forest. The roots of the trees were far deeper in the earth than any other tree and the net spanned most of the forest. And after a long time, these trees began to gain awareness. And one day, the fairy queen came to the forest and talked to the trees. The fairy queen didn't live in the forest but she wanted to protect it. Simply because it's worth protecting. So before she left, she gave names to the 12 trees. And the trees became stronger, the roots thicker and their perception of the forest better. The fairy queen left with an order. Protect the forest. And so, after another unknown period of time, the trees were able to create bodies for them. That's what you know as a Dryad. Actually, we are trees. Since then we were known as the guardians. However, we don't have an eternal life. Every 300 to 400 years, the trees drop a seed. And the seed will grow another tree. But its not just a simple seed. There is a soul in it. And with the soul, also a name. Thats what we are. 12 years ago, I dropped my seed. And with that, I also lost my memory. We call every life a circle. Since then I have lived in the Dryads grove. Most dryads don't leave the grove until they reach adulthood. For Dryads, that's about 50 years old. That's also the age we are getting powerful. My sisters thought that it would be reckless to leave the grove before, but since they knew my last circle, they knew they wouldn't stop me. In every circle I'm always the first Dryad to leave the grove in an early age. Also," She began grinning and throwing light punches in the air. "I'm the most powerful Dryad! Well, at least I was in my last circles. Treyni is our... Hmm, you would probably call it a leader. Than we have a Dryad who is the guardian of our grove, she barely leaves it. In her current circle, she hasn't left the grove once. And she is already almost 200 years old! I really don't understand that. So back to your question. I'm about 2000 years old but I'm living in my current circle for 12 years now."

Nemu knew that he just heard a story only a very few people ever heard about. No... Maybe nobody knows about the Dryads origin but the Dryads themselves. Was he even supposed to know it? Nemu guessed that there was no point in making it a secret, but still... Well, his new book just became way more interesting! Maybe it goes viral. However, it was time for another try.

"Hmm, so you are pretty old?"

"I'm not old! I'm young!" Trewy got angry. Nice! It worked!

"2000 years is pretty old for me. Don't you agree?" Nemu asked mockingly

"In my current circle I'm 12 years old!" Trewy was in the defense.

"You know that slimes don't really die but split, right? Since there is nothing known about the slime origin I might be older than you." The slime origin? Nemu had read a few books about slimes. Actually, it was just some notes since there wasn't anything important. Nobody really cared about them since they were just... there. Without a purpose, or so they thought. Nemu decided to add the slime origin to his list. Unknowing for him, he just added a point on his list, that should not only change the life of slimes, but it will reveal one of the world's greatest mysteries. However, he wouldn't find that out until his last adventure.

"Okay, okay. I get it. You aren't a baby and I won't make fun of your age again!" Trewy was honest. When she said she won't make fun of her Absorption Skill again, Nemu didn't believe her. But now, he was sure that she won't make fun of his age again. Puh, he felt like he just dodged a bullet.

The sun was already gone behind the river. Trewy kicked a stick in the fire that was lying to her feet. Fire is truly magical, they thought, not like real magic, but you can just look into a campfire and hours pass without even noticing. The only sound, the crackling of the flames. It was late. Already time to sleep, but the exhaustion from the day was still in their bones. Not that kind of exhaustion that makes you tired, more like a mental exhaustion that makes you think.

After a while, Nemu broke the silence. "The vines, you used in the prison, is that a skill?"

"It's not a skill." She shook her head. "Dryads are able to control the nature. But only in the forest."

She let some vines grow right near them. However, this time they were growing a lot faster than in the demon castle.

"In the castle, there was a lot of demonic energy and the spirit of the forest was weakened. That's why my magic wasn't able to hold the demon for a longer time. I'm glad that the demons arent there anymore. It's different in Tempest. The spirit of the forest is still as strong as before. The energy..." She thought about how she should explain it. "It's clean, without any ill intent. However, the demonic energy was destructive. Almost evil."

