
Tour de Tempest

'Mmh? 'Where am I?'

Nemu woke up late today, usually he leaves his hiding place with the sunrise. But today was different. The sun was already shining, giving him a nice warm feeling, as the sun rays shone on his wobbly body. Only then, Nemu began to remember back and was immediately fully awake.

'Ah, I've met a slime person, now I have a name and I'm in Tempest!' He summarized, but still wasn't sure if all of that happened or was it just a weird dream?

No, it has to be true as he was looking around. The sun was shining through a window. Yesterday he didn't even know what a window was. And now, 'Ah, yes! My own room.' He looked around and it still felt quite unfamiliar but he will get used to it he decided. A red slime with a room. He thought about this. His fellow red slimes often live in caves, but he couldn't compare it. So, he was probably the first red slime with his own room. Rimuru probably also has a room! He should ask him later. But yesterday he said that he is going to be busy today, so better not annoy him.

There were a lot of sounds behind his door. Seems like there are many people living here and they are quite busy. There was this insecurity in his mind. Besides being already sure that there aren't any bad people here. Most slimes live in solitude. While there are groups of blue slimes who find someone together. It was different for red slimes. Sometimes they meet and sometimes they even stay together, but that was rather rare. And now Nemu was in a house with many different races. If it wasn't about his curiosity and his plan to see as many things as possible, he would have probably stayed in his room. But no! His curiosity won. So he decided to go outside.

As he pushed open the door, he suddenly felt strange. Yesterday, when he got his name he felt this immense boost of power. It seems like he became a lot stronger. He wasn't sure if he could have opened the door yesterday. Commonly known as the weakest creatures, they were actually really weak. Even breaking a stick was almost impossible for them, as their slimy body would just lie on them. Pushing a door open? Impossible. Nemu now wanted to practice some stuff. Like how high he can jump! He will definitely try it! Rimuru said that he wanted more slimes in Tempest. He should tell him later when he next sees him.

Now Nemu stood on the first floor and was looking in the big room under him. It's the same room they arrived in yesterday when they entered this house. But there were many people now. Nemu scanned everything. Most of the people were goblins, but there were also Lizardmen, Orcs and... a human? He didn't expect to see any humans here and flinched. There were two rules for red slimes. Avoid wolves. Avoid humans. Only after he remembered Ranga he was ashamed. 'Don't judge a book by its cover!' It's really hard to get rid of bad habits.

Lost in thought, he didn't realize that there was someone else watching him. There was a smaller figure right next to him. With a long beard and a curious expression. "A red slime? I didnt even they exist." He said in a deep but friendly voice.

Now Nemu also took notice of him. Another human? But he is small.

[That's a dwarf. They are from the kingdom of Dwargon and are considered as a subrace of humans. They are generally more friendly towards all kinds of creatures.] Guide said.

'Oh thanks, Guide!' Reliable as always.

"Hello, I'm Nemu." Nemu politely introduced himself. It still felt unfamiliar for him as before yesterday, he didn't even know what a name is.

'Oh!' The dwarf was surprised. And laughed shortly after.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to talk. And you even have a name! Everytime I think I'm used to this place and all its surprises there is something new. Hello Nemu, my name is Kaijin. I haven't seen you here before."

"I... just came here yesterday night." Nemu answered.

"Oh! So you haven't even seen the city yet."

"Yes, I'm about to go out. Yesterday I arrived here with Rimuru but he is busy today, I think. So I'll just be adventuring by myself." Nemu said.

"You came with Rimuru-sama?" The dwarf stroked his long beard. "Well, that explains a lot. I guess he also gave you your name, am I right?"

"Yes and he said he will bring more slimes to Tempest."

Kaijin let out a laugh. "Yea, that's exactly what I expected from him. I just finished my business here and have some free time. Do you want me to show the town?"

'Mmh' Nemu thought. His initial plan was to go alone. He has always been alone and found out everything by himself. But he decided that he would really like to have someone showing him everything. From last night, he remembered that the town must be pretty big. He guessed that someone who actually knew the place would be very helpful. So he agreed!

Before they even left the house Nemu noticed that a lot of people were looking at him. He wondered why they were looking? Because he was red? Suddenly he thought about something. Why if he were a blue slime... Apparently other races think that all slimes look similar. That isn't true. All slimes look different, and for other slimes it was easy to tell. But if he was a blue slime... A lot of people would think that he might be Rimuru. 'Puh.'

Kajin also saw the glances. "They will get used to you, don't worry. It's just that besides Rimuru, there aren't any slimes in Tempest and well... You're red. But that's nothing. The last time Rimuru came back with someone, it was a dragon..."


[Dragons are considered as calamities and arguably the strongest lifeforms on this planet.]

"Wow, can we see this dragon?" Nemu got very excited.

"I... don't think he wants to be an attraction. You might meet him someday, but I don't want to get in trouble." Kaijin said. It seemed like he was a little afraid.

Nemu already knew where this dragon was after Guide finished the explanation. As a slime he has a very high mana perception. Even regressing the aura wasn't something a slime couldn't look through. That was besides Rimuru and Diablo. The only monsters he has ever seen he couldn't even predict their power. Their control must be on a different level. However, the person behind the house couldn't control his aura like that. Even with all these monsters in the town his aura stood tall like a mountain between them. Nemu decided to meet him soon. But first, the town tour!