"What else can you do?" Nemu looked at the vines. He was fascinated. Dryads were like spirits. They don't use magic but control nature itself. A very interesting ability. And it looked even more impressive because Dryads had another ability. Whatever they do, there is this elegance in it. Not only when they show their skills. It's everything. How they talk, how they walk, even when they breathe it's somehow elegant. But he will definitely keep that for himself. "What else can you do?"

"Oh!" Trewy stood up with a smile. "I have another cool ability! I learned this shortly before I arrived in Tempest. It's still pretty weak and I need to concentrate on it. My sisters can move like this through the entire forest!"

She looked at a place in the distance and then, she suddenly disappeared. Like she was connecting herself to the ground. And after a second she reappeared in the distance. Waving at Nemu with a smile before she started slowly walking back to the campfire. Nemu looked at her with big eyes. Or he would have done it, if he had eyes. That was actually cool!

"I'm moving through the roots in the ground. It's not teleportation and depending on the distance it takes more time. The roots on the island were corrupted, so I couldn't use it there." Trewy explained.

Nemu really wanted to have something like that. Maybe there is a skill he could learn? But that's something for later! He already decided that he will make some research about skills and abilities after he returned to Tempest. Most people there were pretty strong. Unfortunately, they don't talk about their skills openly. It's an unspoken rule, simply because it could be used against them. But there are always exceptions and he was pretty sure to find someone who would tell him about some skills. Nemu wondered how many skills Rimuru had. But he wouldn't ask him. When he found out about Raphael he had to promise that he wouldn't tell anyone about her. How is she even a skill? She is able to talk and Nemu was pretty sure she even had a personality. He should respect his skills. Especially Guide. Maybe he is like Raphael or will become like her.

Trewy laughed. She could see that Nemu also wanted to be able to do something like that. Unfortunately for him, only Dryads can do it. Actually, Trewy was still feeling bad because she couldn't control her abilities properly. It's such a shame that it will take her a long time until she has her power back. The patencie her sisters had... She didn't have it. Trewy always wondered how she was in her last circle. Treyni told her that most Dryads turn out to be the same. The personality doesn't change too much. However, her current circle was different from all the others. In the past thousand years the forest had barely changed. It was always protected by Veldora. More by his name, than by his presence. Even after he disappeared he was still protecting the forest with his name and presence. Ironically, him being known as a calamity was a blessing for the Jura Forest. But everything changed now. With the appearance of Tempest and Rimuru, it's the first time there are big changes in a short amount of time. And without a doubt, the Forest will change even more in the future. For Trewy, Nemu and his journey changed a lot. Something she hasn't had in her last circle. Gathering new experiences, meeting new people and major changes in the forest. Maybe her current circle will be different. And make her a different person. Trewy liked the idea of a new and unique Trewy. She will definitely continue her journey, she decided.

Lost in thoughts and looking at the fire she was thinking about the future. Sometimes she stood up and threw some of the dried wood they had gathered before in the fire. By now, it was already dark and a few times her eyes were about to close.

"Where are we going next?" Trewy asked. She was very happy that Nemu already planned the journey. More or less. Before she arrived in Tempest she thought that they will just walk through the forest without a plan. But that could soon become boring.

"To the rabbit tribe!" Nemu answered. He was also already sleepy, but his journey was important for him and he was immediately fully awake again. "It's been about a week from here. We could go faster, but I don't want to. There are still many mysterious out there and I want to see them all!"

Trewy laughed. It made her happy to see Nemu excited. They both knew how large the forest was. And even in a hundred years they wouldn't be able to see everything. But she understood what he meant. He didn't want to take any shortcuts. The way is the goal. Also there was no need to hurry. So she just nodded. And now...

"We should sleep now."

And Nemu, tried as he was, made a mistake. He nodded. But like before, his slime body just wobbled. However, as their eyes met, she laughed again.

Nemu puffed. Without saying another word he took the tent, he picked up again from the castle, from his dimensional space.

"Don't say it!" He knew what was about to happen.

"Ew..." Trewy smiled.

"Hey, you promised to not make fun of it again!"