As soon as they arrived on the street in front of the house, Nemu was shocked. He expected many people. But not this many. There were hundreds of people, of all races, some of them unknown to him. And they were talking or running around hurriedly. Some of them carry packages or large objects. There was a huge orc and he was carrying several big wood logs. It was something Nemu would have never imagined. It was like an endless stream of water but with people. Even just standing here and looking at the whole day wouldn't be boring for him. After all, the most people he has seen before in a group before was in a goblin village. And there were about fifty of them. This was something else.

Kaijin didn't interrupt him. He probably knew how Nemu must feel. Even for him it's still weird sometimes. So many races in one place and everything was peaceful.

"That's Tempest. Rimurus town. A few month ago there was nothing here but a goblin village. He brought all the people here together. Without him, this place wouldn't exist." He explained.

"So, he is an amazing slime person." Nemu admitted.

Kaijin laughed out loud again. "He surely is. I wouldnt believe it if someone would have told me that a slime can build something like that. No, not even a slime. Nobody could have done it."

Nemu looked at Kaijin. He spoke very reverently of him. Do all the people think about him like that? That would explain how all the monsters were reacting differently to slimes, even outside of Tempest.

Kaijin didn't stop praising him here. He told his entire story, how they met, what they did together, even something about that he is a demon lord now. Rimuru told him the same yesterday, so it's probably something amazing. Maybe he can become a demon lord as well? He put that on his list.

But what shocked him the most was that Rimuru was actually a human in a past life... And he came from a different world. Nemu barely knew that there was something outside the forest, but different worlds? He was about to add that on his list, but decided that he shouldn't exaggerate it so might get disappointed.

As they started walking through the town, Nemu noticed that several people were looking at him. But he couldn't blame them. It was the same for him. He saw many different races he hadn't seen before. Fortunately, Kaijin was patient and answered everything. He could have asked Guide but Kaijin explained it more excitingly. There were many beastmen here. And they all looked different! He even saw a rabbit girl. Apparently there is a rabbit village in the forest. He decided to visit the place soon. Maybe it's going to be his first adventure? No, he was already on his first adventure. Maybe even his second if he considered his way to Tempest. But he wanted to see more.

After a long walk and many new impressions they arrived in front of a house. Kaijin told Nemu that this is his working place and he wanted to show him what it's like. Honestly, Nemu didn't like it too much. It was very hot and there was ash everywhere. The place was a smith. Kaijin and his colleagues were forging stuff for Tempest there. Kaijin showed him some of his greatest works. He even found out that Kaijin built the chandelier Nemu was amazed by when they first entered the house. Also the place wasn't nice for him, what they did here was amazing. Nemu found out that Kaijin was supposed to work today but took his day off so he can show Nemu around. What a nice dwarf. The other dwarves here were also very nice. The kingdom of Dwargon, they came from, right? He decided to visit that place!

They met many more people that day. Even talked to some of them. And they were all shocked when Nemu talked back to them. None of them had ever seen a red slime. But they were also very polite and nice to him. He even saw a young elf girl with long ears. She looked very cute.

Later the day he had seen so many things that he was sure he would get lost if he goes out again but fortunately,

[I am able to create maps of all places you have visited so far.] Guide said.

'Oh, so you can create a map of Tempest?'


'How do I look at them?' Nemu asked curiously.

[You can open them in your mind.] At that moment a card of Tempest appeared in front of his vision. A red dot marked his current place. There were even some points on the map, marking places he had visited before. Like the big house, the smithy and other places he liked. [You can also print them on paper. If you absorb paper and ink with your skill {Absorption} I'm able to create them.]

Guide was helpful before, but this was something else for Nemu! He wouldn't get lost in Tempest and his adventurers! He could always find out where he currently was. The perfect skill for him!

Kaijin was really nice. He took so much time and patiently explained a lot of things Nemu hadn't heard about. And that was a lot. The most confusing part was money. He didn't understand the system of currencies at first and it felt like it became more and more complex as Kaijin tried to explain everything. But in the end, Nemu understood how it's used and why it's necessary.

When the sun was the highest, Kaijin asked him if he wanted to eat something. Immediately regretting his question. Well, Nemu was still a slime and they didn't have to eat. No, they cant even eat. But Kaijin had to eat. So they went to a place and Kaijin ordered something that he called Ramen. It looked really good and Nemu would have loved to try it. Unfortunately, he can't eat. He might find a solution some day. Add that to my list!

And before they even knew, the sun was about to set. Nemu remembered the last day and if he wouldn't have joined Rimuru yesterday he might have been still a meadow, watching the sunset. Maybe Rimuru is there again. Nemu was lost in thoughts. He can't teleport so he had to find a nice place in Tempest for the sunset. He decided that this will be tomorrow's plan. And he wanted to see the dragon. He must be impressive. But for now, it's time to go home. Home? Such a weird word, it still doesn't feel right to call it that. But maybe, some day, he will build his own home like Rimuru built this town.
